Iowa Old Press

Burlington Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
March 1, 1877

Postoffice Changes
Special Dispatch to the Hawk-Eye
    Washington, Feb. 24- The following are the postoffice changes in Iowa, during the week ending February 24, 1877: Established-McDill, Cass county, Enoe Sayers, postmaster; Sageville, Dubuque county, John Behlmeyer, postmaster. Postmasters appointed - Cold Water, Franklin county, John H. Lockwood; Lima, Fayette county, P.H. Durfey; Woodburn, Clarke county, James Hummiston.


Hard to Believe
But it Is a Solemn Fact None the Less
    Charlie Mull, who lives on Sixth street, just south of Demling's grocery, was the owner of a water cart to which he drove a horse that was rather stubborn on some occasions. The barn is situated the rear end of the lot and right on the edge of the quarry, which is blasted out until there is a sheer perpendicular precipice somewhere between thirty and fifty feet down. Day before yesterday Charlie went out to harness up his steed who didn't relish the job and began to buck. Charlie persisted and the horse kept bucking, until suddenly water cart and horse both went backward over the edge of the rock and down to the rocky bed below. Near the bottom the cart struck a ledge of jutting rock and smashed literally into fragments, throwing the horse over the ledge onto the rocks below. He arose sans cart, sans harness and with much sung froid walked leisurely out of the quarry and across Division street as though that was his usual route down the hill. Mull had him at work yesterday apparently as sound as a dollar.

But Just to Say
    It is but just to say that the firm of Steele & Price were the first to place in the market articles for culinary purposes that are strictly pure and wholesome. Their Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder has obtained its popularity and extended sale by the purity of the materials.

In Union Township
    Editor HAWK-EYE: Mr. Wm. Hunt, a farmer living about two miles southwest from Burlington, went to his pasture a few evenings since after some of his stock, and was attracted, by what apparently seemed to him to be a human being a short distance from him in some tall grass and brush; upon approaching the spot, to his great horror, it proved to be a large panther, and which gave chase to his retreating form, but he managed to keep the animal at bay whilst calling for his dog, which soon appeared and frightened the animal away, and Mr. H. returned to his house a badly frightened man.
Our Cancer Treatment
     After many years of study and experiment, a preparation has been discovered which we have used in numerous cases with unvarying success. For years we have not lost a single case, nor have our patients had any symptoms of a return of the disease. Cancer is a disease in which personal treatment is absolutely necessary. Usually a visit of two or three weeks to our room suffices for a cure. Drs. Lengel & Yearick, office No. 111 1/2 Main street, Burlington, Iowa.

The Circuit Court
Orders Entered During the Week
     IN the court report of last week by omission it appeared that the final report in the estate of John H. Armstrong, deceased, has been approved. It was that final report of the special administrator that had been approved.
     Frederick Wehmer, a native of Saxony, was naturalized Thursday.
     Alois Stably, of Alsace, was made an American citizen in due form on Friday.
     John H. Brower, a native of Germany was naturalised Saturday.
     During the week the following orders were entered in

     The will of Sarah F. Branagan, deceased, was read and set for hearing of proof May 8.
     The will of Sarah J. Branagan, deceased, was read and a time was fixed for hearing proof.
     Sarah H. Garman was appointed guardian of John H. and Grace A. Garman, heirs of John H. Armstrong, deceased.
     James W. Baird was appointed executor of the will and estate of James Baird, deceased.
     Miles M. Miller was appointed administrator of the estate of John S. Miller, deceased.
     John Burkholder was appointed administrator de bonis non of the estate of John Galvin, deceased.

