Iowa Old Press

DeWitt Observer
DeWitt, Clinton co., Iowa
Friday, March 4, 1887

Reporter's Page At Home and Abroad

Grand Mound
- Mrs. Kelly, of DeWitt, is visiting with her son, Mayor Kelly.
- L. Shuttle has been visiting for a few days with his daughter and soninlaw, Mrs. And Mr. C.M. Jacobs.
- Mechanics are busy at work on John Detlef's house, which, when completed, will be one of the best in our town.
- Moving has been in full blast this week. H. Randall moved into rooms over the milliner store; W. Ordway moved to the Ingram farm; Ira McLaughlin moved into Harman house; C.M. Jacobs moved into the Hogan house; Walt Evers moved to the Hill house; Peter Stevens moved to Lyons; John Judge moved to the town &c.
- John Teege, of Davenport, was here this week visiting the family of his brother, Theodore. He returned home Tuesday, taking with him a number of fine cows bought in this vicinity.
- One of our weather prophets, S. Stemple, predicts frost in May about nine times. Our other prophet, Abe Smith, became so disgusted with the way the winter "went back" on his predictions that he has quit the business and will let the weather take care of itself.


- Mrs. Estella Perrine has gone to Milton, Wis. to live.
- Geo. Kendig did not move to Woodbury county. The man of whom he rented a farm went back on him. He has moved in Mrs. Perrine's house.
- Henry Atkinson went to the western part of Nebraska on Monday, to grow up with the new country.


- Barter & Sunderlain are getting their paper on its feet and will probably issue the initial number on Friday next.
- Married - On the 9th inst., Neligh, Antelope county, Nebraska, Miss Celia M. Houck, of Calamus, and M.W. Johnson, Clearwater, Neb. Miss Houck, on her way west, visited a week at her aunt's, Mrs. Sm'l Dennis, of Ida Grove, Iowa.

Long Grove [ Scott County]

- Mark L. Andrew and John Thompson, of Earlham, Iowa, are here to pay the last sad rites to their father.

- An Old Settler Gone - Hon. Hugh M. Thomson died at his residence, near Long Grove, Iowa, March 1st, 1887, at 2 o'clock p.m. Hugh Mais Thomson was born at Dykehead, of Kirk Patrick Fleming, Scotland, July 4th, 1811, making him nearly 75 years of age. Mr. Thomson married Jean Robertson in July, 1833. Mrs. Thomson was born at Ferrycroft, near Renfrew, Scotland, June 20th, 1814. Mr. Thomson came to America and stopped at Davenport in June, 1844; he took up a claim the following month near Long Grove, Iowa; he always took an active part in all public matters, filling various township and county offices and was a member of the 9th and 10th General Assemblies of Iowa; he was appointed superintendent of the Iowa State Agricultural College farm at Ames, Iowa; he filled this office several years while the college building was being erected; he always took a prominent part in township, county and state politics and was always a staunch Republican. Mrs. Thomson and eight children survive the kind husband and father. There were five sons and four daughters - M.L., Thomson, dealer in grain and lumber; John R., general merchandise; Andrew L., farmer, Earlham, Iowa; Hugh M.., at home; and Jas. R. is farming the old homestead. The daughters are three living and one dead- Mrs. Govin Lang, Brooklyn, Iowa; Mrs. H.A. Fick, Wheatland, Iowa; Mrs. Jas. L. Neil at home and Mrs. A.W. Brownlie, murdered Feb. 18th, 1874. Deceased will be buried Thursday, March 3d at 10 o'clock a.m. in the Long Grove cemetery. The direct cause of his death was softening of the brain- being unconscious several days before his death. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, he lived an honest and conscientious life, respected alike by friends and neighbors and died beloved by all who knew him.


- Mat Clark, a former resident of this place, but now living at Kingsley, is visiting his mother and other relatives here.
- Earl Frankling was visiting friends in Clinton the first of the week. Mrs. Earl Frankling has gone to Tama City to attend her mother, Mrs. Swearengen, who is on the sick list.


