Iowa Old Press

Burlington Weekly Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
January 3, 1863

Casualties at Prairie Grove
The following is a list of the killed and wounded in the 19th and 20th Regiments, Iowa Infantry, of Gen. Herron's command, at the battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 7th, 1862:

Lieut. Col. Samuel McFarland, 19th
1st Lieut H. Oliver, co. C, 20th
2d Lieut L.M. Smith, co. F, 19th
2d Lieut. Thos. Johnson, co. I, 19th

Maj. Wm. G. Thompson, 20th
Capt. Harry Jordan, co. B, 19th
Capt Joshua Wright, co. D, do
Capt, Samuel E. Paine, Co I, do
1st Lieut J.G.G. Cavendish, co. C, 20th
1st Lieut E. Stone, co. E, do,
2d Lieut Wm. S Brooks, co. D, 19th
2d Lieut R. M. Lytle, co C, 20th

Killed-Sergeant Major B Buckingham
Company A-Wounded-R.C. Andersen, W B Baltzel
Company B-Killed-Robt O. Caulk, Jos. M. Cully. Wounded-J.F. Stanford, Wm. McCormick, Isaac Rumer, Louis Heald, Joseph M. Murray, Mansford Hall, Gilbert Tocke, Wm. Taylor.
Company C-Wounded-A.R. Jeffery, Corp. Thos. E. Johnson, Corp. Wm. A Bailey, A.P. Randall, Cyrus Conditt.
Company D-Killed-Marion Marion, John Crowner, James Clellan, G.S. Sylvester, Geo. W. Kane, Jno. W. Roberts, Wm.F. McReynolds, Jno. S. Ball. Wounded-Sergeant S.W. Gregg, Corp. Geo. McCrary, Sergt Wm. M. Campbell, Corporal E.F. Conger, John H. Webb, Henry D. Williams, Jno. Huddleston, Willard, Fleusor, George E. Wilson, Leander Powdson, Stephen Bunis, A. Holmes, S.A. McReynolds, C.A. Campbell.
Company E-Killed-Albert Thompson, Edward Mooney, Sam. H. Rodgers. Wounded-Sergt Chas. E. Gibbs, Corp James M. Layton, Wm. C. Kent, Sam Campbell, Jeff R. McKarg, Fulton Taylor, George H. Dewey, Corp James E. Henderson, Edwin Mallett, Edwin Smith, John W. Mallett, Decatur Pittman, Wm. Williams, Thos. J. Mattock.
Company F-Killed-Henry S. Fowler, Edwin Smith, Wm. Fowler, Rob A. Brown, Kendall Littleton. Wounded- Sergt. Thos. D. Chapman, Sergt. Wm. A. Hale, Madison E. Chapman, Hiram B. Davison, Joseph Higber, John W. Littleton, Thos. B. Morris, Joseph Racer, Cyrus Thomas, Aurelius Wod, Martin Blair, Corp Charles F. Morris, Jno. A. Benbaker, Geo. B. Dalson, Henry F. Gibbs, Chas. F. Gibbs, Daniel McKay, Wm. H. McDaniels, Joseph Shipman, Wagoner Sol P Key, Henry P. Pike.
Company G-Killed- Sergt Wm. Gregory, Corp. Richard Morgan. Wounded-Serg. B.W. Huff, Corp. Richard Morgan. Wounded-Serg. B.W. Huff, Corp. Wm. Peyton; W.H. McDonald, Sam Griffith, Wm. Huffman, Z.B. Hoyle, Christopher Lester, Joseph Ross, Geo. Simpson Frederick Wecker, Sergt. Ellison Holland, Wm. Chapman, George Jeremiah Dilmuch, Fred. Hierchex, Chas. D. Lamb, W.H. Marshall, A.G. Scott, Jas. Smith, Harmon Goat.
Company H-Killed-Serg. Samuel Bonney, Corp Wm. R Sock, Chas. W. Fisher, Joshua T. Phillips, Levi Keller, Wm. Kenmor, Sery W. Taylor, Thomas B. Levering, Marshall Byers. Wounded-Corp Andrew G. Smith, Owen B. Miller; Albert Chockran; Isaac D. Evans, Robt. F. Robinson; Joseph M.W. Crotchett, Robert H. Parsons, Joseph Laumer, Moses Groom, Henry Green, Francis M. Cook, Silas Langford, Robert D. Foster, Tilman Langford.
Company I-Killed-Corp John Duglass, W. McKinney, Jonathan A. Lee, Corp. A.B. Reckkoff, Henry V. Gaddies, James Patterson. Wounded- Sergt Wm A Strodg, Sergt. Jacob Nixon, Jas. Robb, L.D. Brooks, James D. Fry, Russell Johnson, Corp Datus D. Proper, Corp Alexander Fix, Wm. Short, Martin Humbaker, John D. Webber, H.C. Edmonson. Prisoner-Harrison O'Hara.
Company H [probably Co. K?] -Killed-Corp. L. P. Servias, Corp B.F. Harlow, Martin McCoy, Wm. E. Kenyon, R. J.Brown, Madison M. Moore. Wounded -Sergt. Daniel D. Roderick, Serg. George Cramer, Corp J.D. Tobidge, Doctor F. Brown, Samuel Evans, R. E. Jennson, Robert C. Joes, Osville H. Stean, Jefferson Creekbun, Francis H. Alter, H.H. Humphreys, Wm R. Macy, Isharner Doane, Jacob Goemis, Corp Stoke G. Wright, Copr Elliott H. Dickenson, Wm. F. Penge, Wm. Erruin, Wiley W. Savage, Wm. J. Spring, Wm. G.
Anderson, Beaut Loyx, Joseph Week, Robert W. Bailey, Solomon Luce.