221. Mellinger and Forney against H. Helmuth and others. Action for rent. A motion to strike out the fourth count to amended petition was sustained.
1645. J.E. Lalor against T.W. Barhydt & Co and others, garnishees. Garnishment, J.M. Howard appointed commissioner to take answer of garnishees.
1662. Martha A. Bishop and others against Edwin Knowles, guardian. In chancery to quiet title. Demurrer to petition sustained. Plaintiff excepts and takes leave to amend.
1238. People's National bank of Rock Island against Jonathan Turner. Attachment. Motion for more specific statement in counter claim sustained.
1074. United States Rolling Stock Company against Orrin W. Potter, administrator. Action on contract. Defendant excepts and takes leave to answer by this (Friday) morning.
221. Mellinger and Forney against H. Helmuth and others. Action for rent. This is now the first case on the docket and will be the first one on the docket next term. Plaintiff was granted leave to amend yesterday. Defendants allege that they were surprised by the amendment, and the cause was continued at plaintiff's cost.
1286. N.A. Thuleen against Hubert Wiliem. Injunction. Demurrer overruled.
1037. Mary E. Clark against William R. Finch and others. Action on note. By consent the order dismissing was vacated and the cause was reinstated.
1041. S. & J.C. Atlee against Orrin W. Potter, administrator of E.B. Ward. Action on notes, etc. Defendant demurrer to the petition overruled. Defendant excepts.
1129. James Turner against Orrin W. Potter, administrator of E.B. Ward. Acton on note. Defendants demurrer overruled. Defendant excepts.
1138. D.W. Ferguson against Orrin W. Potter, administrator of E.B. Ward. Action for damages. Plaintiff claims from Ward as lessee of the Burlington and Southwestern railway. Defendants answer that Ward was a trustee under the instrument of agreement and not lessee and set out the instrument. Plaintiff demurs to the answer, and claims the the instrument is a lease. Demurrer sustained. Defendant excepts. Power & Astrobus for plaintiff. Trimble & Huston for defendants.

1251. David Wilson and others, against Moses Wilson and others. Partition. Decree granted.
1872. N.C. Bolsinger against Emma Bolsinger and others. In chancery for divorce and to set aside deed. Dodge & Dodge solicitors for petition. Decree granted.
1374. Magdalena Jensen against Thomas Jensen. In chancery for divorce. Trulock & Illick solicitors for petitioner. Decree of divorce granted.

1437. Milton Barnes against Gideon Hale and John Talbot, security. Appeal. Judgment affirmed against principal and sureties.
818. R. Kohnemann against A.G. Adams and others, garnishees. Garnishment. Kelly for plaintiff; Hall & Baldwin for the defence. Judgment against J.W. Barnes, garnishee, for $36.30. Case continued as to other garnishees. Leave granted to substitute Olga Kohnemann as plaintiff.
907. J.E. Lalor against the Burlington and Southwestern Railway company. Action on account for services. Hon. P.H. Smythe for defendant. Judgment for plaintiff.
1018. City of Burlington against Wardens and vestry of Christ church and others. Action for special taxes. S.K. Tracy for the city, Smyth, Mackey and Poor for the defendants. Judgment by arrangement against James Clark with a lien on lot 679 for $123. Court refused trial by jury. Defendants except.

were entered in the following cases:
1392. Elizabeth O. Walker against H.V. Ouignon, and others. Action on notes. Judgment entered. George O. Lane, plaintiff's attorney.
1396. Edward Pickup against Herman Courts and others. Foreclosure. Decree granted. George O. Lane, attorney for petitioner.
1396. Merchants' National bank against Stephen Long and others. Action on notes. Judgment entered. Clerk assess. P.H. Smythe for plaintiff.
1366. Rand & Carson against J.B. Davis and others. Foreclosure of mechanic's lien. Blake & Hammock solicitors for petitioners. Default taken and decree granted.
1407. Iowa State Savings Bank against Conrad Seitz and wife. Foreclosure. Power and Antrobus solicitors for petitioner. Default taken and decree granted.
1441. D.M. Hammack against the Gazette printing company and Louis Melius. Action on note. E.S. Husten plaintiff's attorney. Defendants defaulted. Judgment for plaintiff. Clerk assess.

1435. John A. Brooks against William Tieman, appellant, and W.H. Shaw, security. Appeal. hall & Baldwin plaintiff's attorneys. Blake & Hammock for defendants. Judgment of the court below affirmed under the rule.
1436. Chris Osterberg against John S. David, appellant, and H.W. Starr, security. Appeal. Hall & Baldwin for plaintiff. Power & Antrobus for defendants. Judgment of the court below affirmed under the rule.

