Iowa Old Press

Weekly Hawk-Eye and Telegraph
Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa
February 9, 1858

Some bare-footed thief stole a show-case, full of boots, from the shoe shop of Mr. Twicker, on Washington St., a few days since. The case was taken into the alley near by, rifled of its contents, and left. If the fellow could be caught now, he would probably illustrate the fact that the meanest scoundrels sometimes stand on good footing.

-At Mt. Pleasant, on the 4th inst., by Rev. Mr. Hare, Thomas S. Mitchell and Miss Sarah S. Parkinson both of this city.
-On the evening of the 2d inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W.L. Mitchell, Mr. S. Dwight Eaton, of Keokuk, and Miss Gertrude F. Williams, of Burlington, Iowa.

In this city on the 5th inst., Charles H. Remick, infant son of David and Martha Remick, aged 7 months and 9 days. A large circle of sympathizing friends mour with these afflicted parents over the loss of their beloved child, but are comforted in the felief of that better immortality upon which he has now entered.
"The lovely bud so young and fair,
Called hence by early doom,
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In Paradise would bloom"

Taken Up by Nicholas Calahan, of Westfork Tp., Ringgold County, Iowa, three Oxen. One 8 years old, line back, brindle, white spot in forehead, some white on belly, swallow fork in right ear; one 3 years old, deep red, ball face, white belly, two small white spots on rump, under slit in right ear; one five years old, pale red, crop off right ear, white belly, long slim horns. Appraised to be worth $165 by Gabriel Huffman, Noah Addington and Samuel Bairn, before John Oarman, J.P. on the 8th day of December, 1857. by J.O. Hagans, County Judge.

Taken Up by David M. Lesan, of Salt Creek Tp. Ringgold County, Iowa, Oct. 18th, 1857, Hay Mare, three years old, left hind feet white, a little white on right fore foot. Appraised at $55 by Daniel F. Armstrong and Thos. E. Armstrong, on order of Hiram Jones, J.P. by Jas. O. Hagans, County Judge.

-Transcribed by S.F., Feb 2007

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