Company A-Killed-Dan W. Robins
Company B-Wounded-Corp Geo. C. Millar
Company C-Wounded-Corp. Wm. Murray; J.F. Jacobs
Company D-Wounded-Davis Ross, James Forber, Walter J. Lee Hunt, Alex A. Watson, Wm. A. Akely
Company E-Killed-Daniel M Sullivan, John Menig. Wounded-John Kestler, Webster Spencer, Lemuel Harker, Eury Gates, Martin Rohmberg, Thos. J. Moore.
Company F.-Wounded-J.C. Parker, Walter Lewis, Milton L. Elliot, E.J. Reynolds
Company G-Killed-Sergt. Thos. B. Miles, Corp Richard Carnes. Wounded -Sergt. Robt. Speen, Corp John C. Murphy, Joseph Speer, Samuel McFate, Wm Jamieson, Sergt. Jesse M. Matthews, Corp. Jos. Patterson, Wm. F. Culvertson, Harvey J Brown.
Company H-Wounded-Lurandus McCurdy
Company I-Killed-Stephen S. Wood. Wounded-Geo. W. Daniels.
Company K-Killed-Serg. F.M. Steel. Wounded-Corp L.L. Whitney, M.E. Knapp, William Criswell, Rufus Fisk, James McKane.

Three inmates of the jail-Wymore, Redman and Johnson-escaped one evening last week in this wise: As the jailor, Mr. S.S. Needham, opened the door in the large room to take in the usual supply of coal, the prisoners sprang upon him, threw him down and took the key to the outside door from his pocket, and, before he could recover himself, they were out and off. He fired a revolver after them, but they were beyond reach. They have not been re-taken. Mr. Bowen, the only remaining occupant of the jail, made no effort to escape -- Oskaloosa Herald.

Married -Col. Alexander Chambers, of the 16th Iowa Infantry, was married to Miss H. Fannie, daughter of Henry Winslow, Esq. of Mt. Pleasant, at that place, on Christmas day.

SAW BUCK RANGERS - This is the name of a new organization who assemble every night at the stirring call of the fife and drum and march forth in the strength with the stern resolution to deal death and destruction to all refractory wood piles. The rangers number about twelve, and present quite a fine appearance at dress parade with their peculiar instruments of warfare, consisting of saws, axes, saw-bucks, &c. They file away in solid column to the residence of some lady whose husband is fighting the battles of his country; and when the halt at last before a colossal wood pile, you hear, if you listen closely, a few short jerks of the saw, a few blows of the axe, and the place that knew it knows it nor more forever. Go it while you are young, boys, long may you flourish green and vernal; my your last hours be blest with the assurance that while your friends and countrymen are on the tented field doing vigilant service in defense of a good cause, you are engaged in ameliorating the condition of their dear loved ones at home, fighting the tough knots and furnishing the material for many a winter fire. -- Maquoketa Excelsior.

We learn from a gentleman who arrived in this city from Anamosa, Jones county, yesterday, that, on Tuesday night of last week, a man named Tucker, belonging to the Gray Beard regiment, came to his death in the following singular manner. He had spent part of the day in Anamosa, indulging rather too freely in strong drink, and as he was returning home, he seems to have fallen backward into a ditch, where he was found dead in that position, the next morning. There was but little water in the ditch-not sufficient to cover his body-and it is supposed that he was chilled to death. -- Muscatine Journal.

Dec. 31st, byu Rev. E.H. Waring, Mr. James P. Oben to Miss Emma Beck, both of Henderson Co., Illinois.

In this city, yesterday morning, Eliza E., daughter of W.B. and Eliza S. Remey, aged 14 years and 9 months.
At Nebraska City, at 6 o'clock p.m. on Thursday, December 16th, Mrs. Sarah A. Crocker, wife of Rev. E. Adams.
"Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord."

Dave Sheward, the Fairfield individual who, since his return from imprisonment for treason, has been around getting the names of Penitentiary convicts to associate with his own in a list of martyrs, ran against a snag
the other day. A noted horse-thief jsut ready to go for a second time to the Fort Madison Penitentiary, was invited to send on his name to Davy to be associated with the names of all political martyrs, Dave Sheward's included. The horse thief was astounded at the invitation. His choler rose and he then and there made the following response: "I shan't do it! I am a bad man, I know. I have committed many crimes. I have robbed houses and stolen horses, and have been unjustly condemned to imprisonment within the walls of a Penitentiary. But the last worst deed of all which an American citizen can commit, I have not committed. I have
broken the civil law, but I am no traitor to my Government. Neither by word nor deed, have I done aught against the Flag of my country. Men may call me a burglar or a horse-thief, but God forbid that they should ever classify me along with such traitors as Dave Sheward! Tell Sheward that he can't have my name to dignify his own; and tell him if he ever uses it in such villainous connection, I'll flog him within an inch of his life as soon as I get out of prison!" -- State Register.

More "Martyrs" at Large!
Some friend has sent us a copy of a Poster from Clark county, of which the following is a copy.
" A Grand Jubilee of the Whites" will be held in Osceola, Clark county, on Saturday, the 27th inst. to welcome to their homes Judge Beal and James Naylor, two loyal Americna citizens, who have been released from a long, illegal and unjust confinement in one of the "American Bastiles."