62. Phoenix Insurance company against Charles Otto Dankwardt. In chancery to establish lien. Blake & Hammack for the plaintiff; Guelich, Stutsman & Trulock and J. & S.K. Tracy for the defendant. This is the oldest case on the docket. It went to trial before the court on Wednesday. Yesterday the defendant pleaded the statute of limitation in bar of the action, and the demurrer of the plaintiff to the plea was overruled and the case was dismissed.
1803. Malinda Wilson against Oliver Hall, administrator. Action on account, etc. Trulock & Illick for plaintiff. Tracys for defendant. Dismissed without prejudice at plaintiff's cost.
1299. Benwood Iron Works against Nelson & Co and others. Action on note. Hedge for plaintiff. Tracys for defendants. Dismissed by plaintiff at plaintiff's costs.
1314. Burlinton and Northwestern Railway company against John S. David. Action on subscription. Hedge for plaintiff. Power & Atrobus for defendant. Settled and dismissed.

The following appears on the docket as of yesterday:
1071. John S. David against Humboldt insurance company. Action on policy. Power and Antrobus, for plaintiff; Chas. H. Phelps for the defendant. This case was tried at the last term resulting in a verdict for the plaintiff. A motion for a new trial was made by the plaintiff and the cause continued. Yesterday the affidavit of the juror was stricken from the files, and the motion for a new trial was overruled. Plaintiff excepts.
1147. Jacob Awalt against Orrin W. Potter, administrator. Action on note and account. Leave granted plaintiff to file amended petition.
1247. J.P. Campbell and others against George Beck. Action on contract. Leave granted to file amendment to petition.
1383. H.H. Neimeyer against Lewis Dewein. Action on notes. Leave granted to verify petition.

1105. J.V. Bean against T.W. Barhydt and others garnishees. Garnishment. Trulock for plaintiff. Blake and Hammack for defendants.
1290. Humphrey Crawford against A. L. Danield and wife. Action on account. Whitley for plaintiff.
1322. Moneka Mochu against Imperial Fire insurance company. Action on policy. Hall & Baldwin for the plaintiff, Power & Antrobus for the defendant.
1357. James A. Guest against A.W. Monfort. Attachment. Whiteley for plaintiff.
1419. Wolff & Lorens against Wm. B. Lawrence. Action on account. Whiteley for plaintiff.

The following orders were entered Tuesday.
The will of William B. Ewing, deceased, was proven and ordered of record.
The annual report of the guardian of Mary Max and others was examined and approved.
The final report in the estate of Joseph Everall, deceased, was examined and approved.
The annual report of the guardian of Arthur W. Miller was examined and approved.
The annual report in the estate of Charles Sweden was examined and approved.

1230. C.O. Hathaway against J.W. Penny, appellant. Appeal. Motion to strike intervenor's petition from the files overruled. Leave granted to amend during the term. Motion to consolidate overruled.
1871. Samuel M. Hammill and others against Frank S. Whitmore and others. Foreclosure. Chas. H. Phelps solicitor for petitioner. Defaults taken and decree granted.
1415. Kahn & Goldsmith against Leon Huffman. Action on account. Hall & Baldwin plaintiff's attorneys. Default taken and judgment entered.
1416. B.L. Solomon & Sons against Leon Huffman. Action on account. Hall & Baldwin plaintiff's attorneys. Default taken, judgment entered.
1424. H.B. Graham & Bro against First National Bank, garnishees. Garnishment. W.P. Foster appointed to take answer of garnishees.
1438. Jenkins & Mercer against Teedrick & Eels. Attachment. T.G. Foster, clerk to take answer of garnishees.
1439. Merchants' National Bank against Teedrick & Eels, attachment. T.G. Foster, clerk to take answer of garnishees.
1440. H.B. Ransom against Teedrick & Eels. Attachment. T.G. Foster, clerk to take answer of garnishees.

Thursday, February 22.
     A fire at Lansing, Iowa, on Tuesday destroyed property to the amount of $12,000.
     A large dwelling at Fort Madison, owned by James Bullard, was destroyed by fire on Monday night.

Friday, February 23.
     William Bosbyshell, aged fifty, and living in Johnson county, was killed on Tuesday by his team running away. He was on his way to town with a load of oats when the accident occurred.
     Andrew J. Moreland of Lynn county, committed suicide on the west bound Union Pacific train just as it was leaving Council Bluffs on Thursday. Moreland was on his way to the Black Hills.
     The warehouse of Meeks & Page, at Liscomb, Marshall county, owing to a defective foundation and a heavy weight of grain, fell on Wednesday and is a total loss. The basement was used as a stable, and four horses were killed.

