Iowa Old Press

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa Territory
February 6, 1845

On Monday, January 6, by the Rev. Mr. Slurgeon, Mr. Joseph Shares
[or Sharky], to Miss Mary Martin, all of Danville, Iowa.

In this city yesterday morning Mr. Jonathan Garrmon, a most worthy
and estimable citizen.  His funeral will take place this afternoon
at 2 o'clock.

In this city on the 2d inst., Mr. Davis Sharp, who has left a wife
and two children with numerous friends to mourn his loss.  Mr. S.
was a member of the Christian Church and was much respected by all
who knew him:  he died as dieth the righteous, in peace and in full
hope of a glorious reserection from the dead.  He lived a life of
excellence and was truly a blessing to his [illegible], "Blessed are
the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yes, with the
spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do
follow them."  "You have seen in the morning the earth crowned with
the drops of dew, each sparkling in the sun's pure light, and like
so many diamonds throwing back to each other and to every eye the
brillant hues of the rainbow; such in Heaven shall be the company of
the Saints; each indeed small in himself, out all like so many
polished gems sparkling with a celestial brightness and reflecting
to each other and to all around the glories of the Sun of

Burlington Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa Territory
February 13, 1845

Information Wanted
Of George W. Herrington, who left this county for Burlington, Iowa,
on the 28th of August last.  It is known that he reached
Burlington.  But painful uncertainty rests upon his subsequent
course and fortunes.  Said Herrington is about fifty-three years of
age -- rather grey haired, of a thin visage and slightly scarred
under the right jaw.  Any person who may have seen or know anything
of said Herrington, will enter a great favor by communicating the
fact to Catharine Herrington, Pittsfield, Illinois.
Editors throughout Iowa and Illinois wil confer a lasting favor by
giving the above publicity.

Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa Territory
February 27, 1845

In the Senate, the bill confirming the title of the heirs of Julian Du Buque, to certain lands in Iowa, was indefinitely postponed.

In the House, the bill making payment to the Iowa Militia for services on the boundary, in '39, was laid on the table.

The bill supplementary to an act laying off the towns of Ft. Madison, Burlington, Belleview, Dubuque and Peru was passed. 

The bill to admit the Territories of Iowa and Florida into the Union, then passed after discussion. That of Iowa has the following amendment defining its boundaries:
"Bounded by the Mississippi on the east; by a parallel of latitude passing through the mouth of the Mankats or Blue Earth river on the north; by a meridian line running equi-distant from the seventeenth and eighteenth degrees of longitude, west from Washington, on the west; and by the northern boundary of Missouri on the south."
It will be seen by this, that our 'water' line on the west, is to be 'dry land.' The western boundary being sixty miles at least, from the Missouri river, and leaving us an area of about 42,000 square miles. The citizens of the Territory will not be satisfied with this cutting down of boundary.

Submitted by S.F., May 2006 & Feb 2007

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