Burlington Weekly Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
January 17, 1863

PRAIRIE GROVE- AN INCIDENT - A most thrilling incident of the late terrible fight at Prairie Grove is thus related by Lieut. Will S. Brooks, of the 19th Iowa volunteers. Writing to a friend in this city, he says:
"The fight was most determined, and the slaughter immense. I was struck at 4 o'clock p.m., while we were being driven back from a too far advanced position. We were outflanked and had to run three hundred yards
over open ground and exposed to a murderous fire from the right, left and center, or rear. Here we lost our Lieut. Col. McFarland. We lost one half our regiment, and in company D, more than half of our effective men. I was hit at the commencement of the retreat, and was near being captured, as I would not run. When more than half way to our battery our color sergeant fell, and I received the colors. The pursuing rebel Colonel shouted: "G-dd--n 'em, take their colors!" This enraged me and I hollowed back -"You can't do it." The
cowardly s--s of b-----s did not dare to close on me, but let go a volley which left nine holes in the flag and 18 in my clothes. Four bullets passed through the cuff of my shirt sleeve, but they could not wound the held that held the old flag."

MORE CAVALRY WANTED - We are informed that Gov. Kirkwood has given his sanction to the authority received by Capt. Heath to raise another cavalry regiment in Iowa. The importance of having mounted men is seen in the rapid movements and surprises which the rebel forces are continually making. The recent raids at Holly Springs, Springfield, &c., are fresh appeals for a prompt increase of our cavalry in service. It is time that the splendid Sixth Iowa Cavalry was in the field, and we are informed that it will move South this month. Its presence in Missouri, Arkansas or Tennessee, would be of great value now, and it ought to have been in action weeks ago. The cost of supporting a cavalry regiment is great, and no unnecessary time should be spent in camps remote from the rebel lines. -- Dubuque Times.

Below we give the report of J.C. Todd, State agent, of the discharged and deceased Iowa volunteers, from the Keokuk Hospitals from January 5th of January 9th, inclusive.

Ream Emanual, D, 3d Jan. 6, gun shot received at the Battle of Corinth, Oct. 4.
Stillwell John, D., 36th, Jan. 7, want of physical ability.
Harris W H, H, 36th, Jan 7, Chronic Rheumatism.
Stapleton Ephraim, C, 36th, Jan 7,Chronic Bronchitis.
Stock Richard, I, 10th, Jan. 7, loss of right eye at Battle of Corinth.
Parker Jerry M, F, 2d, Jan 9, gun shot wound received at Battle of Corinth.
House George F, Corp, F, 7th, Jan 9, Chronic Diarrhea.

Bates Washington, I, 36th, Jan 5, died on the Hospital boat Sunny Side, from St. Louis here.
Collen N T, A, 31st, Jan. 8, Typhoid Fever.
De Witt Barnett, B, 5th, Jan. 9, Typhoid Fever.

Army Correspondence
HOLLY SPRINGS, MISS., Dec. 28, 1862
- Hoping that a few items of news from the 15th regiment might prove interesting to your readers, I am induced to pen you a few lines regarding our present whereabouts and condition. We are at present encamped in the suburbs of this beautiful and once flourishing little city of Holly Springs, and reports are circulating throughout the camp that we are to to into winter quarters at this place and remain here until spring, unless we are compelled to "evackyate" the place by the advance of the rebel hosts upon us. But, as such rumors have been prevalent in every camp where we have yet been, I am constrained to believe that little importance can be attached to the report. Well, Christmas has come and gone like many other Christmases, of other years, but was not enjoyed by the boys in camp as they were before, although each one did his best to be cheerful as though in their quiet homes in the great North. The day itself was as pleasant as one could wish; but the boys as they gazed upon the bare dry ground at their feet, which looked as though it might have been forever a stranger to snow, could not forbear looking wistfully to the North, while visions of broad sheets of snow and ice, and grand sleigh rides and skating parties, together with turkeys, chicken pies, cakes and delicacies at home, would seem to flit before their minds eye. We have been considerably further south than this, and at one time, I supposed that our great Western Army was going right on down to the Gulf, without serious opposition, except perhaps at Jackson, which we expected would soon be in our hands. But "a change came o'er the spirit of our dreams," and instead of pressing forward, our whole army was suddenly made a retrograde movement, until the rebels are left in peaceful possession of some of the places captured by us but a month or two ago. What has caused this sudden "change of base" is beyond my means of knowing, but of one thing the country may rest assured-it was a grand "strategic" movement, and the rebels will soon be bagged- as usual, I suppose. The health of the regiment is pretty good at present, and the men are passing their time as pleasantly as possible, in guarding the property of rebel citizens in this place, some of whom were kind enough, during the fight here, the other day, to fire a few shots from the windows of their houses at our men, and who now demand guards to protect their pig styes and hen roosts, for fear that some of the soldiers, who are now living at half rations, might catch a chicken, and thereby exasperate its owner to some dreadful action in revenge. It is a shame to the army and the nation that such proceedings as these should go on in it, but until the proper authorities see fit to remedy the evil, I presume the soldiers will have to bear it. The boys are all anxious to have the war ended as soon as possible, but all are willing to "bide their time."
Yours, &c.
2d Lt. Co., E, 15th Iowa Infantry.
Mr. W.W. White, of this city, has received the appointment of Paymaster in the Army, with the rank of Major.
In this city on the 15th inst., at the residence of Mr. J.L. Cackus, by Rev. E. Miller, Mr. J.B. McClure, of Wheeling, Virginia, to Miss Abbie P. Clarke, of this city.

