Iowa Old Press

Decatur County Journal
Decatur County, Iowa
Thursday, May 27, 1915

Thomas B. Abercrombie, youngest son of T. B. and Mary Abercrombie, was born May 19, 1854, near Brighton, Iowa. In 1857, he with his mother and two sisters, moved to Illinois, where he grew to manhood, near Doddville and Brooklyn. His father died when he was only two months of age. His mother died in Brooklyn, Ill., in August, 1895. One sister, Mrs. Nancy Lantz, of Brooklyn, Ill., was with her brother during his sickness and death. Mrs. T.B. Abercrombie died in Weldon, Iowa, February 26, 1904. Mr. Abercrombie died May 22, 1915, in Weldon, Iowa, aged 61 years and two days.

On September 2, 1878, he was united in marriage to Edith Chapman; five children were born to this union, namely, John D., Mansell D., Mary C., Laura D., and Mabel E., all living except Laura, who died in infancy. Mansell, Mary and Mabel were with their father during his sickness and death. John, who lives in Montana did not reach home until after his father had passed away. In 1884, he with his wife, joined the M.E. Church in Plymouth, Ill., and he retained his membership there until his death. Mr. Abercrombie was a good business man, and held offices of trust and was honest and upright in all his dealings with his fellowmen. He hated deceit and fraud. He was an ardent Republican. The community has lost a good citizen, the church a valued member, the children have lost an indulgent father. The bereaved have the sympathy of the entire community.

A brief service was held at the M.E. Church on May 24, at 1:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. Geo. E. Mitchell, an old friend, assisted by Rev. J.A.E. Cunningham, the Pastor, in the presence of a sympathizing audience. The family accompanied the body to Brooklyn, Ill., where the interment occurred.
The children of T.B. Abercrombie wish to express their thanks for and appreciation of the service rendered by friends and members of the Masonic Order during the illness and death of their father, also for the beautiful floral offering.

[transcribed by N.M.S., February 2007]

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