Iowa Old Press

The Grand River Local
Grand River, Decatur co. Iowa
August 6, 1942

Our Last Issue Of The Local
From every indication this will be the last issue of the Grand River Local as I am suspending publication for the duration of the war.

Business conditions and the possibility of being inducted into the army has caused me to make a serious decision. I received a war service appointment as a Mechanic Learner by taking a Civil Service Examination. I am to report to Des Moines Monday, August 10, where I will take training in the fundamentals of overhauling, maintenance, and inspection of Miscellaneous Signal Corp equipment, including radio, telephone and telegraph. After the completion of this training I will either be given advanced training or be sent to do they type of work wherever needed.

Lucile, Mary Louise and I find it very difficult to say goodbye. Our ten year stay here has brought us in close contact with people of the community in which a large number of friendships have been made. We have been well received by all of you and in return we hope we have been an asset to the community. As to whether we will return to operate the Local is not yet known.

One of our greatest regrets is to our subscribers in not being able to fill out the balance of the year. My business is somewhat different than others as we cannot have a sale and close out the merchandise. Ours is the equipment and our ability as a publisher. Due to conditions I have been unable to find a buyer and it is very doubtful that one will be found, therefore we are losing over a thousand dollars investment and ten years of work [illegible] myself here.

We wish to take this means of saying that we wish the best to every one.
Keith, Lucile and Mary Louise [Hall]

U. S. O. Drive For Richland Twp. Starts Today
The U. S. O. Drive for Richland township will be made this week starting Thursday, August 6. Irwin Brennaman is chairman and announces that a farm to farm canvass will be made. At this writing he had not completed the list of the names of his co-workers.

Everyone is urged to contribute as liberally as possible and any farmer who wishes to make a contribution by mail can hand it to the rural mail carrier and he will see that it gets in the hands of the proper authorities.

Contributors To Sending Army Boy's Local
We wish to take this opportunity to thank Willie Warrick, Mrs. R. C. Walters and Kenneth Jennings for their contributions in helping send the paper to the boys in service. It has been the policy [of] this office to sent the Grand River Local free to the boys in service and we are now sending over thirty-five. We have been glad that we could do this but also appreciate this help. We are sorry to have to tell the boys that we are suspending publication Saturday. Anyone who wishes the address of any of the boys, we will be glad to give it.

Men To Report For Induction August 12
Following is a list of the registrants to report for induction August 12, 1942.
Arthur Fisher, Lamoni
Milton Phipps, Leon
Francis Githens, Van Wert
Earnest DeVore, Van Wert
Curtis Campbell, Leon Melvin Latham, Leon
Ralph Hamilton, Davis City
Carrol Rew, Lineville
Arthur Honn, Leon
Willis Palmer, Lamoni
Ernest Sellers, Davis City
Dewey Chlopek, Leon
Charles Boyce, Leon
Ray Brenizer, Davis City
Elmer Wasson, Decatur
Harold Hoag, Garden Grove
Donald Newton, Grand River
Kenneth Phipps, Leon
Roydon McDaniel, Davis City
Clell Honn, Leon
Oland Elliott, Decatur
Olin Hall, Leon
Clarence Givens, Leon
Max Adair, Lineville.

U. S. O. Drive Results in $80.75 For Grand River
The U. S. O. Drive for Grand River resulted in the collection of $80.75. The quota for Grand River was $75.00 and again this town went over the top. According to the county chairman, Dr. E. J. Hines, of Leon, this is the first town to meet its quota and turn in the money. Local chairman, Dick Burham, wishes to thank everyone for their contributions and also the men who helped him canvass the town.

Letters From Our Boys In Service
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones have received word from their son, Raymond, that he has received the rating as Corporal. His address is
Corp. Raymond H. Jones
A. S. N. 37109474
Hq. Btry. 75 F. A. Bn.
c/o P.M. A.P.O. 948
Seattle, Washington

Hi Keith,
How's everything in Grand River? They put me way down here in Austin, Texas, at a new camp and gee, is there a lot of work here getting it fixed up? There are about one thousand boys coming in here every day. Ralph Glazebrook is here too. He is in the same Regiment that I am but different company. I am in Co. L. and he is in Co. A. I would have written to you sooner but was too busy. It sure has been plenty warm here. This camp will consist of everything but the Air Corps. There are about 35,000 acres in the Camp area so you see it's not such a small camp. Well that's all I can think of at the present and I am thanking you in advance for the paper.
Your friend,
Pvt. Woodrow Zimmerman
Co. L. 378th Inf.
A.P.O. No. 95
Camp Swift, Texas

Dear Sir:
I received the Grand River Local today and was surely glad to get it because I like to know how the people of my home town are getting along. My home town may not be Grand River but I was reared there and know all of the people so I like to get the news. I hope it is as cool in Grand River as it is here. It puts you in mind of being in the mountains. It gets to be 85 or 90 at noon but soon cools off. Well, Keith, I sure hope to keep receiving the Local and will give you my address. We are 600 miles from any big town and away from the railroad. The plane brings in the mail twice a week when it can get here. Well I will close.
Your friend,
Pvt. George R. Short
17038949 Co. H/S
89 Eng. Bn.
A.P.O. 999 c/o P.M.
Seattle, Washington

Corp. Frase Havard Honored At Party
A group of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Jennie Havard Friday night, July 31, in honor of Corporal Frase C. Havard, who was home on a nine day furlough, from Fort Bliss, Texas. Ice cream, cake and cookies were served. Those who were present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fletcher and son, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Larson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jont Jones and Ruby, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Pace and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopkins, Marjorie, Donnie, Arletta and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul German, Max and Kay, Mrs. C. N. Lamb, Alberta, Maxine and Clark, Marvin Busick, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Chew, Mrs. Junior Price, Mrs. James Carrel, Mr. and Mrs. James McGreevy, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Trumm, Mr. and Mrs. George Pederson and son, Willie Jones, Iris and Jimmie, Duane Hill, Glen Davis, Willene Chew, Bessie Jackson, Berle Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chew and Howard Wilkie.

[transcribed by S.R.B., November 2015]

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