At the residence of the bride's father, near Burlington, on the 11th inst. by Rev. A.F. Willey, Mr. W.J. Finch, of Macoupin County, Ill. and Miss Jane Smith.

Near this city, Jan. 15th of Typhoid Fever, Dindrick Caristian Budde, aged 22 years, 9 months and 8 days. The funeral will take place to-morrow (Sat. Jan. 17th) at 10 o'clock a.m. The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend.

Jan. 10th, Frank Wilson, only son of Jacob and Sarah Leffler, aged 2 years and 6 months.

In this city, Sunday afternoon, Ella, adopted daughter of William Troxel, aged six years.

Burlington Weekly Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
January 24, 1863

We are again indebted to J.C. Todd, State Agent, at Keokuk, for a list of deceased and discharged Iowa soldiers, at and from the hospital at Keokuk, which we insert below, with their several dates.

Clouster Robert, co. C, 6th January 15, variela.
Weed William W., co K, 2d, January 15, pneumonia
Sell William, co. D, 16th, January 16, chronic diarrhoea.

Merriman D. Martin, co. B, 36th, January 13, anchyloses of left elbow
Dunn Henry, co. H, 30th, January 15, abscess of left lung
Webb John H, co. A, 5th, gunshot wound received at battle of Iuka, Sept. 19, 1862.
Damon Riley, co. K., 8th, January 16, gunshot wound received at Springfield, Nov. 7, 1862.
Pearson Young, co. I, 33d, January 16, lumbago of a scarlet character.
Enyart James U, co. E, 17th, January 16, hypertrophy of the heart.

List of Iowa wounded soldiers left at Paducah, January 13, per steamer City of Memphis. Furnished by Thos. W.J. Long (of Iowa) Office No. 2, Laclede Block, Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.
Alfred Kelly, co. F, 4th; John Q. Allison, co. K, 4th; J W Ellis, co. H, 4th; Mortimer Henson, co. C, 25th; George Weafers, co. A, 4th; Daniel Rhoades, co. E, 4th; 1st Lieut Leander Pitage, co. F, 4th; Lorenzo D.
Barker, co. G, 4th; Jacob Stout, co. G, 4th; Henry Stiffler, co. D, 4th; A S Perry, co. C, 30th; Jacob Wolf, co. G, 25th; Jos Hibbs, co. C, 4th; William E Brown, co. H, 4th; W H Hash, co E, 4th; James M Miller, co. C, 4th; Moses Clark, co. C, 4th; J M Runkle, co F, 4th; J M Miller, co G, 31st.

Iowa wounded from Vicksburg left at Memphis, January 11, per City of Memphis.
Amos Cuming, co. K, 4th; John Archer, co. H, 4th; A H McDonald, co A, 4th; A L Colt, co K, 4th; P B Rockwell, co K, 4th.

Iowa Sick and Wounded
List of sick and wounded soldiers at Jefferson Barracks Hospital near St. Louis, Mo., with dates of their admission, furnished by Thos. W.J. Long, of Iowa, Office No. 2, Laclede Block, Olive street, St. Louis, Mo.

