Iowa Old Press

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines county, Iowa
January 4, 1849

Death. -- We regret to learn that Mr. E. Bissell, Druggist, of this
city, died at Lansingsburg, N.Y., on the 29th ult., of fever.  Mr. B.
was one of the oldest and most intelligent business men of Dubuque,
and his death will be a loss to the community.  [Du Buque Tribune]

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines county, Iowa
January 18, 1849

Woman Frozen to Death
Mrs. Jane Leatherow, mother of Mr. C. and Jos. Jackson of this
county, living with Nelson Bundeay, went on a visit to some friends
early last month.  On Wednesday the 13th of December she started for
home.  On her way she stopped at Mr. A. Morgan's to ascertain if she
could not get home a nearer way than the road.  Mr. M. told her the
track across was not broken and endeavored to persuade her to keep in
the usual road.  But she would not even stop to warm, said she was in
haste to get home, and that she would risk going across.   Mr. Bundeay
and Mr. Jackson came to town on the Saturday following.  Meeting Mr.
Steenrod, in whose neighborhood Mrs. Leatherow had been visiting, Mr.
Jackson asker after the health of his mother.  Mr. S. looked
surprised and told him his mother had started for home on the
previous Wednesday.  On the next morning Mr. J. instituted an
enquiry, and when he saw Mr. Morgan and learned that she had taken
the unbroken track, the truth flashed upon him that she might have
lost her way and been frozen to death.  The remainder of the day was
employed by him in a fruitless search for her.  On the morning of
Tuesday  he, with a large number of the neighbors, renewed the
search.  They finally found her track and following it discovered her
body far from the right path.  She had evidently lost her way and had
wandered about until, apparently exhausted, she sank down on her
face, and died without a struggle in that position.  This was
apparent as the snow was left undisturbed all around her.  Mrs. L.
was about seventy-two years of age.
Master Buchanan McDonnell of West Point, Lee County, has received the
appointment of Midshipman in the U.S. Navy.
Died. At his residence in Danville, in this county, on Tuesday last,
Mr. L.S. Jagger, a respectable and well known citizen of this
county.  Funeral this day at 12 o'clock.
Administrator's Notice.  Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of James McClure, late of Louisa county,
deceased, will on the first Monday of February next, 1849, present a
petition to the Court of Probate of Louisa county, praying for a
license to sell the real estate of which the said James died seized,
and the next of kin and all persons interested may then and there
appear and show cause why said license should not be granted. 
Matthew McClerrin, Adm'r.  Wapello, Jan. 11, 1849.
Estray Colts. Taken up by John Morgan, residing near Columbus City,
Louisa county, Iowa, two bay horse colts; one of them has both hind
and one fore leg white and a white star in the forehead, supposed to
be two years old last spring.  One of them appraised at $18 the other
at $13 by David Knowles and Adam Hood, before Phillip Gore, J.P.,
Dec. 5th, 1848.  A true and full description from the return in my
office.  S.M. Kirkpatrick, Co. Com's Clerk.  Wapello, Jan. 11, 1849.
Guardian Notice.  Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned,
Guardian at law, for Mary J. Johnson, minor heir of George Johnson,
late of Louisa county, dec'd, will on the first Monday of February
next, present a petition to the Court of Probate for said county to
be holden at the court house in Wapello, praying for a license to
sell the real estate of said George Johnson, dec'd, to which the said
Mary J., is heir, for the use and benefit of said minor, and the next
of kin and all persons interested may then and there appear, and show
cause, if any they have, why said license should not be granted. 
Merit Jamison, Guard'n said Minor.
The Cholera
As it is now morally certain that the cholera will make its
appearance amongst us on or before the arrival of steamboats at our
wharfs, it behooves the citizens of Burlington to take such measures
as are calculated to divest it of its violent character, and to
prevent as far as possible its extension; and for that purpose I
would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following report,
as it embraces in my estimation, nearly every measure calculated to
accomplish the object.  H. Houghton, M.D., General Board of Health
[a lengthy story about Cholera, its causes, how it is spread, how to
prevent, etc. followed]
-C.W. Bodemann, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Dye-stuffs, Putty, Window Glass, etc. etc.  Jefferson Street,
-John G. Foote, Dealer in Iron, Steel, Tin Plates, Nails, Stoves and
Jewett's Patent Pioughs.  Jefferson Street, Burlington.
-J.G. Lauman and Geo. C. Lauman (J.G. Lauman & Brother).  Forwarding
and Commission Merchants, corner Front and Jefferson streets,
Burlington, Iowa.  Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots, shoes, Hats, Caps, etc., etc.
-Prugh & Cook (John Prugh & Lyman Cook).  Jefferson Street, between