Tuesday, February 27.
    The institution for the deaf and dumb at  Council Bluffs was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning. Loss $100,000.
    The Indians continue their depredations in the Black Hills and the cattle stealing and murders are of almost daily occurrence.


Burlington Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
March 8, 1877

Four Hundred and Ninety Men Elect the City Marshal

     The municipal election passed off very quietly yesterday, nothing occurring to mar the peacefulness of the occasion until after the closing of the polls, when high words were indulged in, but no blows, except the insubstantial ones by words, were deal.
     The superior court received less than 500 votes out of a total of over 2500, and was consequently not established.
     Marshal Hoefer received 499 votes and a plurality over John O. Smyth, his highest competitor, of 12 votes. The whole number of votes cast for marshal was 2306, and the successful candidate received less than one-fifth of them. The voting population of the city is nearly 4000 and consequently less than one-eighth of them named the winning man. It is certainly complimentary to Mr. Hoefer to have received the endorsement of re-election at the hands of his fellow-citizens.
     Alex. Hansum was re-elected assessor by a very large majority over his competitor, Mr. Wolverton, a gentleman of sound judgment and acknowledged ability. Mr. Hansum's re-election is a tribute to his experience in the office he has filled for several years.
    The next city council will be composed of the following named gentlemen:
     First Ward-Messrs. John Lemberger (re-elected) and John Niewoehner.
     Second Ward- Messrs. George Kriechbaum (re-elected) and Dr. H. Bailey.
     Third Ward- Messrs. H.H. Scott and John Zaiser.
     Fourth Ward-Messrs. John Darling and George Orm.
     Fifth Ward-Messrs. Robert Donahue and I.M. Christy.
     Sixth Ward-Messrs. John Dickie (re-elected) and John C. Bonnell.
     Seventh Ward-Messrs. David Burgess and H.N. Howe.

Barhydt Against the Pullman Palace Car Company on Trial.

     The petit jurors reported yesterday and the court proceeded to call the trial docket for jury cases, and the parties were found ready for trial in
999. T.W. Barhydt against the Pullman Palace Car company. Action for damages. The state of facts on which this suit is based is the following: In December, 1872, the plaintiff while riding in a Pullman car between New York and Chicago was robbed during his absence from the car, or while asleep, of a hand satchel containing a ring, chain and other valuables. Again in July, 1874, while traveling in a Pullman car from Chicago to Burlington, and while asleep he was robbed of $90 in money. In 1874 he commenced this action to recover damages, claiming that the company were liable as landlords for the property of their passengers. The company claim that they only agree to increase the comfort and convenience of their passengers and not to increase or insure the safety of person or property, and are not liable for such losses. This is the first case of this kind brought in Iowa, although we believe the question has been tried in several other states, resulting in favor of the car company. It remains to be seen what the law is in Iowa. The plaintiff was the first and only witness on the stand yesterday, and the direct examination occupied all of the time to adjournment. The case is being ably contested on both sides, and is fought inch by inch. Blake & Hammack and Hon. P.H. Smyth appear for the plaintiff, and Judge Rorer and Hon. B.J. Hall for the defendant.

1082. Des Moines county, for use, etc., against Christ Griggs, and others. Foreclosure. Demurrer overruled.
1278. George H. Lane against Sarah J. Evans. Action on note. Demurrer overruled.
1382. Swan, Clark & Co. against Leon Hoffman, Action on account. Blake & Hammack for plaintiff. Default taken. Judgment entered for $118.10.
1400. J.M. Neeley against Louis Lehman. Action on notes. Overton for plaintiff. Default taken and judgment entered.
1401. M.M. Hamill against Herman Helmuth and wife. Foreclosure. C.H. Phelps, solicitor for petitioner. Defaults taken and decree granted.
1413. Richard Howard against T.J. Coulter. Action for rent. Default taken.

