Iowa Old Press

Wheatland Gazette
Wheatland, Clinton Co. Iowa
Friday August 3, 1906

Calamus Capers.
-Dennis Boylan to Grand Mound on business
-Mamie Wiley-Chicago-visited mother Mrs. W. W. Scott

-Mrs. Mary Crain to home-Bureau, ILL-visited Davenport
-Mrs. J. H. Brennan & family-Wheatland-Raymond & Lillian went too
-Letter from Bellington, Wash, July 27-Henry Witte, Lew Davisson, Charles & Clara Ristine

Toronto Tidings.
-Editor Lanagan, Monticello, here fishing
-Catherine O’Boyle & Irene Goodall-Clinton for teachers exam
-Sarah Welch of Vail-to county farm for visit
-F. C. Hicks & daughter, Wilton Junction-he taught school her 20 yrs ago
-Ed O’Connell-still on claim in Dakota
-Obit-Mrs. F H. Pieper nee Louisa W. Glameter


Wheatland Gazette
Wheatland, Clinton Co. Iowa
Friday August 10, 1906

Married-Otto Witte, brother of Charlie Witt-he married at Popular Bluff, Mo

Calamus Capers.
-John Spaulding to White Lake, S. D. to visit daughter

Iowa State News
-Death-Davenport-Fred W. Vogt,-????-heart & diabetes
-M. L. Rogers of San Francisco-visited Dr. T. D. Gamble, etc & old friends-not see for 20 yrs-?????in Wheatland-first postmaster, Editor of Wheatland Times-here 1856(good long write up)

Toronto Tidings.
-Atty D. D. Rorick, Oxford-in town
-Miss Monahan & Moss Dolan of Charlotte & Miss Berttis Bingham of Clinton-guest Goodall family
-Death-Miss Ethel Bethurim-visited uncle N. J. Edwards here last year-died last Friday-buried home -in Kansas-age 18-Fred Bethurim to funeral-other brother Eden & uncle -news too late


Wheatland Gazette
Wheatland, Clinton Co. Iowa
Friday August 17, 1906

DeWitt Observer-Theo W. Gerken to Mitchell, S. D.-position as clerk in general retail store

Birth-Tuesday-son-Conrad Reinking

Toronto Tidings.
-Old German soldier to Dubuque for reunion
-Wm. Junge-Lost Nation-start tailor shop here

-Mrs. B. E. McConaughy & children-Clinton visit
-J. H. Hurley, Salem, W. Virginia-here visiting brother C. F. Hurley & family


Wheatland Gazette
Wheatland, Clinton Co. Iowa
Friday August 24, 1906

W. J. Keefe-lawyer

Coal-J. Lohmann-Hardware-Balster & Son

Iowa State News.
-Wabasha, Minnesota-Joseph McDevitt-a wanderer- Davenport his old home-saved 8 people in depot hotel fire-22 by admirers

Toronto Tidings.
-Death-Mrs. H. Emerson, Massillon, funeral 16th
-Mrs. Scanlon, St. Louis, visited daughter Mrs. Ed Hart, Jr.
-Ed O’Connell moved to Presbo, S. D.-farming
-Birth-girl-14th-Thos. Hart
-“Farmer Burns” son Raymond-won race at picnic, J. Early second
-Thos O’Connell & Mattie Cavey-sack race at picnic
-Will-Sophie Witte
-Death-D. H. Mohr-Arcadia, old Wheatland resident
-Dr. C. H. A. Stelling, Iowa City-Physician & surgeon-to Wheatland
-Obit-Mrs. Sophie Witte, nee Beckman

Calamus Capers.
-Gottlieb Nic-to Newport, Ark., farming


Wheatland Gazette
Wheatland, Clinton Co. Iowa
Friday August 31. 1906

Hugh Endorf-jeweler-Snyder, Oklahoma, ??????

Death-Sam Ewalt in Montana R R wreck

Calamus Capers.
-M. Freeman & family, River Side, Calif. visit
-Obit-Terrible deaths of conductor (Anacondo Mont.) Standard-August 19-Sam Ewalt death this a.m. at Barrets station-9 miles S. of Dillon-instantly killed-shipped to Portland for burial- (from Wheatland Gazette)

-Brother Sunderlin moved-Delmar to Maquoketa

Iowa Old Press
Clinton County