- Mrs. McGinnis, of Scott county, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Turner- She returned home Thursday, taking her sister Mary with her.
- Robert Thomas has gone to Omaha, having business prospects in that city.
- Anderson Walrod has started his corn sheller. He shelled 700 bushels for L.D. Winnie on the 2d.

[transcribed by C.J.L., February 2007]


DeWitt Observer
DeWitt, Clinton, Iowa
Friday, March 11, 1887

LONG GROVE [ Scott Co.]
- Miss Lizzie Ritchie, of Gaylord, Kansas, is here taking care of her mother, who is still quite sick.
- Miss Catherine Watson died last night at 9 o'clock. Miss Watson was a niece of James Brownlie, and has been with Mr. B. as his housekeeper for several years, Mrs. Brownlie being an invalid.
- The roads are a horrible muddy condition. Our country stores are profiting thereby. "It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good."
- Our Literary closed last Thursday night. Notwithstanding the bad conditions of the roads, there was quite a full house. Our society has been a success in every particular. There is a goodly number of full-fledged debaters and when we open up next year they will take the place of some of the older ones, who have had all the work to do heretofore.
- Our country schools are closing and big boys will have to get up some old lies in order to see their girls just across the aisle.

- Miss Bell Hood returned from N.Y. State last Monday where she had been with her sister, Mrs. T.T. Irwin, who has been east to have a cancer cured. Glad to learn that Mrs. Irwin has met with good results. She will return to her home here as soon as the weather will permit with safety.
- We neglected in our last the mention of John Sykes, of Welton, who spent a short time in Elwood visiting his mother, Mrs. O.P. Cornish.
- Married - On last Wednesday, March 2d, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Wm. McFarland and Miss Euretta Sadler. The happy pair started for their western home on Wednesday evening last. Bill, you have our best wishes for your success.
- H.M. McKenzie made a visit to his old home in Tampico, Whiteside county, Ill., this week.
- Mr. Sage, who has been here for some time with his soninlaw, A. Purdy, returned this week to Low Moor. When we are old soldiers like Mr. Sage and then think of the pension veto, we feel like - Well, we feel mad.

- The following is a list of sub-Directors for Welton, elected Monday last: Dist. No. 1, C Redding; 2, I W Knight; 3 Geo D Kindig; 4, M Sullivan; 5 Robt Robinson; 6 John M Mohler; 7 a tie between Ed Murphy and S E Iorns; 8 I W Harmon. The election in No 7 will be contested on account, as alleged, illegal vote.
- In Berlin the following are the newly elected officers: Dis No. 1, John Smith; 6 John Wolf; 7 Teodore Brockman; 8 __ Bropst.
- Ida Jordan's school closed at Dist. No. 8, Friday.
- John Q. Robinson's school closes today (Friday), 11th.
- John Schunden and Miss Schultz, both of Berlin, were married in Maquoketa last Wednesday.
- Call and examine Found's new lot of hardware. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods.

- Capt J M Jordan is rusticating with old friends and army comrades in Michigan.
- Mrs. Catherine Philips died recently in Hand county, Dak. She was formerly a respected citizen of this township.
- Town election passed off quietly and a fair vote cast, with the following results: For Mayor, Roger Kelly; trustees, Wm. Fitzgerald, Gus Ahiff and P Twogood; treasurer, H Moeller; recorder, P Blunck; assessor and street commissioner, J Quinn.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chapman visited with the family of C P Risley a few days this week. Mrs. Chapman is sister to C P R.

