Iowa Old Press

Manchester Democrat
Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa
Wednesday, February 17, 1915

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Mr. William Barry of near Masonville had the misfortune to fall on the ice Saturday evening as he was going to the barn and break his hip Mr. Barry is the father of R. A. Barry of this place and his many old time friends will be sorry to hear of his accident.

Miss Mabel Sevey of Edgewood and Mr. Jay Laity of near Strawberry Point were united in marriage at Edgewood on Saturday, February 13th, 1915 by Rev. G. L. Heiserman. The many friends of the young couple extend congratulations.

Grace M. Churchill, formerly of Dubuque, and John Merz, formerly of Bellevue, Iowa, were united in marriage by Justice George S. Lister on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Merz recently purchased the Ideal restaurant of this city. Manchester people extend a cordial welcome to this young couple.

M. M. Gillilan, who has conduted the Ideal restaurant on the West side in this city for some time, sold the same last week to John Merz, of Bellevue, Iowa. Mr. Merz took possession of the restaurant last Wednesday.

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The wedding of Miss Mary Holtz and Wm. Boehm has also been announced. Mr. Boehm has purchased the Rudy Moser farm and they will be at home at that place after March 1st.

On Thursday of this week will occur the marriage of Miss Katharina Schneider and Martin Fitzpatrick, both well known young people of this place. They will make their home on the Schneider girl’s farm after the first of March

T. W. Hatfield of this city and Mrs. Judith Hawthorne, of Volga, were married in Greeley on Tuesday evening. They will live in the former’s home in Greeley.

Last Friday evening about seventy-five friends and neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Moser and gave them a farewell party. They took a good supply of oysters and well-filled baskets and proceeded to serve a big spread. The self-invited guests remained until a late hour, and as they departed expressed regrets that such good neighbors were leaving our vicinity, but pleased to know they are not going very far.

Edward Steger, whose marriage to Miss Julia Haas took place in Worthington last week, gave a dance in the Dyersville Opera House last Wednesday evening to which all his friends were invited. A large number was present and the music was furnished by Dubuque Majestic Orchestra. All present report a good time.

Announcement was made in St. Francis Church Sunday of the forthcoming marriages of Miss Genevieve Bell to Mr. Julius White; Miss Mary Dress to Mr. Wm. Stelken; and Miss Frances Engelken to Mr. William Naderman.

Miss Clara Kramer and Theodore Demmer were united in marriage in St. Francis Church last Tuesday at 8 a.m., in the presence of relatives and friends. Very Rev. Father Warning performed the sacred ceremony. The bride was attractive in a white silk dress trimmed of shadow lace. She wore a veil and carried lilies of the valley and bride’s roses. Her sister, Miss Rose Kramer, wore a dress of white silk material with lace trimmings. August Demmer, brother of the groom, was best man. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. C. Kramer, of this city, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Demmer of Worthington, and both are well known in Dyersville and have a host of friends who extend congratulations. After a quiet reception for the bridal party and the immediate relatives, given at the August Demmer home, Mr. and Mrs. Demmer went to reside on a farm near Farley.

[transcribed by C.M., January 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Delaware County