A.J. Allen, Co. C, 6th Inf, Jan. 11, 1863
J.M. Allen, A, 11th, Dec. 15, 1862
V.K. Ashkittle, I, 24th, Jan 2, 1863
Wm. Ankror, A, 3d cav, Jan 11, 1863
Emory Allen, C, 27th inf, Jan 11, 1863
John Amtrobus, I, 6th, Jan 11, 1863
John Brady C, 27th, Jan 11, 1863
Bery F Bower, F, 27th, Jan 11, 1863
Wm. Bradley, I, 6th, Jan 11, 1863
T.N. Brownson, E, 27th, Jan 11, 1863
Corp Jno Barstow, I, 17th, Nov 29, 1862
Henry Boor, G, 11th, Nov 29, 1862
Jas Bonnell, K, 15th, Nov 29, 1862
H. Becker, B, 15th, Nov 29, 1862
Alfred Benge, I, 14th, Dec 16, 1862
F.A. Batchelor, H, 26th, Dec 16, 1862
N.C. Blocker, I, 26th, Dec 16th, 1862
Phillip Bedinger, C, 25th, Dec 16, 1862
Wm C. Bradford, G, 8th, Dec 16, 1862
E. Brown, D, 24th, Jan 2, 1863
A.H. Benson, I, 25th, Jan 2, 1863
Geo. W. Bennet, C, 28th, Jan 2, 1863
Wm. H. Babcock, G, 26th, jan 2, 1863
Jas. M. Barry, K, 31st, Jan 2, 1863
Thos. H. Bagley, D, 27th, Jan 11, 1863
C.H. Beal, I, 27th, Jan 11, 1863
Henry Baker, A, 27th, Jan 11, 1863
John Barlow, D, 27th, Jan 11, 1863
Sergt D D Cummings, B, 10th, Jan 11, 1863
P.B. Carpenter, K, 10th Jan 11, 1863
Amos Chambers, A, 3d, Jan 2, 1863
F.B. Coe, H, 4th cav, Jan 2, 1863
Henry Castrue, D, 24th inf, Jan 2, 1863
Sergt Thos, J. Cowley, C, 3d, Jan 2, 1863
Jacob Cox, D, 6th, Jan 11, 1863
Albert Caler, D, 6th, Jan 11, 1863
W.L. Deitz, C, 11th, Nov 29, 1862
Sergt W. Devevean, C, 10th, Nov 29, 1862
Jas. Deal, K, 16th, Nov 29, 1862
Richard Dobbins, H, 17th, Nov 29, 1862
Benj. F, Demarest, E, 10th, Dec 16, 1862
Bradley Durling, K, 26th, Dec 16, 1862
Wm Durling, K, 26th, Dec 16, 1862
E P Davis, E, 25th, Jan 2, 1863
Jacob Dillings, D, 1st cav, Jan 2, 1863
Wm J Duser, C, 24th inf, Jan 2, 1863
John P Davis, D, 34th, Jan 2, 1863
W H Davis, C, 24th, Jan 2, 1863
Levi Dillon, B, 24th, Jan 2, 1863
  Noah M Davis, G, 30th, Jan 2, 1863
Reuben Daniel, H, 27th, Jan 2, 1863
Edward Bradley, D, 17th, July 22, 1862
John Bains, G, 5th, Sept 22, 1862
Leander Barton, G, 4th, July 22, 1862
Wm Barnes, I, 8th, Oct 17, 1862
Sergt Wm Bund, E, 5th, Oct 2, 1862
W F Begald, A, 5th, Oct 20, 1862
John Butler, C, 5th, Oct 20, 1862
Thos A Coltun, C, 5th, Oct 17, 1862
E Crockett, I, 5th, Oct 24, 1862
Americus Campbell, G, 5th, Oct 20, 1862
Austin Crawford, H, 2d, Oct 20, 1862
W B Daniade, F, 8th, July 5, 1862
Friend Davis, E, 17th, Oct 2, 1862
P S Eckley, F, 8th, Oct 15, 1862
Jas B Edwards, K, 34th, Jan 2, 1863
Jas M Edwards, J, 30th, Jan 2, 1863
John Evans, D, 34th, Jan 2, 1863
John Fitzgerald, C, 2d, Oct 13, 1862
John O Flynn, C, 2d, May 1, 1862
Geo Fluenk, E, 12th, May 1, 1862
Thos W. Fassit, F, 2d, Sept 22, 1862
David J Flemming, A, 5th, Sept 22, 1862
John Fisher, D, 17th, Sept 22, 1862
John Flanigan, E, 13th, Nov 29, 1862
Jasper Forsyth, E, 13th, Nov 29, 1862
Jesse Foster, D, 15th, Nov 29, 1862
Jas D Folwell, B, 15th, Nov 29, 1862
Martin Ferhill, H, 30th, Jan 2, 1863
Zelon M Ford, H, 30th, Jan 2, 1863
Thos Foreman, I, 30th, Jan 2, 1863
Chas Gana, F, 5th, Oct 2, 1862
A C Gordon, A, 16th, Oct 20, 1862
Jas Gardiner, D, 15th, Nov 29, 1862
John C Glascow, C, 11th, Nov 29, 1862
Corp Wm Gamble, C, 5th Inf, Nov 29, 1862|
David Gard, B, 11th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Able C Gillmore, K, 11th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
H W Gardner, K, 11th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
W W Gordan, B, 3d cav, Dec 19, 1862
Adam Groves, K, 29th Inf, Dec 19, 1862
Cpr Martin Guering, A, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Isaac Gee, K, 24th, Jan 2, 1863
James Gilbert, K, 30th, Jan 2, 1863
John H Grant, H, 31st, Jan 2, 1863
Ermine R Gregg, H, 24th, Jan 2, 1863
David O Gower, C, 24th, Jan 2, 1863
W G Gardiner, F, 9th, Jan 2, 1863
(continued at the top of the next column)    
Rob't J. Hunter, Co. F, 2d Cav, Oct 20, 1862
Jos Hollingshead, Co H, 17th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
Corp David Hudson, Co K, 3d Cav, July 21,1862
John Hartman, Co B, 16th Inf, Jan 2, 1862
D.H. Harbunch, Co F, 5th Inf, Oct 2, 1862
J.W. Holman, Co F, 17th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Henry Hanson, Co H, 11th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Eli M Hickman, Co B, 11th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Franklin Hobart, Co F, 17th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
James Hortan, Co C, 17th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Enoch Hestning, Co K, 16th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Jacob Hutchins, Co A, 4th Inf, Dec 16, 1862
Jasper Hockersmith, Co C, 35th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Alfred B Heaton, Co M, 4th Cav, Jan 2, 1863
Nelson S Harris, Co B, 26th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
M Horr, Co H, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Abner Hunt, Co F, 31st Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Jesse Hyatt, Co D, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Henry C Hoffman, Co H, 25th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
George Hill, Co G, 25th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Wm O Huyck, Co H, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Guy Jackson, Co I, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Charles Jewett, Co K, 4th Cav, Jan 2, 1863
Spencer Johnson, Co G, 25th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
W C Knight, Co D, 6th Inf, Dec 16, 1862
August Kook, Co I, 26th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Monroe L Keplar, Co F, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Levi Laird, Co G, 4th Cav, Dec 26, 1862
Thomas H Leller, Co G, 11th Inf, Oct 29, 1862
Sergt I V Lawrence, Co A, 16th Inf, Oct 29, 1862
Calvin McGowan, Co B, 9th Inf, May 20, 1862
Thomas McDain, Co F, 10th Inf, Aug 1, 1862
George Miller, Co A, 16th Inf, Sept 22, 1862
A E Marsh, Co H, 2d Cav, Oct 20, 1862
A Maunahan, Co A, 16th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
Delos Morgan, Co I, 12th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
Wm McArther, Co K, 15th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Thomas Mason, Co C, 17th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
J D Myers, Co C, 15th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Alexander Manger, Co E, 5th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Wm M Morrison, Co H, 16th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
John Mulnon, Co B, 8th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Josiah Manbuck, Co B, 10th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
George McCall, Co I, 10th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Andrew J Mitchell, Co I, 25th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
John McIlvane, Co I, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Sergt J H Maxon, Co C, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Charles A Milner, Co K, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Silas W McMahue, Co B, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Daniel Matson, Co G, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
John Otis, Co F, 12th Inf, May 30, 1862
Jacob Overturff, Co H, 5th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
McKinney B Oldaker, Co D, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Frederick Jenkins, Co I, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Corp J Johnson, Co H, 17th Inf, Oct 21, 1862
Hervy B Lymes, Co A, 3d Inf, May 1, 1862
Reasin Laughlin, Co F, 5th Inf, Oct 22, 1862
J M Loudon Backe, Co B, 5th Inf, Oct 22, 1862
Thos A Lorrimer, Co C, 17th Inf, Oct 2, 1862
Isaac C Linn, Co I, 3d Cav, Jan 2, 1863
W H Lake, Co D, 84th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Commissary Serg't Donald Latham, Co D, 31st Inf, Jan 2, 1863

