Old Press
Chief Reporter
Perry, Dallas co. Iowa
June 29, 1883
-J.N. Beal and Henry Courtney have returned from the lakes.
-A. Ammerman has built a four house in the south part of town.
-The families of Peter and David Blue have gone to Illinois on a
-Lawerence Willis is the new engineer on the Chicago delivery
-Mr. David Ainley of Elgin, Illinois is here visiting with his
brother, C.H.
-C.V. Brown is building himself a new residence just west of R.L.
Lunt's in Willis' addition.
-Dick Correy has the material on the ground for a good-sized
residence west of the Fort Dodge track.
-Milton Harlan, who has just completed his first year's course of
study in the law school at Drake University, of Des Moines, has
gone to Denver on a visit.
-It is with deep regret that we this week chronicle the death of
Mrs. D.W. Payne, which occurred yesterday morning at 6:30
o'clock, from valvular heart disease.
-"Jim" Ballentyne went to Savanna Monday evening to
take an engine to be run between Savanna and Van Horne.
"Jim" is said by the boys to be a good runner.
-A foot race last Saturday at this place between Ed. Chase and
Jack Given, of Angus, one half mile, for $30 a side, was won
easily by Chase. Given had 50 yards the start.
-The news stand of John Dunlap was not moved into Dell Loomis'
store as stated in the CHIEF two weeks ago. Dunlap told us it
would be, in the presence of Mr. Loomis, and we supposed it to be
a fact.
-Dr. Leonard found a 12 1/2 pound boy last Saturday at the
residence of A.H. Fisher, a machinist in the Milwaukee shops, and
a girl Wednesday evening at Mr. L.D. Bloom's, formerly a
Milwaukee conductor, but now of the City Bakery.
-Last Friday Dr. W.F. Peck, of Davenport, assisted by Drs. Parker
of Davenport, Criley of Dallas Center, Enfield of Jefferson,
Wright of Carroll, and A.J. and W.L. Ross of Perry, removed from
Mrs. B.A. Peck an Ovarian Cystic Tumor which weighed about 50
-All the stations from Savanna to Council Bluffs are supplied
with materials from the store house in Perry. Mr. Arthur Sexton
is assistant general storekeeper and his last report showed that
he had in charge over $30,000 worth of materials, which includes
only repairs and car supplies and no machinery.
-Last Thursday while a 14-year-old son of engineer Roberts was
playing with a knife he dropped it so as to go into his leg,
severing a branch of the femoral artery. The wound caused the
blood to flow profusely, and had it not been for the timely
arrival of Dr. Leonard the boy would have bled to death. He is
getting along all right now.
-A game of ball was played Wednesday between the Woodward and
Perry nines, the game resulting 14 to 8 in favor of Perry. Ed.
Warner umpired the game and the Perry boys lined up as follows:
A. Thompson catcher, Russ smith pitcher; Harry Smith short stop;
Will Pickerel 1st base; Will Thornburg 2nd base; Joe Thornburg 3d
base; Sam Lee left field; Will Mott center; L. Owens right.
[transcribed by S.F., June 2004]