Iowa Old Press

Delaware County Union
Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa
April 1, 1864

[a letter written by Lt. Boynton published in the Delaware County Union.]

Lieut. W. N. Boynton
The Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry
Vicksburg, March 10, 1864

"We have just returned from one of the biggest marches ever made by infantry during this war, having marched entirely across the State of Mississippi and back again, a distance of 475 miles; and this, too, without finding any force of the enemy worth mentioning. We left Vicksburg on the 3d of February and returned on the 5th of March, having had some of the prettiest weather ever known at this time of the year. It only rained a part of two days during the entire time. We destroyed fifty-five miles of railroad, burned nine towns, viz: Jackson (the remnant), Morton, Brandon, Hillsboro, Decatur, Meridian, Enterprise (by the 7th Army Corps), Marion, Marion Station and a little town called Union. All of these were most effectively cleaned out. We also burned eighteen railroad bridges, twenty-two water tanks and seven railroad depots, cotton and cotton gins too numerous to mention. Dwelling houses also caught a foretaste of the future. In fact, complete devastation and desolation followed us everywhere. Never have I had better reasons for thanking my 'lucky star' that was was not in the 'land of my home,' than on this occasion. Well may the people of the North thank God, or 'Grant's big guns, with fighting boys to man them,' that war is not at their doors."

[transcribed by C.D., March 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Delaware County