Thomas E Puckett, Co E, 5th Inf, Oct 2, 1862
Sergt L R Parker, Co C, 17th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
Adolph Pick, Co G, 16th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
J R Prindle, Co D, 17th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
S F Palmer, Co K, 17th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
John Phillips, Co B, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Vorlen Parker, Co E, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Thomas Phelps, Co F, 30th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Harrison L Pontson, Co C, 25th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Wm Peckham, Co I, 30th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Jacob Piffer, Co G, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
George D Perkins, Co B, 31st Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Corp. N. Rodgers, Co I, 2d Inf, May 15, 1862
Rich'd M Rhamy, Co C, 17th INf, Oct 21, 1862
Gordon Reynolds, Co A, 7th Inf, Oct 15, 1862
John R. Rayburne, Co D, 15th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Wm G. Rice, C B, 5th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
  Aaron W. Rean, Co E, 17th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
James H Robeson, Co K, 14th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Alex Rogers, Co G, 4th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Corp Peter Ruch, Co ?, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Geo W. Railsback, Co D, 28th Inf, jan 2, 1863
John Reider, Co ?, 3d Cav, Jan 2, 1863
Corp Albert B Stiles, Co E, 11th Inf, Oct 2, 1862
James R Smith, Co C, 5th Inf, Oct 2, 1862
J A Shellady, Co B, ?, Oct 2, 1862
Frederick Spencer, Co C, 17th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
B F Schooler, Co E, 17th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
James F Stephens, Co C, 5th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
William Smiley, Co F, 11th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Henry S Sixbevy, Co C, 16th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
George Searle, Co E, 17th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Milan B Streck, Co A, 11th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Morgan Smith, Co H, 26th Inf, Dec 16, 1862
Daniel Steed, Co I, 26th Inf, Dec 16, 1862
Wm H Southern, Co C, 24th Inf, Dec 16, 1862
Gustav Smithburg, Co M, 4th Cav, Jan 2, 1863
Serg Wm M Stave, Co E, 31st Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Jamin G St John, Co G, 9th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Richard C Stephens, Co A 25th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Astorn C. Shark, Co I, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Eliazer Small, Co A, 3d Cav, Jan 2, 1863
John Strawhicker, Co C, 24th inf, Jan 2, 1863
Leonidas Simpson, Co I, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Adnah Sheeley, Co I, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Samuel J H Sour, Co H, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Leslie Stephens, Co A, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Isaac Strohm, Co F, 31st Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Chas H Talmage, Co I, 3d Inf, May 15, 1862
Walham M Turner, Co I, 8th Inf, May 15, 1862
Wm Tridale, Co A, 5th Inf, Oct 15, 1862
Wm E Thomas, Co H, 11th Inf, Oct 2, 1862
Wm E Thurston, Co A, 5th Inf, Oct 2, 1862
Geo M Thomas, Co G, 10th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Peter Their, Co D, 27th Inf, Dec 16, 1862
Samuel Thompson, Co I, 25th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Deplef Tode, Co E, 26th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
M B Tier Co B, 2d Cav, Sep 22, 1862
E T Vance, Co H, 17th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
Harting Voss, Co F, 5th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
John W Varner, Co A, 26th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Corp John W Veatch, Co I, 3d Cav, Jan 2, 1863
Philo B Weller, Co H, 5th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Serg Charles B Wilds, Co B, 17th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
Corp Geo B Work, Co B, 5th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
Wm H Williams, Co K, 15th Inf, Oct 20, 1862
Edward Wilcox, Co F, 16th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
E F Williams, Co C, 15th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Wm H H Williams, Co M, 4th Cav, Dec 16, 1862
James R Wolf, Co F, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Alexander West, Co K, 9th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
John Wicking, Co A, 9th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Wesley Walker, Co A, 24th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Alfred Wilder, Co I, 30th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Edmond F Wright, Co A, 34th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Enoch Wilson, Co D, 26th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
Andrew J Wentworth, Co E, 30th Inf, Jan 2, 1863
George E York, Co A, 3d Inf, Jan 2, 1863
James Young, Co C, 10th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
Nicholas Gill, Co D, 6th Inf, Jan 11th, 1863
D Garoner, Co A, 27th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Joseph F Garber, Co D, 27th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Newton J Halsey, Co G, 5th inf, Jan 11, 1863
Henry Hubner, Co I, 6th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
John E. Hilman, Co E, 6th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Wm M Hughes, Co D, 6th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Elicanah Knouse, Co G, 29th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Wm B Winter, Co C, 27th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Henry Scott, Co B, 5th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Alfred Smith, Co G, 27th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Christopher Seeman, Co D, 27th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Hosea Rulon, Co F, 27th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Wm H H Rathburn, Co C, 6th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Mathias Reed, Co D, 6th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
Thomas Williamson, Co K, 24th Inf, Jan 11, 1863
John K Hobart, Co B, 11th Inf, Nov 29, 1862
(continued at the top of the next column) be continued...

