Iowa Old Press

Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
July 11, 1844

    In this city on the 5th inst., by his Hon. J.R. Fayerweather, Mr. HENRY T.
KELLEY to Miss SARAH M. WOOD, of Knox Co, Ill.

    In this Township on the 8th inst., of inflammation of the brain, GEORGE
THOMAS, second son of Thomas M. and Letitia Williams, aged 7 years, 8 months and
2 days.

Mt. Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa
    The undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of the town and
county, as well as the traveling community, that he has taken the National
Hotel, formerly occupied by Wm. D. M'Cord, and fitted it up in a good style and
hopes by unremitting exertions and assiduous attention to merit public
patronage. His table shall at all times be furnished with the best the county
affords, and his stable is large and convenient and the best in the place, well
provided with grain and hay.- He flatters himself that he will be able to give
entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage.
    Mount Pleasant, June 20.

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