Iowa Old Press

Manchester Press
Union Township, Delaware County, Iowa
July 28, 1876

On Thursday evening of last week, a terrible accident ocurred here, the particulars of which are as follows: About eight o'clock Geo. Hyler and six others started to take a boat ride, a short distance above the dam. The current was swifter than they supposed, and they had no sooner started from the bank than they were rapidly carried down stream. All efforts to turn the boat from its course were fruitless. In a moment it was dashed over the dam, with all on board, into the foaming torrent below. The boat was dashed into a thousand splinters. Geo. Hyler, Miss Lula Lathrop and Miss Metcalf [Loduska Metcalf*] floated down the river, and were saved by striking the bank, several rods below. The other four met instant death. Their names are Mrs. Thomas West and child, her sister, Miss Anna Billings, and Miss Hyler, sister to the gentleman saved. The alarm was given and a large number soon gathered. Fruitless search was kept up during the night; Friday hundreds from town and surrounding country, gathered to the scene of death. Careful search was made for the bodies in every contrivable manner. The body of the child was found entangled in brush some distance down stream, and shortly after Miss Billings was found fastened among logs close to the dam. Search for the others was continued all day Saturday, but to no effect.

Sunday an immense crowd gathered from the country and towns around. The river was dragged at every point, and a solid breach of men, held to their place by ropes supported by the crowd on each bank, marched two miles down stream. Some persons ahead discovered the body of Miss Hyler, entangled in lodged driftwood about a mile from the dam. The body was terribly bruised and discolored. Up to this time Mrs. West's body has not been found. Her husband is in a deplorable condition. They were but recently married, and it is a hard stroke to have his dear ones thus taken away. He is continually walking up and down the banks, gazing with fixed eye into the water. The two bodies found Friday were interred Saturday at Buck Creek [Cemetery]; and the one found yesterday was buried here, in the afternoon. Further search is continued for the body still missing. The people are heroic in their efforts for recovery. The accident has spread a deep gloom over the enter community."

[*Transcriber notes: Loduska Metcalf, daughter of Warren and Rachel (Fuller) Metcalf. had read the week previously how to save oneself from drowning. It was at this time my Metcalf / Fuller / Billings relatives moved to Plymouth County, Iowa, perhaps because of the shadow of death where they were living. Transcribed by M.K.S., July 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Delaware County