Iowa Old Press

The Denison Review
Denison, Crawford co. Iowa
Wednesday, August 25, 1915

Old Settlers Hold Reunion
The old settlers' annual reunion and picnic was held at Washington park in Denison yesterday as planned, and is conceded by all to have been the most successful in the history of the Old Settlers' association. In the forenoon it looked threatening, but before the noon hour the sun came out through the clouds and the afternoon was ideal. The attendance was a record breaker and scores of people were in attendance, not only from Denison, but from all parts of Crawford county, who gathered to enjoy the fine program that had been arranged for their entertainment.

In the forenoon there was music by the Denison orchestra and for the entertainment of the little folks there were some athletic events with prizes for the winners. At the noon hour picnic dinners were laid out under the beautiful shade trees and neighbors and friends enjoyed a hearty repast from well filled lunch baskets. Free coffee and tea were dispensed in tin cups from a booth with Chas. Kemming in charge. The coffee was up to its usual high standard and for more than an hour Mr. Kemming and his assistants had difficulty in caring for the throng.

At 1:30 o'clock the afternoon program commenced. First there was music by the Denison orchestra and after the invocation Mr. N.L. Hunt read the list of the departed old settlers.

Attorney General George Cosson was introduced by Mr. Mott McHenry, and delivered an exceptionally fine address. Mr. Cosson is a good speaker and held the attention of his large audience throughout. He eulogized the old pioneers and especially those who settled in Iowa and have had much to do with its advancement. He stated that there was a marked difference between those who came west and pioneered and those who came to settle. He stated that it was the old settlers that were the backbone of every community and to them is due the praise for this grand state of Iowa. He made much of the idea that the power of government is in the people and that they alone were responsible for the good or bad government of the United States, as they have the power to make or unmake any public official. Mr. Cosson spoke of the terrible tragedy in Georgia recently where a man who had been tried and sentenced and whose sentence had been changed the governor of the state to life imprisonment, had been taken from the penitentiary and lynched by an angry mob. He regretted that such things should occur among law abiding citizens. His address was full of good points and one that has made a lasting impression upon the people in this community.

Mr. Edward Houston and Mrs. Z.T. Dunham, who reside near Dow City, gave short talks and told of the pioneer days in Crawford county. Their talks were both highly interesting and enjoyed by everyone.

Officers Elected
After the program had been concluded the annual election of officers was held.

Mr. Z.T. Dunham, of Boyer township, was elected president. Dr. Dunham has lived in Crawford county since 1851 and is now the earliest resident of the county living.

Mr. Frank Woolston, of Denison, was elected vice president and Mr. N.L. Hunt, secretary.

Prizes Awarded
The sports during the forenoon attracted considerable attention and there were many entries in the different events.

In the 50 yard race for boys Leslie Cook won first and Edward Flinn second.

The 50 yard race for girls was won by Hazel Garrett and Leona Vassar second.

The ball throwing contest created lots of fun and Miss Emma Lehfeldt won first and Delia Poole second.

Leslie Cook won first in the egg and spoon race, with Theodore Weiss second. Edward Saggau's team won the relay race.

Baby Show
The baby show was a feature of the afternoon that attracted considerable interest. Eighteen babies were entered in the show to compete for the $25.00 donated by Judge Conner for the three prettiest babies and it was no easy matter for the three judges to select the winners. Below we print the winners in this contest:

First prize, $12.50: Rayond Boyens, age 5 months, 8 days, parents Launz Boyens & Minnie Ladwig Boyens.

Second prize, $7.50: Richard Blaine Lilleholm, age 6 months, parents Richard Lilleholm & Pearl Buffinton Lilleholm.

Third prize, $5.00: June and Jay Baber, twins, age 11 weeks. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Baber.