Maquoketa, Iowa, March 9.
March 7, the anniversary of the battle of Pea Ridge, in 1862, is a date that will never be forgotten in Maquoketa. When Co. A., Ninth Iowa Infantry, was ordered into camp at Dubuque, it numbered an even hundred men. Just before leaving, the captain, A.W. Drips, was presented a sword by the loyal Maquoketa ladies. The first battle of any moment the company fought in, was at Pea Ridge. There Capt. Drips fell, as Col. Vandever says in his official report, "distinguished for his bravery;" the most glowing tribute that could be paid to an American patriot. First Lieutenant Kelsey was severely wounded. He came hom for a brief stay and was Captain on his return. It was at Vicksburg that the second Captain of Co. A. was killed, but a few months after Pea Ridge. The twenty-fifth anniversary of Capt. Drip's death occurred on Monday last. - The widow, Mrs. C.J. Knight, determined to present the sword and belt the Maquoketa ladies had presented her husband to A.W. Drips Post, G.A.R., and Mr. Frank Kelsey, son of Capt. Kelsey, presented his father's sword also. Centennial Hall was packed full of people when Comrade Read, of the post, called the assembly to order. Joseph H. Drips, brother of the late Captain, then in behalf of Mrs. Knight, presented the sword and belt to Commander Russell, and his son, Capt. W.T. Drips, read a letter from Mrs. Knight. Comrade Trump made a fitting response. While the post lived, he said, each member will guard and protect, and when the last member had answered the last roll-call, they hoped their legal heirs, A. Lincoln Camp, No., 3, Sons of Veterans, would still cherish the sword. Frank Kelsey then presented his father's sword in a splendid speech and Comrade Read replied. Letters from Company A were read from Kansas and Washington, D.C., and Iowa, etc. Sergt DeGrush made a touching address in which were mingled with admirable art, the comedy of camp life and the tragedy of battle. When the Ninth Iowa had fought at Pea Ridge, Vicksburg, and on "from Atlanta to the sea," and up to Washington but 38 men were in their places. But the company had the post of honor in the day of the grand review.

[transcribed by C.J.L., February 2007]


DeWitt Observer
DeWitt, Clinton, Iowa
Friday, March 18, 1887

LONG GROVE [Scott Co.]
- Ebenezer Watson, of Surnia, Ont., was here attending the funeral of his sister, Catherine Watson. Rev. Ellis preached the funeral sermon.
- Mrs. John Lang met with quite a painful accident while getting into her buggy, a few days ago. Her foot slipped off the step, letting her
whole weight come to the ground on one foot, wrenching her knee quite badly; but we were glad to see her able to take the train Tuesday for her home in Davenport.
- Chas. Vendt is the first to break ground with his plow around here this spring.
- Skimin & Kuehl are doing a fine business in agricultural implements.
- Brownlie Bros. shipped two car loads of stock on the 17th.

- Geo. F. White was elected school director for the ensuing three years.
- Henry Stiers, a long time resident of this township, has rented his farm and will move to Clinton.

- The team stolen from Z.W. Crouch, of Lyons, was found here. Mr. Crouch was up last week and got his property. The man who had the team went to Maquoketa by train.
- H.H. Burgoyne and wife moved to Kingsley, starting last Monday. Like sensible people, they ordered the Observer sent to them.
- Everybody who deals with Martin and White, butchers, will find the choicest of meat at unheard of reasonable prices.- They are reliable men to deal with.
- PUBLIC NOTICE: As there are several cases of scarlet fever in this township, everybody is warned against visiting such places. Notices have been posted on all such places. By order of Trustees.