Comfortable and Home-like.
     These are the characteristic features of the Union Hotel of this city. This house has been established nine years, and its popular proprietor, Mr. Chris Geyer, has done everything to make his house pleasant and home-like, thus giving it wide-spread repute. The entire building has undergone renovation and redecoration, all the chambers and parlors having been beautifully painted and frescoed. All these repairs with new furniture give the house a fresh, clean and cozy appearance. The cuisine is most excellent, and nothing is left undone to make pleasant the guest's stay at the Union. Mr. Gus Meeke, who is in charge of the office, is a gentleman of experience and most urbane and courteous in manner; and we say to those on their way to Burlington, who read this notice, to try the Union, but one block south of Union depot.

Postoffice Changes.
Special Dispatch to THE HAWK-EYE.
     Washington, Feb. 24.- The following are the postoffice changes in Iowa, during the week ending March 3, 1877: Established - Coalfield, Monroe county, H. Fisher, postmaster; Crozier, Buena Vista county, James Woods, postmaster; Early, Sac county, William Cory, postmaster; Elk Run, Sac county, L. Tredway, postmaster; Linn Grove, Buena Vista county, George A. Sweet, postmaster; Mayview, Buena Vista county, O. G. Brainard, postmaster. Discontinued.- Mead, Clinton county. Postmasters appointed- Othe, Webster county, Clark Fuller; Quincy, Adair county, M.A. Pattee.

The Circuit Court.
Judge Drayer Sustains the Demurrers in the Quo Warranto Suits.
     Yesterday 999 spun its interesting length along all day provoking smiles from the spectators and yawns from the jurors. Judge Smythe opened the argument for the plaintiff just before the adjournment at six o'clock.
     The following orders have not been previously reported.

884. In the matter of the estate of John H. Armstrong, deceased. For authority to erect a monument. Authority granted.
844. In the matter of the estate of John H. Armstrong, deceased. For authority to sell property. Authority granted.

1144. George Niemann & Co against W. H. Starr. Action on account. The death of the defendant was suggested and leave granted to substitute the administrator.
1226. John Burkholder, administrator de bonis non, against John A. Brooks. Action for money had and received. Demurrer overruled.
1400. J.M. Neeley against Louis Lehman. Action on notes. Settled and dismissed.

     Judge Drayer held a night session for the purpose of hearing arguments of counsel in quo warranto actions growing out of the extension of the city limits, which are docketed as follows:
1353. State of Iowa against president and directors of district township of Burlington, and sub-district 3, Quo warranto, Power & Antrobus for the state, J.W.C. Jones and J.& S.K. Tracy for defendants.
1354. State against president and directors of Sunny Side district. Quo warranto. Power & Antrobus for the state, W. Scott Fegan for the defendant.
1355. State against the president and directors of Independent district No. 1. Quo warranto. Power & Antrobus for the state, Blake & Hammock for the defense.
    These cases are alike, involving the same principle, and a statement of one will suffice for a statement of each case. In the suit against the officers of Sunnyside, then, the petition, filed on information of some school officer of the Independent district of Burlington, sets up the fact of the election last spring whereby the corporate limits of the city of Burlington were extended and all the collateral facts and minutiae, and aver that the extension of the corporate limits of the city of Burlington, by the natural operation of law, also extended the limits of the Independent school district of Burlington, and that so much (over half) of Sunnyside as is included in the new city limits is an integral part of the Independent district of Burlington, and under control of the city school board, and ask the court to come el the defendants to show by what right they continue to exercise authority over such portion of Sunnyside as school officers. The defendants, by W. Scott Fegan, their attorney, demure to the petition. That is, they admit the fact of the election and extension of the corporate limits of the city of Burlington,  but deny that the law was such that the extension of the city limits extended the limits of the Independent school district of Burlington. Issue was joined on the demurrer, and the arguments before Judge Drayer last night occupied two hours, Mr. Fegan opening and other attorneys following. Mr. Antrobus alone presented the arguments for the petitioners.
     The case is the first one tried under the law of the sixteenth general assembly for extending the city limits, and is important not only for its local significance, but as a test case, all over Iowa. Under the old law governing cities and school districts it was considered well settled that the limits of an independent school district within the corporate limits of the city were necessary coextensive with the city limits. The last legislature amended the general incorporation act concerning the manner of extending city limits, but made no corresponding amendment to the school law. The petitioners claim that the one act was sufficient and covered both classes of corporations by virtue of previous decisions. The defendants claim that the law for incorporated cities and towns can only affect the organization of school districts by express terms, and the omission to provide the extension of the limits of the independent school district established now and more independent relations between cities and contiguous school districts. This is substantially the position of the parties.
     Judge Drayer sustained the demurrers, holding that while the annexed territory might be within the corporate limits of the city of Burlington for all municipal purposes it was still outside the limits of the independent school district of Burlington, and retains complete local control of its own school matters. This is a final decision of these cases by the circuit court, and ends the controversy, unless the city should appeal to the supreme court. By this decision citizens residing outside the old city limits, cannot vote at the city school election, but may vote at all other city elections.

