Iowa Old Press

Burlington, Des Moines co. Iowa Territory
February 8, 1844

Burlington is the seat of justice for Des Moines county, and contains about 2000 inhabitants. It is situated on the west bank of the Mississippi, about 250 miles above Saint Louis.

-PHYSIC & SURGERY. Dr. H. Houghton, offers his professional services to the citizens of Burlington and vicinity.
-Dr. A.H. Bronson, Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa Terri'ty. Particular attention paid to Rheumatism.

The most aggravated wounds of domestic animals are easily cured with a portion of the yolk of eggs mixed with the spirit of turpentine. The part affected must be bathed several times with the mixture, when a perfect cure will be effected in 48 hours.

During our late visit to Iowa City we put up for most of the time at Swan's Hotel. This house is kept in first rate order, and notwithstanding the crowd of boarders, amounting at the time we were there to about one hundred, the wants of every individual were promptly attended to. Almost all the corps editorial of the Territory were at the Capital during our stay. These were Albright of the 'Lee County Democrat', Clarke of the 'Burlington Gazette', Mitchell of the 'Keosanqua Democrat', Russell of the 'Bloomington Herald', Wilson of the 'Miners Express', the resident editors of the Standard and Reporter, and ourself. The only absentees were the Editors of the 'Du Buque Transcript' and the 'Davenport Gazette'. The personal intercourse between these gentlemen which necessarily grew out of such a simultaneous meeting, will, we trust, have a very beneficial effect.

That Keg of Apples.
On our return from Iowa City we found a keg of fine Jenitan apples, that had been forwarded to us by that fiast friend to the whig cause, L.B. Fleak, Esq., of Keokuk. We thank him most cordially, and sincerely hope that he may find a ready sale for the remaining seventy barrels of the same article, which he now has on hand.

Appointments by the President - Official.
Attorney of the United States - John G. Deshler, for Iowa, in the place of Charles Weston.
Marshal of the United States - Isaac Leffler, for Iowa, in the place of Thos. B. Johnson.
George Floyd, of Virginia, Secretary of the Territory of Wisconsin, in the place of A.P. Field.

Died. In this city, January 24th, Annis Roxana, infant daughter of Francis J. and Mary E. Peasley, aged 23 months and 11 days.

--Submitted by S.F., Feb. 2007

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