Iowa Old Press

Burlington, Des Moines county, Iowa Territory
February 3, 1838

DIED-- In Burlington, Iowa, on Monday last, after a short illness, Mr. John Ryder, for some time past, a worthy and excellent citizen of this place.

[Transcribed by M.L.M.]


Burlington, Des Moines county, Iowa Territory
February 17, 1838

MARRIED-- In Des Moines County, Iowa, on Tuesday evening last, by Wm. Griffey Esq., Thomas Shanley, Esq., member of the Legislature from Iowa county, to Miss Melinda Rachael, daughter of the Hon., Arthur Inghram, President of the Council.

[Transcribed by M.L.M.]


Burlington Gazette
Burlington, Des Moines co, Iowa Territory
Saturday, February 24, 1838

VOLUNTEER COMPANY.-An effort is now making in Burlington to form a volunteer company of uniformed infantry. We hope it may be successful. It would, in case of any Indian disturbances, be extremely useful, and at any time creditable to our town. We trust that the young men in Burlington, without an exception, will step forward and second this enterprise; and those in the country who live at convenient distances, will not let slip this occasion to do so likewise.

GENTLEMEN, desirous of forming a uniformed Volunteer Company of Infantry, will please call and leave their names at this office, at J. B. Newhall’s store, at Webber & Remey’s, and at the Exchange. As soon as forty names shall be subscribed, a meeting will be called to elect officers, select a uniform, &c., &c. Gentlemen in the country are particularly requested to join the Company.

[Transcribed by L.D., December 2014]

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Des Moines County