Iowa Old Press

Chief Reporter
Perry, Dallas co. Iowa
July 6,1883

- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Willis, July 4, 1883, a pair of twin boys.
- Horace Campbell and wife were visitors in Perry over the 4th
- Will Newberry has moved his family down from the northern part of the state.
- C.L. marshall, of Union township, was in perry this week and feft his announcement for sheriff.
- W.F. Cardell and D.J. Patee have our thanks for a goodly supply of Okoboji fish.
- Wilmot Blakeslee, who has been absent for about six months, has returned to perry. He will probably remain here.
- Jas. Graney is building a couple of good houses on Third Street near Wm. Carmody's property. We like to see such solid men as "Jim: investing in Perry.
- Wallie Newport and H.C. Lerew have decided to go to the far southwest, Wallie will stop in new Mexico or Arizona, and Hern threatens to penetrate Old Mexico.
- Mr. W.E. Sidney, the genial young engineer of the Climax company at shaft No. 1, has purchased property in Perry and proposes to move here at no distant day.
- A report reaches us this morning, since going to press, that Isaac Arnold was drowned in Beaver Creek, east of town, last night, while swimming his horse. No particulars.
- Chas. L. Fox, who used to be in the employ of Waldo, Wimmer & Whornley at this place, but now of West Jersey, Illinois, has been in Perry the past week visiting friends.
- Steele Kenworthy is contemplating putting in the Roller Process in his flouring mills at this place. He is bound to make the Perry Grist Mills known and in a popular way, too.
- Mrs. W.J. Cole was summoned to Sweetland, in Muscatine county, on Monday by telegraph, her father and mother and a brother being serously injured in a runaway on Saturday.
- A little son of Wm. R. Moore was run over the 4th on Second street by a team and bugy. He was bruised but not seriously hurt, and he showed remarkable grit by not uttering a cry.
- Mr. E.M. Shotwell has resigned his place as member of the city council, because of his removal to Sioux Fals, Dakota.
- H.P. Lod's wife and daughter returned from Colfax Springs last Thursday. the water was helping Miss Matie's rheumatism, but she was taken sick and her physician advised that she be brought home.
- One day last week a rabid dog ran into H.S. Danks' house and badly frightened the inmates, but bit no one. the dog was finally shut up in a bedroom, where it was secured, taken out and killed by J.P. Myers.
- The delegates selected from this township to attend the greenback county convention which meets at Adel tomorrow, are Geo. D. Barton, F.M. Roush, J.D. Correy, L.N. Beeson, Geo. Harlan and Jonathan Willis.

[submitted by S.F., Oct. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Dallas County