     His honor Judge Drayer opened the Circuit court in this city Tuesday morning, after a recess of several days.

     Henry Plock, a native of Prussia, was naturalised.
     The will of Elizabeth Hasnkamp, deceased, was read and filed, and the 8th day of May was set for hearing evidence to prove the same.

1127. E.A.Drake against Orrin W. Potter, administrator. Action on account. Continued.
1159. J.H. Fogel against Henry Nau, appellant, and others. Appeal. Hall & Baldwin for plaintiff, and C.L. Poor and Sam K. Tracy for the defendants. The suit is earnestly contested on both sides and attracts considerable interest, growing out of a verbal contract between the parties. It is tried by a jury, and the evidence will be concluded to-day.

990. T.W. Barhydt against Pullman Palace Car company. Action for damages. Blake & Hammock and Hon. P.H. Smythe for the plaintiff. Hon. D. Rorer and Hon. B.J. Hall for the defendant.

     Under the instructions of the court, the jury retired and found for the plaintiff, assessing his damage at $112.85, being $90 and interest thereon. The jury awarded no damages for the loss of the satchel or its contents. The case will, in all probability, go to the supreme court, as the principle is one that is important to the sleeping car company, and has been contested in several other states.

Burlington Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
March 15, 1877

General News

Thursday, March 8.
     The loss of the Lansing, Iowa fire on Tuesday night is said to amount to $45,000.

Saturday, March 10.
    Sioux City was illuminated by a brilliant meteor on Wednesday night.

Judgments for Costs Against the Independent District of Burlington.
The following appears on the docket of the circuit court of yesterday:

1080. B.M. Holland against Olof Larsen and others. In chancery to establish lien. Demurrer sustained.
1082. Des Moines county, etc. against Christ, Griggs and others. Foreclosure. Demurrer sustained.
1345. William Penrose against Henry Beck and others. Attachment. Default taken and judgment entered against the defendants. Clerk assess. Attached property ordered sold. Power & Antrobus for the plaintiff.
1393. Joseph Pickup against Frederick Meier and wife. Foreclosure. Decree granted. George H. Lane, solicitor for petitioner.
1159. J.H. Fogel against Henry Nau, appellant, and others. Appeal. The case was on trial all day, and the argument was opened by Mr. Baldwin just before adjournment. Messrs. Poor and Tracy will close the argument to-day.
1082. John S. David against the Citizens' Fire Insurance company of Missouri. Action on policy. Power and Antrobus for the plaintiff. Phelps for the defendant. Several days ago the defendant offered to confess judgment for $991.22, and yesterday the proposition was accepted by the plaintiff's attorneys and judgment was entered against the defendants for that sum.

999. T.W. Barhydt against the Pullman Palace car company. Action for damages. Defendant's motion for a new trial overruled. Defendant excepts.
1086. A. Gerson against Thomas Raper, constable and others. Replevin. Jury empaneled and evidences introduced to adjournment.
1231. Dunham & Jordan against W.T. Virgin, appellant and others. Appeal last count of plaintiff's motion for more specific statement, sustained; others overruled.
1245. Cox, Smith & Co. against R.T. Root. Action on account. Demurrer overruled.
1378. W.F. Hayden against Maria L. Barrett and others. Foreclosure mechanics lien. Continued.
1387. Dunham & Jordan against Maria L. Barrett and others. Foreclosure mechanics lien. Continued.
1159. J.H. Fogel against Henry Nau, appellant, and others. Appeal. The argument was concluded, the jury were instructed, and retired to consider their verdict




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