Iowa Old Press

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa Territory
January 9, 1845

Died, in Brighton, Washington Co., I.T., Dec. 20th, Mr. Obadiah
Gilder, aged about 26 years, late of Kinsman, Trumbul Co., Ohio. 
Mr. G. left his home and friends in K, some time in Oct. last, and
came to spend the winter with an acquaintance in this vicinity.
During his brief stay with us, he won the confidence and esteem of
all with whom he bacame acquainted.  Of a naturally mild and amiable
disposition, and possessed of every manly grace, he was fitted to
be, as he was, the ornament of the society in which he lived.  By
his death, the community has been filled with sorrow; and his
departure will be deeply lamented by yhis friends, and a large
circle of acquaintances, to whom he was ondeared by his many
virtues.  During his sickness, which was of about two weeks'
continuance, he manifested no anxiety to recover, but seemed not
only willing to go, but also ready.  He reposed all his confidence
and centered all his hopes in the Lord Jesus Christ as his only and
all-sufficient Savior.  To him he trusted, he had been united by a
true and living faith, and this confidence in the Savior, disarmed
Death of his terrors; and the thought of death was pleasing to him. 
He seemed to dwell with peculiar delight and satisfaction upon the
beautiful hymn of Dr. Watts:
"When I can read my title clear,
To mansions in the skies," etc.,
Especially the last verse, he would repeat over and over again:
"Here shall I bathe my weary soul,
In seas of heavenly rest,
And not a wave of trouble roll,
Across my peaceful breast."
On one occasion, as a person knelt by his bed and prayed that he
might be restored to health, "O, no!" said he, "pray that I may be
sanctified and prepared to die."  We trust his desire was granted,
and that now he is chanting the praises of God in Heaven, with all
the blood-washed throng who have gone before him.  "Precious in the
sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."
Died, In this city on yesterday morning, Rev. Samuel Payne, of the
Presbyterian Church, aged 38.  Funeral to-morrow morning at 11
o'clock, from the Methodist Church.  the citizens generally are
invited to attend without a more particular invitation.  Obituary
notice next week.
In this city on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Bishop Leras, Mr.
Edward F. Wilson to Miss Salie D. Stull, daughter of Gen. O.H.W.
Stull, all of this place.
Mr. Anderson's Horse Ferry Boat -- the Mill Boy, is now ready to
make regular trips across the river.  Mr. A. deserves well of our
trading community for his exertions to keepp up the connection with
our Sucker neighbors.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the
undersigned administrator of the estate of Thomas Vasnice [or
Vannice], deceased, will present to the Court of Probate in and for
Des Moines county, I.T. on Monday the 27th day of January, A.D.
1845, a petition praying for a license to sell the east half of the
north west quarter of section No. five, township seventy-one north
range two west; also, the west half of the west half of the north
east quarter of section five in township seventy-one north range two
west to pay the debits of said deceased.
Saml. Fullinwider, Adm'r

Administrator's Notice.
Notice, is hereby given that the undersigned, Administrator of the
state of Edward H. Campbell, deceased, will present to the Court of
Probate in and for the county of Des Moines on the second Monday in
January, 1845, a petition for a license to sell a part of the west
half of SE one fourth of section No. three, township sixty nine
north range.  Nos. three west, containing six acres more or less. 
The proceeds of said sale to be applied to the payment of the debts
of said estate.
Wm. C. Cameron, Admr

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa Territory
January 16, 1845

Died, In Burlington, Iowa Territory, Jan. 8th, Rev. Samuel Payne, of
Yellow Spring, aged 38 years.  Mr. Payne was a native of New
Jersey.  His Literary course was completed at  Bloomfield Academy. 
After graduating at this institution he purseued his Theological
studies at Lane Seminary.  The first year after leaving the Seminary
he spent in Miami County, Ohio.  Before the expiration of the year,
he received an invititation from the church in Salem, Meigs County,
to become their Pastor.  This invitation he accepted, and labored
with this church, and the vicinity for six years.  During this
period his ministrations were owned by his Divine Master, and
enjoyed His righ blessing.  A partial result of his labors was the
solomizing, at different times, of three churches from the one in
Salem, and still leaving it larger than at the time of Mr. Payne's
settlement.  The ususal hardships of a Western Missionary's life,
fell in their fall share upon Mr. Payne.  His constitution is
thought to have suffered in consequence of exposure and toil.  The
hope of better health combined with other reasons led him to this
new Territory.  Two years have completed his labors here, and taken
him to his reward.  Yellow Springs and vicinity has been the scene
of his efforts.  Amid the shifting population of a new country,
without houses for worship, or organised society, ministerial labor
in the west is often seed sown by the way-side, and like bread cast
upon the waters, "is found only after many days."  Thus Mr. Payne
mourned over the few visible results of his labors, and the
saddening effects of [illegible] did much to prepare his
constitution to sisk beneath disease.  But his record is on high,
and in the hearts of those who listened to him faithful preaching. 
His ministerial brethren mourn him as one greatly respected and
ardently loved.  He is the first of our number who has gone home,
and we are not among the survivors one so well prepared.  The
feeling of his heart for months before his death is well expressed
in the text which he selected for his funeral sermon -- "I am in a
strait betweixt two, having a desire to depart and to be with Christ
which is far better."
Departed this life on the 9th of January, 1845, in this County at
the house of Solomon Sherfay, Jesse Beckdel, in the 24th year of his
age.  He was born in Pa.  In early life his parents moved to Ohio --
four years since the deceased immigrated to this Territory -- about
three years ago he became awakened and joined the Methodial
Episcopal Church -- his daily walk was consistent and upright and
his death triumphant: after pointing his young friends to Jesus, he
died with the sound of glory lingering on his voice.  --
Communicated.  Gazette copy.

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa Territory
January 30, 1845

On the 17th inst., by Lewis Kinsey, Esq., Mr. John Spencer, to Miss
Rebecca Barcus, both of Louisa County.

H.B. Marlow, is a candidate for re-election to the Marshalship.  He
is a worthy young man, and as we learn he has been scaldy treated by
the present Board of Aldermen, we hope he may be re-elected.


Submitted by S.F., May 2006

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