Iowa Old Press

Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
May 6, 1844

Whig Meeting in Henry County
    According to previous notice the Delegates from the different Townships in
said county met at the Court House in Mount Pleasant, on Saturday the 18th
inst., when on motion, G.W. PATTERSON, Esq. was called to the Chair, and EVAN
JAY, appointed Secretary.
    The names of the several Delegates, five from each Township, being culled,
it was found that every Township in the county was fully represented with the
exception of three Delegates from Jackson and one from another Township.
    On motion, G. Miller and R.M. Pickel, Esqrs, were appointed tellers, when on
the second balloting, John S. Stephenson was nominated as candidate for the
Council, and Col. J.C. Hawkins, George Hobson, J. Hoag, John Randolph and John
B. Shelladay for Delegates to the Territorial Convention. C. Clifton, N. Munger,
and J.D. Woodworth for the House of Representatives. For Sheriff, Henry Swan.
County Commissioner, J.W. Payne. Recorder R. Miller. County Commissioners Clerk,
N. Lathrop.
    On motion the following resolutions were passed:
    Resolved. That we use all honorable means to secure the election of those
nominated at this Convention.
    Resolved. That we approve of the nominations of the National Baltimore Whig
    Resolved. That the proceedings of this Convention be signed by the President
and Secretary and published in the Hawk-Eye.
    On motion, the meeting adjourned.
    G.W. PATTERSON, Pres't.
    EVAN JAY, Sec'y.

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