List of soldiers who have died in the Hospitals of St. Louis Mo. from January 15th to January 22, 1863.

January 16th, Thos. S. McCarty, co. B, 6 Mo cav.
January 16th, Sergt N M Letcher co F, 6 Mo cav
January 16th, Jacob Rasch, co B, 4 Mo cav.
January 16th, Peter P Huch, co C, 33d infantry
January 17th, Henry C Bixby, co. H, 3 Ill cav
January 17th, W M Crawford, Miss Marine Brig
January 17th, Micke McNalty, co G, 6th Mo cav
January 18th, Sergt. J.P. Staubuck, co ?, 18th Iowa
January 18th, Jacob Wagner, co I, 2d battery
January 18th, Peter Onis, co B, 33d Mo infantry
January 18th, J Glover, co G, 29th Mo infantry
January 18th, Sam'l Bird co A, 67th Indiana
January 18th, Copd W C Morrison co K, 29th Wis.
January 19th, Wm Hartman, co A, 21st Mo
January 19th, Serg Spence Johnson, co G, 25 Iowa
January 19th, C A Bubtain, co K, 33d Iowa
January 19th, W H Clair, co 13th M S A
January 19th, A D Alexander, co D, 24th Ind
January 19th, W Jacobs, co B, 81st Ind.
January 19th, Henry C. Hoffner, co H, 25th Iowa
January 20th, Rich'd Ashworth, co F, 4 Iowa cav
January 20th, Thos McDaniels, co M, 7th Mo cav
January 20th, Wm Polmer, co D, 28th Mo cav
January 20th, Wm F Knight, co B, 5th Mo cav
January 20th, Riley Bundy, co 83d Indiana
January 21st, W.G. Kindall, co E, 46th Indiana
January 21st, John Sohule, co ?, 13th Ill.
January 21st, Jos Lippert, co F, 10th Mo cav
January 21st, W Engleman, co E, 1st Ind.
January 22nd, S Stephens, co K, 18th Iowa
January 22nd, Jacob Vevry, co H, 120th Ohio
January 22nd, W A White, co C, 77th Ohio
January 22nd, Thos Young, co K, 96th Ohio
January 22nd, Levi Dillon, co B, 24th Iowa

List of sick and wounded from Arkansas Post, per steamer Die Vernon, arrived at St. Louis, Jan 22 and placed in Hospitals there:

Marcellus Baldwin, co B, 9th, debility
Thos. A Benty, co B, 9th, debility.
Isaac N Charles, co D, 9th, fever
Isaac A Miller, co D, 9th, contusion.
Amos L Thompson, co D, 9th, gastretus
Lorenz Wentworth, co I, 9th, wound in right hand
Allen W Lang, co E, 9th, debility
Wm Willey, co C, 9th, fever
J D Saunders, co C, 9th, diarrhoea
Jacob Geddes, co A, 4th, debility
R. Bilsend, co E, 4th, diarrhoea
John S Allen, co I, 4th, fever
Geo D Helenich, co K, 4th, fever
Orson B Lowell, co G, 31st, fever
Thos B Mitchell, co G, 31st, fever
John G Gibson, co K, 31st, diarrhoea
L N Gillian, Co K, 31st, fever
John Kelly, co K, 31st fever
Wm Davis, co K, 31st, fever
Lewis M Doty, co K, 31st, fever
J Rodgers, co F, 31st, fever
James Jackson, co F, 31st, fever
A Gilbert, 1st Iowa Battery, fever
J S Mitchell, co D, 4th, fever
O P Stafford, co F, 4th, debility
Charles H Hill, co F, 30th, wound in hand
W B Nelson, co F, 30th, wound in foot
Albert Bigley, co F, 30th, wound in foot
O P Stafford, co F, 4th, wound in foot.

James Jackson, co C, 31st, Jan 13
Orson B Lowell, co G, 31st, Jan 17
Reuben Bineland, co E, 4th, Jan 19
A Gillett, 1st Iowa Battery, Jan 19
J Rodgers, co F, 31st, Jan 20

At the residence of the bride's father, in this city, on the 22d inst. by Rev. A.F. Willey, Mr. David G. Taylor to Miss Sarah F. Franklin.

