Iowa Old Press

The Perry Chief
Perry, Dallas co. Iowa
Wednesday morning, August 15, 1894

Local News
Miss Ada Walker is visiting her aunt and other relatives in Chicago.

W.H. Chase of Marion begins work as train dispatcher here today.

Major and Mrs. Kenworthy went to Spencer yesterday to be present at the I.N.G. encampment.

P.H. O'Connor is enjoying a visit from his brother-in-law and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Oklahoma.

Charles Goodrich arrived in the city from Defiance Tuesday evening, led here by an aching to see a dentist.

Mr. Gillmore and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks to those who so kindly assisted them in their late bereavement.

W.H. Carris is no longer in the employ of Mr. Williams, but has opened up a barber shop opposite the post office, where he will be pleased to be of service to a host of patrons.

A shoot for a purse of $150 will come off at the Fair grounds next Friday forenoon, between Geo. Peterson of Coon Raipds, W.S. Day of Yale, and Wm. Mitchell of this city. The target will consist of 50 live birds for each contestant.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2016]


The Perry Chief
Perry, Dallas co. Iowa
Thursday morning, August 30, 1894

Local News
W.B. Robinson is in Chicago, buying goods.

Miss Grace Gill went to Des Moines yesterday.

Ed. Forgrave umpired yesterday's ball game at Coon Rapids.

Supt. Goodnow has returned to his duties after an extended vacation at the sea shore.

The house that W.F. Philbrick recently purchased has been moved onto his lots in the south part of the city.

School Begins
The city schools begin next Monday and it is hoped all the children will be there promptly on the first day of the term. The list of teachers and their positions are as follows:
Superintendent - A.L. Lyon

First Ward: Emma Forsythe, Prin.
1st grade - Louie Cross
2nd grade - Ella Thornburg
3rd grade - Neilie Tyer
4th grade - Debra Brinton
5th grade and the Kindergarten is yet unsupplied.

Second Ward:
1st grade - Lizzie Frush
2nd grade - Carrie Forgrave
3rd grade - Agnes Heightshoe
4th grade - Myrtle Mace
5th grade - Selina Johnson and Cora Spoor
6th grade - Lizzie Rankin
7th grade - Delia Beall
8th grade - Carrie Foster

High School: Minnie Moore, Prin.
Elma Southworth, 1st assistant
Ada French, 2nd assistant

Third Ward: Lueila Tolbert, Prin.
1st Primary - Lueila Tolbert
2nd Primary - Hettie Bollen
3rd Primary - Sarah Nunamacker
4th Primary - Maude Pierce

Ortonville Items
Mrs. Dug Scoles is slowly recovering.

George Leaming is able to be out riding.

P.W. Harris has sold his farm to young Martin.

Alice Orton is visiting the Ortons of Ortonville this week.

R.Z. Orton is putting up a new store building on the south side of Main street, which will be quite an improvement to the city.

Ed. and Norm Leonard and Will Smith, will start for Cedar Falls, next Monday, where they will attend school the coming year, Ed. having been a student there two years, at the State Normal.

Angus Items
Mrs. S. Smith met with quite a painful accident Sunday evening. she was standing on a chair when it tipped over and she fell on her wrist, twisting it very badly.

Frank Neal returned to Rolfe Saturday morning.

Miss Kate Arnold and Mrs. Rose Button are at Boone this week, attending [illegible]

John Isackson and C.G. Carlson of Fraser were over Sunday visitors with their families here.

Died. Thursday, Aug. 23, 1894, Mrs. John Jefferson. The disease with which Mrs. Jefferson was afflicted, was consumption. An autopsy was held Friday morning, over which Drs. Bowen, Trout and Ross presided, the result of which showed that lung impairment was the cause of death. The funeral, which was largely attended, was held Satuday afternoon in the M.E. church, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Angus cemetery.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2016]

Iowa Old Press
Dallas County