Births, Deaths, and Marriage Licenses

Jas. H. Hahn, Eden, Feb. 7, girl
Lemanuel Blackburn, DeWitt, Mch 6, girl
Andrew B Laycox, Clinton, Jan. 13, girl
Jas M M Sweet, Clinton, Jan 17, girl
Henry Tusing, Clinton, Jan 20, boy
Murray Haywood, Clinton, Jan 25, boy
Fred W Prior, Clinton, Feb 6, girl
Lesslie Goff, Clinton, Feb 7, girl
Herman Dillett, Clinton, Feb 26, girl
Thos E Polley, Clinton, March 1, girl
Albery Lehigh, Clinton, March 6, girl
John Donnelly, Clinton, March 5, boy
Luding Thompson, Clinton, March 2, boy
P C Thompson, Clinton, Feb 27, boy
Peter M Peterson, Clinton, March 6, boy
Wm Flanagan, Welton, Feb 7, girl
Rudolph Rudolph, Clinton, Feb 4, girl
Anton T Johnson, Clinton, Feb 9, boy
H.H. Miller, Clinton, Jan 30, girl
Geo Jeppie, Wheatland, Feb 19, boy
Henry Wagner, Wheatland, Feb 18, girl
Jos B Brown, Clinton, Dec 30, girl
H Cassensen, DeWitt, Feb 5, boy
Chas Aw, Lyons, Feb 26, girl
Joseph Burbeck, Lynos, Feb 12, girl
E A Revman, Deep Creek, Feb 7, boy
S Petersen, Clinton, Feb 16, girl
T Petersen, Clinton, Feb 6, boy
P H Leuthje, Clinton, Feb 7, boy
J T Browz, Clinton, Feb 23, boy
A D Gage, Clinton, Feb 24, boy
Frantzell, Clinton, Feb 19, girl
E W Price, DeWitt, Feb 16, girl
C Pelham, Jr., Eden, Jan 30, girl
Fred Crinklaw, Deep Creek, Jan 31, girl
C E Griesen, Lyons, Jan 31, girl
Geo McCann, Clinton, Feb 18, girl
F Fedderson, Deep Creek, Feb 18, girl
W Stilling, Lyons, Feb 21, girl
J Holdorf, Lyons, Feb boy
P Ehlers, Hampshire, Feb 13, boy
H Strange, Lyons, Feb 24, girl
T Hoffman, Lyons, Feb 28, boy
G W King, Lyons, Feb 13, boy
R D Cooper, Lincoln, Feb 23, girl
C F Dow, Clinton, girl

Peter Laugholdt, Welton, aged 30 years, Feb 20
Mrs. Harriet Sibley, Lyons, aged 83 years, Feb 6
Betsey Ann Warren, DeWitt, aged 63 years, Feb 11
Wm. Batchelder, Lyons, infant, March 3
Frank O Jasperine, Chancy, infant, Feb. 7
Henry Speck, Lyons, infant, Feb 7
Frederick Mess, Feb 15, aged 57y
Mehea W Kruse, Clinton, Feb 20, aged 65y,1m,3d
Isaac Rawson, Clinton, Feb 20,aged 65y,1m,3d
Julia E Seeley, Clinton, Feb 19, aged 49y,7m
Casper A Kube, Clinton, Feb 25, aged 31y,1m,15d
A S Petersen, Clinton, Feb 14, aged 56y,7m,6d
Nancy J Lessring, Clinton, Feb 15, aged 57y
F H Diercksen, Clinton, Feb 23, aged 2y,6m
O Ealers, Chancy, Feb 5, aged 72y,5m,22d
Ella Schmitz, Clinton, Feb 6, aged 4y,3m,13d
Lucy E Gray, Marshalltown, Feb 1, aged 31y,3m,1d
Axel E Carlson, Clinton, Feb 23, aged 1y,3m,6d
Lucy M Carstensen, Clinton, Feb 15, aged 50
L H Sundeen, Clinton, Jan 1, aged 4m
J H Brass, Clinton, Jan 30, aged 70y
H Gabel, Lyons, Feb 1, aged 14d
Harriet Harborn, Lincoln, Feb 3, aged 39y,1m,20d
Ara M Lundguist, Clinton, Feb 4, 40y,6m
Robie M Wilbur, Clinton, Feb 5, aged 1y,3m
Frank Jespersen, Chancy, Feb 7, aged 1m,2d
Charlotte G Yule, Clinton, Feb 9,aged 54y,3m
Ann Sievers, Lyons, Jan 29, aged 33y,11m

