Iowa Old Press

Burlington Weekly Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
October 3, 1863


On the 1st inst., at the M.F. Parsonage, No. 92 North Seventh Street, Burlington, by Rev. E.H. Waring, Mr. JOHN S. CRAWFORD and Miss HANNAH JANE MURROW, both of Des Moines county.


In this city, at the residence of her son, Mr. H.H. Hawley, on yesterday morning, the 1st inst., in the 69th year of her age, Mrs. EUNICE HAWLEY, wife of Deacon Harlow Hawley.

On Sunday, Sept. 27th, 1863, FANNIE, infant daughter of J.W. and Sarah J. Helsey [or Hersey].

In the hospital at Vicksburg, Aug. 26, 1863, of congestive chills, WILLIAM E.H. ANDERSON, of Co. E., 15th Reg. Iowa Vol.

In Lawson Hospital at St. Louis, Sept. 2, 1863, of typhoid fever, JOHN W. CHAMBERS, of Co. E, 15th Reg. Iowa Vol.
    About one year since the deceased enlisted in the service of his country and went forth buoyant with health and hope to battle in her defence.
     Six months since he enlisted again under a higher Commander and with the hardness of a good soldier served his Country and his God.
     When disease came and the weakened arm could no longer carry the musket, the Bible became his constant companion and in its blessed truths he found solace while lying in the lone hospital, far away from the endearments of home and a loving mother's care.
    He desired to live to assist in restoring lasting peace to his beloved land, but when the summons came from his Redeemer, calling him to a higher department of labor, he cheerfully obeyed.
    "He sleeps his last sleep, he has fought his last battle."
    In him the country has lost a brave defender; loving parents, a dutiful son; doting sisters, an affectionate brother; and a large circle of friends an amiable companion. His end was peace.
    His last message to his absent sisters was "prepare to meet me in Heaven."

Burlington Weekly Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
October 17, 1863


At Camp Sherman, Miss, Sept. 22d, 1863, of Chronic Diarrhea private ALEXANDER PELEIN of Co. G, 25th Iowa Vol. Infantry.

In this City Sunday afternoon of dropsy Mr. JACOB SOWDER, aged ?? years. [Note: age may be 55].

Burlington Weekly Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
October 24, 1863


On the 29th day of July CHARLES A GOUGH son of John T Gough of this city.
He was wounded by a shell at Gettysburg - was in sixteen battles but the last one caused his death.

In Union tp Des Moines County, Saturday last of Billious Fever GEO LOOTZ only son of Mr. Phillip Lootz aged 20 years.

Mr. Boomer exhibited to us yesterday some plug tobacco of his own growth and manufacture. It looked well. He [??? ] about three tons of good tobacco near the city.

SWINDLE ON THE SOLDIERS! - It will be remembered that a Copperhead by the name of Hornish was a candidate for the Assembly in Lee county. He was formerly a candidate for Congress, and was elected to stay at home. This irrepressible individual filched some Republican tickets and having pasted his name over that of his competitor, forwarded a batch of them to the army. The trick was easily discovered. As fast as the soldiers would find one of these bogus tickets, they would trample it on the dirt with every demonstration of scorn. They remarked that they kept a boot and shoe establishment for all such tickets. The illustrious name of Hornick was kicked through Benton and Jefferson Barracks and through every Hospital in St.Louis! The owner of the name, if he had been present would have been kicked likewise for his attempted swindle on the soldiers!- State Register.

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