The other entries were as follows:
-Reta McGuire, 5age 7 months. Parents, Will A. McGuire & Stella Fitzsimmons McGuire.
-Leonard Heeren, age 4 months, 15 days. Parents: Walter Heeren & Alma Daniels Heeren.
-Lucile O'Connell, age 5 months, 20 days. Parents: J.W. O'Connell & Margaret Powers O'Connell.
-Viola Elizabeth Jordan, age 6 months, 15 days. Parents: Tracy Jordan & Grace Lingle Jordan.
-Bernice Elizabeth Costello, age 11 months. Parents: John Costello & Elizabeth Cox Costello.
-Helen Linda Frey, age 7 months. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frey.
-Robert Richard Eisenhauer, age 4 months. Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eisenhauer.
-Ruth Alonae Servoss, age 9 months. Parents: Louis Servoss & Ruth McNally Servoss.
-Marcus Lyle Powell, age 10 months. Parents: Georg Powell & Lulu Bryan Powell.
-Gilbert Hugh Bryan, age 4 months. Parents: Eldridge Bryan & Grace Glassburner Bryan.
-Harve Orville Servoss, age 11 months. Parents: Pearl Servoss & Pearl Roy Servoss. (sic)
-Florence Arnada Fredericks, age 9 months. Parents: Gill Fredericks & Amanda Hennings Fredericks.
-Rose Mary McDonald, age 3 months. Parents: Joseph McDonald & Kate Fremi McDonald.

Departed Old Settlers
Below is printed the list of departed old settlers as read Mr. N.L. Hunt, secretary of the association:
Mrs. Jacob Hoffert
Mrs. John L. Richardson
A.M. Talcott
Mrs. Karl Siegel
Mrs. Patrick Lynch
James Gaffey
A.H. Harper
Mrs. John Heide
Levi Green
Gust J. Larson
Thos Ryan, Jr.
Mrs. E.K. Burch
Jasper hain
Fred Neumann
Mrs. Adelia Seabury-Jones
Mrs. Michael Griffin
Mrs. Jurgen Reissen
Mrs. Detlef Kahl
Edward Dewey
Mrs. Caroline Olson
Wm. Morris
M.L. Branch
Harry Ely
Wm. Cose
Broder Christiansen
Mrs. O.B. Rhodes
Geo. W. Huntington
Anna Krohnke
Mrs. H.M. Waters
Mrs. Oscar Stenglin
John Flynn
Henry Schoenjahn
Mrs. Robert W. Houston
John Cowlham
Mrs. John Dee
Herbert N. Seagraves
T.J. Hoffman
Mrs. Wm. Bowen
Mrs. Joe McAvoy
Mrs. Anna Umland
Claus Henry Max Reissen
Detlef Kahl
Mrs. Geo. W. Stephens
Fritz Reinwaldt
Andrew Dolk
Col. Geo. L. Wright
Hudson Downs
David McWilliams
Raub McKim
Mrs. John Meehan
Fred Schwartz
Mrs. Aug Meyer
Adam Luckhardt
Cornelius Schroeder
Albert A. Christensen
Thede A. Jochims
Mrs. Wm. Roy
Albert F. Bond
Mrs. Florence Horr
Mrs. George Winans
Mrs. Margaret Smith Milligan
Wm. Dobler
L.E. Hardy
Will P. Baer
Thos. Adams
Mrs. Patrick Houston
Mrs. Patrick Houston [name listed twice, not a typo]
Mrs. Peter Brodersen
John Walters
Mrs. Andrew Christenson
Geo. Walker
Mrs. J.T. Haugh
B.D. Stevers
Mrs. Mary Richars
Mrs. John Anderson
Albert Riley Talcott
Irwin E. Keith
Richard Newcom
Henry Dethman
Ward Cramer
Mrs. Geo. Rule
Mrs. Louise Beckman
Henry Shirtcliff
Mrs. Victor Hedman
Oliver Olson
Mrs. Anna Sonksen
Judge E.S. Garrison
Mrs. Oliver Olson
Miss Anna Meehan
Stewart M. Neely
Chas A. Larson
Mrs. John Schoening
Mrs. Detrich Mundt
Michael D. McMahon
Mrs. James Isbell
Philip Lochmiller
Mrs. David McCord
Fred Stong
Wm. McCutcheon

[transcribed by S.F., December 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Crawford County