Iowa Old Press

Perry, Dallas co. Iowa
June 10, 1937

Published every Thursday. A politically independent newspaper.
James R. Rhodes, Publisher
G.E. Whitehead, Resident Publisher
L.E. Sherman, Managing Director

Amelia Earhart Reaches South Africa
St. Louis, French West Africa - Amelia Earhart landed her plane here Monday, after a 13 hour flight from Natal, Brazil. The trip was uneventful. She plans to cross central Africa and on to India.

Death Claims Blond Jean Harlow
Los Angeles, Calif. - Platinum blond Jean Harlow died in a hospital here Monday, a victim of uremic poisoning. Her illness dated from May 29th. She was one of the most glamorous of all the Hollywood movie stars.

Million Dollar Estate Now in the Courts
Sioux City, Iowa - Mrs. Marie Beck Toy has taken her case against the million dollar estate of the late James F. Toy, into the courts. Her husband, J. Fred Toy, has had a guardian for several years because of mental conditions, and she now seeks this appointment.

Dr. Charles Drain Killed Near Iowa City
Iowa City, Iowa - Dr. Chas L. Drain, director of the bureau of dental hygiene, was killed last Saturday afternoon, in an auto accident which occurred on Highway 161, about five miles north of Iowa City. He was well known throughout the country in the dental profession.

Mrs. H.A. Towne and daughter Cora of Jamaica, were Perry shoppers a few hours Saturday afternoon.

Wm. Van Arkle of Woodward, Iowa was in the city last evening attending the entertainment given by the Elks Lodge at the City Club Park. Mr. Van Arkle is Exalted Ruler of the local lodge.

Spencer, Ia, June 8 - Ernest Myerdirk, 48, a Spencer hotel chef, was killed today when the automobile in which he was riding to work collided with a train at the main street crossing of the Milwaukee railroad here.

Frank Kastner, 50, farmer for 25 years in Washington township, died Monday evening at 7:00 o'clock, as the result of internal injuries received in an accident which occurred at his farm home six miles southeast of this city Sunday afternoon at 5 p.m. Death occurred at the Iowa Methodist hospital where Mr. Kastner was taken following the accident in critical condition. The accident happened while Mr. Kastner was working with a truck near the barn. In some manner the auto was thrown into reverse and starting back, caught him between the rear end of the floor boards and the barn crushing him. Little hope was held following first examination but he was taken to Des Moines in the hope that an operation might save his life. His condition however, was such that this could not be attempted and death followed. Funeral services were held at the Catholic Church in Perry Thursday morining at 9 o'clock with the Rev. Wm. A. Coughlan officiating. Interment in the Violet Hill cemetery. Mr. Kastner is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Emily Biederman to whom he was married February 6, 1917. Seven children, the oldest, 19 also survive. They are: Carl, Alfred, Earnest, Francis, Helen, Herman and Joseph. Joe Kastner of Yale is a brother and Mrs. Pauline Vogel of Panora, a sister. One brother Earnest and a sister, Mrs. Prause of Roknitz, Czecho-Slovakia also survive. Mr. Kastner came to the United States at the age of 24 and settled in Dallas county. He was a native of Czecho-Slovakia. His life had been spent on the farm.

New Cars Registered
Arthur Newlin, Earlham, Ford Tudor
P.N. Krieger, Perry, Buick 2 dr Sedan
Verna Christian, Perry, Chev Town Sedan
Ruth Stratman, Perry, Chev Spt Sedan
Mr. Robert Thomas, Perry, Chev Town Sedan
Bertram Rice, Perry, Chev Coupe
J.C. Paul, Perry, Buic 4 dr Sedan
Mrs. George Arnold, Perry, Chev Spt Sedan
Earl Plum, Adel, Chev. Truck
Carroll Marquardt, Adel, Ford Coupe
Lee Lones, Perry, Ford Panel
Dale & Vern Allen, Dawson, Ford Pickup
C.C. Cook, Mooneville, Chev. Spt Sedan
William H. Belt, Perry, Plymouth Business Tudor
Albert Stamgle, Woodward, Plymouth DeLuxe Tr Sedan
Andrew Wallukait, Adel, Plymouth Tr DeLuxe Sedan
Lloyd Wenger, Dallas Center, Plymouth 4 Dr. Sedan
C.A. Gatchell, Adel, Ford 157 inch truck
W.G. Hoofnagle, Dallas Center, Ford Tudor
Wm B. Howe, Perry, Packard 4 dr Sedan
John C. McCarthy, Perry, Pontiac 4 dr Sedan
HS. Heaton, Perry, Plymouth DeLuxe Tr Sedan
John Reel, Perry, Chev. Town Sedan
E.M. Wernli, Yale, Plymouth 2 dr
C.F. Cosby, Woodward, Buick 2 dr Sedan
J.C. Untied, Minburn, Dodge 4 dr Touring
Dwight M. Belden, Minburn, Dodge 4 dr Sedan
Chas. P. O'Malley, Bouton, Oldsmobile Touring Sedan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hickman, Perry, Plymouth Business Coupe

Boone County New Cars Registered
Ingalls, Evelyn, Chev. Coupe
Shames, David, Madrid, Chev Sedan
Tonsfeldt, H.J., Ogden, Chev. Sedan
Dann, Howard, Madrid, Ford Tudor
Peterson, Carlos, Boxholm, Terraplane
Marshall, E.T., 1215 Monona St., Ford Tudor
Moeller, Henry, R.F.D. No. 3, Ford Tr
Hartig, Fred, 1117 Green St., Ford Tudor
Saddoris, Helen, Pilot Mound, Ia., Ford Tudor
Zeigler, L.H. 222 S. Boone St., Plymouth
Hoopengardner, W.E., Madrid, Iowa, Ford Tudor
Liden, Arnold, 1520 7th St., Terraplane
Carlson, Albert, Dayton, Chev Sedan

H.J. Figge, Des Moines, Ia., Margaret Mary Skinner, Granger, Ia.
Lee O. Wiese, Perry, Ia., Irene Josephine Smith, Perry, Iowa
A.V. Dicken, Grundy Center, Ia., Betty G. Paul, Waukee, Iowa
Clifford Woods, Earlham, Iowa; Annis Bots, Elliott, Iowa
Raymond Gabbert, Mitchelville, Edna Grace Christy, Des Moines

John R. Appel, incomp. Gdn. Clara B. Appel, Atty E.M. Dillon, Report of Guardian filed June 3, 1937

[transcribed by S.F. June 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Dallas County