Iowa Old Press

Hawk Eye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
April 25, 1844

Territory of Iowa
Henry county, sct.
District Court of said county, June Term, 1844

Sarah E. Darnell vs. Sanford Darnell
In Chancery petition for Divorce.

    The said Sanford Darnell will hereby take notice that on the 16th day of
December, 1843, the said Sarah E. Darnell filed in the office of the Clerk of
the District court aforesaid her petition or bill of complaint against him in
the above entitled suit, praying a divorce from the bonds of matrimony for the
following cause, to wit: the wilful desertion of the said Sanford Darnell for
more than one year without any just cause or provocation. And unless the said
Sanford Darnell shall be and appear before said court at the term thereof to be
begun and holden at Mount Pleasant in said county, on the fourth Monday in June
1844, and answer the said complainants bill, the same will be taken as confessed
and decree entered accordingly.
    E. KILLPATRICK, Clerk.
    Wallace & Munger, compt, sols.

    In this city on Monday the 22d instant, SILAS MELVILLE, eldest son of Mr.
Silas Page, aged 3 years.

    In this city on the 17th inst by Rev. J.G. Whitford Mr. HARVEY S. ALLEN of
Belleview, Jackson County, to Miss LUCY H. CHEATHAM of Burlington.
    At Agency city in Wapello County, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. B.A.
Spaulding Mr. JOHN P. LEROY of Boonville, Mo., to Miss ELVIRA A. WEIR, of Agency

    On the 14th inst., in Toolesborough, Louisa county, Iowa, Mr. JOHN M. BOAL,
of Marion, was ordained as an Evangelist, by the Des Moines Presbytery. Sermon,
by Rev. W.W. Woods of Iowa City; ordaining prayer by Rev. James A. Clark of Fort
Madison; Charges and right hand of Fellowship by Rev Charles R. Fisk of

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