In this city on the 20th inst. of scarlet fever, Daniel E., only child of M. & S. Neiter, aged 2 years and 9 months.


Burlington Weekly Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
January 31, 1863

The following is a list of the killed and wounded of the 25th Iowa. Adjutant S K Clark, severely wounded in the left knee.
Wounded-Capt. Palmer, slightly in left foot; Serg't Jas G Vincent, slight, left hand; Corp'l Sam'l McKee, slight, right hip, J C Cary, severely,right thigh; John A Hammond, slight, right hand; R Wilken, severely left thigh.
Killed-Geo W Calhoun. Wounded-Serg't T J Yount, slightly with shell, thigh; Harvey Millhone, in hip with musket ball.
Killed-Corp'l James W Thompson; Henry R Boley and Andrew J Stanley. Wounded-Caleb B Rhodes, severely; Wm M Hufstedler, slightly.
Killed-John Q Dennis. Wounded-Corp'l John A Johnson, slightly; H M Mitchell, severely; Andrew M Fox, do.
Killed-Swan F Peterson.
Wounded- Capt. John N Bell, slightly by shell; Eudoras A Holland; dangerously; Lucius Newcomb, in neck, severely; Wm Bawmann, in cheek, slight; Chas L Renz, with shell, slight; Fritz Mester, ancle, slight.
Wounded-2d Lieut T Z Stark, in hand, severe; A S Paschall severely; Serg't L Denham in foot; R B Hewett, shoulder, severe; C C Bailey, leg, severe; A S Smith, hip and left arm, E Sergeant, slightly
Killed-Andrew McGuire; Geo. Rouse. Wounded-James Kelly, dangerously, in head and heal, since died; Jacob Barnhart, leg amputated.
Killed-Sergeant Henry C Zickafoose. Wounded-Sergeant John S Athereas, severely, leg amputated; Louis
Lavenburg, mortally; John Cole, in hip, badly; Alois Butzer, in wrist, severe; Joseph Helser, slightly.
Wounded-1st Lieut John Orr, slightly in leg; J G Smith, in chin, severe; M C Ogden, finger left hand; J G Rowan, slight. Missing- A Furge; S J More
Killed- Corporal G W Wilson Wounded-C F Lee, left arm, severely; James Matthew Philphott, left
thigh, severely; ___ McBurr, slightly; C C Stanley, slightly; A J Hopkins, slightly; M C Prior, slightly; A G Virgin, left leg amputated; J Harman slightly.
TOTAL-Killed, 10; Wounded, 47; Missing, 2.

Sick and Dead of the 34th Iowa.
The following is a list of deceased and sick members of the 34th Iowa Infantry, has been furnished us by Thomas W.J. Long, of this State, whose office is at No. 2, Laclede Block, Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
Died on the hospital boat latan, from Arkansas Post, during the trip:
Truman Story, Co. K, Jan. 17
John Merrill, Co. K., Jan 18
Robert Shauver, Co. C., Jan 19
Samuel Hyett, Co. D, Jan 20
Abraham Beckstell, Co. K, Jan 21
Samuel Hardin, Co. A, Jan 21
Joseph Winters, Co. A. Jan 22
W.A. Gardner, Co. I, Jan 23
Joel M Harsbarger, Co. A, Jan 15

Left at Mound City Hospital, Illinois, by the steamer Iatan, Jan. 21st, 1863.
COMPANY A- J. Robers, M. Robers, R.B. Bullard, J. Their, M. Caster, T. Gillman, W. Field, A. Mamsey, H. Arnold, Co. D., J. Cook, Abraham Johnson,
Co. K, G.B. Culver.
Arrived at St. Louis, Mo.; Jan 25th, 1863, per steamer Iatan, from Arkansas Post:
COMPANY A-Henry Arnold, J.M. Curry, C. Perry, Amos McKenney, Wm. Carr, James Williams, James Galliger, Charles Edgington, Wm Nulton, A. Hill, 1st Lt R.T. Sloan, W.J. Beaver, W. Vance, J.M. Williams, Daniel M. Stiles, D.P. Commons, W.H. Carr, Clinton Sloan.
Co. B.-A Pendry, D Sailsbury, Wm Rogers, Wm Morgan, A.F. Munigan, L.V. Anderson, M. Morris, C. Smith.
Co. C.-J. Layton.
Co. D-Corp. C.R. Ramsey, H. Sandy, J. Bromley, J. Cook, John Ham, Wm Hitchcock, James Silver, W. B. Silver.
Co. E-Thomas Twiggs, Amos Mester, S. Atkinson, G. Sands, L.L. McDonald, L. McNew, Eli Wayland, J. Shambaugh, J. Vickroy, J Bentley.
Co. F-David W. Thomas
Co. I-Lieut. J.R. Andrews, R. Hatfield, W. Morbea.
Co. K-L. McKey, G.W. Wise, T. Mussleman, Henry Thomas.

DISCHARGED- Lieut. Joseph H. Halliday, of the Iowa 6th, received his discharge from the service on account of disability. He was severely wounded at the battle of Shiloh. His discharge dates from the 1st of November last.
-In this city, January 24th at the residence of W.E. Cook, of Typhoid Fever, Chole Vallance, youngest daughter of Mrs. W.E. Cook, age 12 years and 11 months.
-In Flint River township, this county, on Tuesday, Jan. 30th, 1863, Mrs. Jane Marna Kerr, wife of Wm. T. Kerr, aged 25 years, 8 months, 10 days.

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Des Moines County