Main and Third. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Iron, Stoves,
Castings, Hollow-Ware, etc., Etc.  Also- Manufacturers of Tin, Copper
and Sheet Iron Ware.
- Daniel Klauberg, Cutler.  Makes Pen-Knives, Pocket-Knives, Razors,
Scissors, &c.  Also Grinds and repairs same cheap.  shop on Main
street, between Washington and Columbia.
-W.F. Coolbaugh, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Glass, Nails,
etc. etc.
-D.M. Ewing & co., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc.  South side Jefferson
-J.S. Kimball & co., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, corner of
Main and Jefferson Streets.  Dealers in Dry-Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc
-Drs. Boughton & Brookbank, have associated in the practice of
Medicine.  Office on the corner of Washington and Third streets.
-W.H. Mauro, General Agent and Commission Merchant.  Dealer in staple
Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Boots, Shoes, etc. etc.
-Dr. John F. Henry, Tenders his professional services to the citizens
of Burlington and its vicinity. Office in the basement of his new
building on Corner of 4th street and the Public square.  Residence in
the same building.
-B.T. David, Forwarding and Commission merchant, Water street,
Burlington, Iowa.  Dealer in Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queensware,
Hardware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc. etc.
-Parsons, Copp & Parsons (T.L. Parsons, Joshua Copp & C.B. Parsons) 
Forwarding and Commission merchants. Dealers in Dry-Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Drugs and Medicines, Dye-
Stuffs, Paints, Oils, etc. etc.
-F.J.C. Peasley & co., Forwarding and Commission merchants, Water
Street.  Liberal advances made on consignments to forward, or sell in
this market at auctio or otherwise, or to sell in St. Louis, New
Orleans or the Atlantic Cities.
-Grier & Burge.  Manucatureres of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware,
Wholesale and Retail.  Also, dealers in Stoves of all descriptions.
-J.F. Abrahams, Dealer in Books and Stationery of every descripton at
the lowest prices for Cash.  Corner of Barret House, Burlington.
-J.F. Tallant, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Dye Stuffs, Putty, Window Glass, &c., &c., Jefferson Street,
-Cox, Garrett & co. (M.B. Cox, Wm. Garrett & Joel Kirshbaum). 
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Boots, shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready Made Clothing, etc., etc.
-Lockard & co., Wholesale and retail dealers in Foreign and Domestic
Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready Made Clothing, etc., etc.
-Wesley Jones, Wholesale and Retail Dearler in Dry-Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, Boots, shoes, Hats, Caps, etc., Jefferson
-Dr. J.W. Garner, Dentist.  Office on Main street.
-G. Armstrong, Saddler and Harness Maker, Jefferson street.
-J. Sturgis & Son, Dealers in Hats, Caps and Furs, east side Main,
two doors from Jefferson st.
-Swan & Boerstler, Dealers in Produce and assorted Merchandise,
Corner of Jefferson and Third streets.
-R.S. Adams, Boot, Shoe & Leather Merchant.
-A.D. Green, Attorney and Counsellor at Law.  Office on Main street.
-L.D. Stockton, Attorney and Counsellor at Law.  Office at his
residence on Public square.
-A.W. Carpenter, Jeweller and Watch-maker, Main, near the Corner of
Jefferson Street.
-G.P. Turner, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Manufacturer.
-Geo. Blickhahn, Fashionable Tailor.
-Wesley Jones, Forwarding and Commission merchant, next door to
F.J.C. Peasley & Co., Water street, in the building occupied by the
Telegraph Office.

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines county, Iowa
January 25, 1849

Mr. Haskell, of Keokuk county, has been appointed by the Legislature
to superintend the work on the Penitentiary at Fort Madison.  Six
thousand dollars were appropriated for this object.
Died. In this city, on Friday morning last, after a short illness,
Mr. Abiatmer White, aged 55.  Mr. W. has resided here for the last
ten years.  He emigrated from Massachusetts and came to this town in
its infancy, where he gained for himself the esteem and respect of a
large circle of friends.  He was an active and worthy member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of this place, and his loss to that body
will be seriously felt.
Guardian's Notice.  Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned,
Guardian of Hannah Hughs a minor, will on the 2d Saturday of
February, A.D. 1849, present a petition to the Court of Probate of
Desmoines county, Iowa, asking for a License and Decree of said court
authorizing her as such Guardian to sell the Real Estate of said
minor for the support and education of said minor, when and where all
persons interested may if they see proper, appear and show cause, if
any they have, why said license should not be granted.  Given Hughs,
For Sale or Rent, the farm at present occupied by William Pierce in
Franklin township.  Apply to Grimes & Starr, Burlington.

submitted by S.F., Apr 2004

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