Iowa Old Press

Burlington Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
29 June 1876

District Court
Things were kept warm yesterday about the court house, if we may be permitted to use the expression, as they were everywhere else in the metropolis. Foster's minute book presented the diversified appearance of a Chinese 4th of July poster struck by lightning. But he knew what it all meant and with his accustomed graceful good nature consented to interpret for us while we took notes. We always take notes when we can't get cash. There is nothing mean about us, we hope.

Admitted to the Bar.
General A.C. Dodge was admitted to the Iowa bar upon a certificate from the circuit court of Iowa county, Wisconsin.
Wm. W. Dodge, son of the general, was also admitted upon his diploma from the state university at Iowa. Upon the application of T.G. Catlett, a committee was appointed who will interview the aspirant for legal preferment and report.

G.A. Jamison, a native of Ireland, renounced his allegiance to the emerald isle, that is to say, to the kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and was made a citizen of these United States in time to participate in the centennial. The finance committee of the Iowa centennial celebration at Burlington, July third, fourth and fifth, will call on him to-day and present the subscription list.

In Law and Chancery the following were entered:
3017. A. Kaiser vs. Smith, Cook & Co, garnishees. Garnishment. Dismissed.
2936. John Pleasant vs. Louisa Pleasant. In chancery for divorce. Continued.
3424. Hugh Herminghaus, assignee of J. Ockert & Co. Final report approved and assignee discharged.
3039. Joseph Wolensack vs. A. Wallbaum and others. Attachment. Judgment against Wallbaum.
3218. Newcomb Bros. vs. Nelson & Reid and others. Attachment. Dismissed.
3435. Thomas S. Taylor, administrator, vs. Jacob Brown and others. In chancery to establish lien. Continued. To be tried on written evidence.
3436. J.H. Taylor & Co. vs. Michael Bohn and others. In chancery to establish lien. Continued.

Decrees were entered in the following cases:
2977. Susie E. Barnes vs. Kate C. Sales, impleaded, etc. In chancery to quiet title.
3224. George Robertson vs. G.F. Smith. Foreclosure.
3029. Burlington Mutual Loan association vs. Rebecca E. Rhein and others. Foreclosure.
3045. F.F. Thul vs. William Schaffner, sheriff. Replevin. Was on trial at adjournment.

District Court.
Judge Newman seemes determined to give the docket a pretty thorough clearing off this term, and keeps the mill grinding as long as there is anything to do. Yesterday considerable business was transacted, and when court adjourned it was to meet on Monday morning. Next week will be the sixth week of the May term.

T.G. Catlet was admitted to the Iowa bar yesterday.

347. State of Iowa vs. Charles McCoy. Larceny. Continued under the existing recognizance.
3063. Burlington Mutual Kiab association vs. James C. Smith and others. Foreclosure. Decree entered.
3229. John F. Warth vs. Sebastian Bergentzle and wife. Foreclosure. Motion for more specific statement sustained.
2967. A.F. Lundin vs. F.K. Reinhold and others. In chancery to set aside deed. Leave granted plaintiff to amend his petition.
3045. F.F. Thul vs. Wm. Shaffner, sheriff. Replevin. Judgment against the plaitiff and sureties on the replevin bond for $258.
3262. Thomas S. Taylor, administrator, vs. Henry Woelhof and Isaac Dewein, garnishees of Jacob Bonn. Garnishment. Decree entered appointing H.A. Kelley receiver.
3250. Joseph Pickup vs. Fred Courts and others. Foreclosure. Continued.
3018. John Weinrich vs. Vincenz Kessel and wife. In chancery to establish lien. Continued.
3019. Margaret Koch vs. V. Kessel and wife. In chancery to establish lein. Continued.

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