Iowa Old Press

Burlington Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa
April 30, 1850

Correspondence of the Burlington Hawk-Eye
Traders Point, April 29, 1850.
Friend Edwards:--The company to which I belong, reside mostly in Des Moines
County, and for the information of their friends, have decided to have the
names of the members published in the Burlington papers.   We cross the
river to day.—Every man , woman and child are in good health, and our teams
look reasonably well.  Nothing of importance here in the way of news—about
as many teams arriving daily as are leaving.  Corn is worth $2 per
bushel—supplies of ery kind hae run up enormously high—flour is now selling
at $12 per bbl. And side meat at 10 cts. Per lb.  Up to this time but very
little has been received by the river, expecting what has been shipped by
emigrants for their own consumption.  The early emigrants bought things at a
reasonable rate, corn at 20 cts, and bacon at 6 1-4.

The name of the company is “Flint River,” and the following are the name of
the officers and men:
Z. C. Hovey, Captain; S. Hall Lieutenant; D. J. Sales, Orderly Sergeant;
Robert Grimes, Camp Master, E. Coad, Wagon Master.
Daniel Rice, John Leffler, James Leffler, M. M. Pierson, J. W. Patterson,
Geo. W. Noble, Geo. Roberts, Samuel e. Pope, James Jurtz, Philip Harmon,
Peter Moore, Wm., E. Brown, A Churchill, John Churchill, Napoleon Schooler,
David Jones, John Nevens, John Bingaman, Thos. Brown, Peter Rexreat, John
Dean, Jacob Campton, Samuel Jackson, Ephraim Husted, Wm. Husted, Samuel
Saint, John Coad, Henry Coad, John Fury, Barney Mullen, John Martley, Jos.
Feeraikowski, Austin Phley, Isaac George, John Atchinson, John Brown, Miles
Babb, Jacob Kline, Edward Folsom, T. F. Stwart, J. L. Murphy, Wm. Dobson,
James Berry, Hamilton R. Box, John Ridly, Joseph Beardsley, Samuel
Darbishire Richard Sheton, James B. Yates, Wm. Levern, Edward Phley, Thos.
Shelton, James Shelton, James Hamond, C. Lusk, A. Barteil, J. Sherman, D.
Grover, Wm, Todd, T. McDowell, L. Waldo, Eli Harold, L. Butin, M. Owens.
Respectfully Yours. D. J. Sales.

Submitted by Leslie

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