Iowa Old Press

Dallas County News
Adel, Dallas Co. Iowa
Wednesday, October 31, 1906

Rev. William F. Hooks died at his home near Panther Creek Sunday morning, October 28, 1906 after a short illness. Mr. Hooks was born in Guernsey County Ohio February 4, 1839 and was aged 67 years. 8 months and 24 days. He came to Iowa in 1858 settling in Guthrie County, where he lived for three years and then in 1861, came to this county, settling on the place where he lived until the time of his death. Mr. Hooks was converted in 1860 and united with the Baptist Church in Panora. After moving to this county, he united with the same denomination here. In 1869 the Panther Creek Baptist Church was organized and he was one of the charter members. In 1880 he was ordained as a minister and for 18 years acted as pastor of the Panther Creek church. He was a man of strong religious convictions, earnest in his support of religion and firm in his faith. He lived and died in the hope and belief of a future life of blessedness for the faithful. He was a good citizen and neighbor. In 1867 he was married to Martha Hougham who died thirteen years ago. Of this union three children were born, two of whom, Aaron Hooks and Mary Van Cleave, survive him. The funeral services were held on Monday conducted by Rev. Cross, assisted by Rev. Scull of the U.B. Church, and interment was made at Panther Creek Cemetery, where he was laid to rest by the side of his wife. A large concourse of friends and neighbors assembled to pay him their last tribute of respect.

We wish to most sincerely thank all our friends for their assistance and sympathy during the sickness and at the death of our father.
Aaron Hooks
Mrs. Mary Van Cleave

Iowa Old Press
Dallas County