M B Madsen to Oslena Knudtson
Hiram Blagg to Cloe F Gundry
Anthony Welsch to Dora Semper
Julius Smith to Christina M Nelson
J H Beck to A M Rettmer
Wm McKay to May E McQuestian
E L Brower to Emma J Cantonine
Thomas Thompson to R C Evensen
Luding Herman to Christena Leight
Godred Mathes to Gusta Rane
J Williams to Liza Wheeler
S Jacobsen to Anna Hoffman
W T McFarland to Loretta Sadler
J W Mitchell to Isa May Aikens
T Reidsel to Emma Meyers
E Griesen to C May Buxton
S K Hallam to Lizzie Hodge.

Following is a list of letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at DeWitt, Iowa, March 17, 1887:
Jennie Smith, Ann E Dwyer, Smith McKinley, Peter Mayer, Mary Ann McDecitt, Mary Mehaff, John Barnes, Jr., Mrs. Mary Obercolser, Matt Boyle, Mrs. Mary A Ryan.
30 days from date, they will be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office.

Careful attention to diet is the best guard against disease. It is a fact which all should know, that over-eating not only corrupts the blood but
destroys never force, and induces dyspepsia, jaundice, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, headache, ague, malaria and all stomach and liver troubles. Dr. Jones Red Clover Tonic quickly cures the above diseases. Can be taken by the most delicate. Price, fifty cents. For sale by C.V. Baxter.

[transcribed by C.J.L., February 2007]


DeWitt Observer
DeWitt, Clinton, Iowa
Friday, March 25, 1887

LONG GROVE [Scott Co.]
- Last Friday morning occurred the death of Mrs. Henry Calderwood, at her home west of Eldridge. She was born in 1820, and came to live on the homestead in 1850, shortly after her marriage. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss. The funeral took place Sunday at Long Grove and was very largely attended. Rev. Little, of Davenport, preached the funeral sermon. The coffin was covered with a number of beautiful floral designs that testified to the loving remembrance in which she was held by her many friends.
- John Brownlie and his three daughters, together with Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Guy, drove out from Davenport Sunday, and very kindly assisted the choir at the funeral of Mrs. Calderwood.
- Mrs. James Brownlie is not so well as last week. Her daughter, Mrs. Hook, of Brookly, is still with her. When she returns home her father and mother will probably go with her if Mrs. B. becomes strong enough to endure the journey.

- Mrs. Carrie Waldorf has sold her house and lots to Mrs. L.D. Hitchcock for $175.

- G.W. Cochran, our county bridge builder, spent Sunday with his family.
- We are very sorry to note the death of Mrs. Maggie Dahn, who died March 19th. Her remains were followed to the grave by a large number of friends. Rev. Baum preached the funeral sermon.
- H. Buse, our enterprising shoemaker, is talking about going west.
- Mrs. Anthony Shaw, of Big Rock, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart.
- Miss Tucker, of Wheatland, has been engaged to teach our school the coming term.
- "Dick" Cosgrove left for the west last night. May luck follow you, "Dick."

- Died, at New Providence, N.J., Sunday, March 13th, Mrs. Hetty B. Wilcox, wife of Hon. Isaac Meeker, in the 74th year of her age. Mrs. Meeker was a sister of our esteemed citizen, Isaac L. Wilcox, and is the first to take her departure from an unbroken family of eight children, whose ages range from fifty-eight to nearly eighty.
- Mrs. F. Naugle, of Latrobe, Penn.,passed through here one day last week, having been summoned by telegram to the bedside of her brother, John M. Coldwell, at Belle Plaine, who has since died.

- Otto Teege, who has been working for his uncle, Theodore, returned home to Davenport on Monday.
- Mrs. Abigail Doherty died at her residence northwest of here on Monday morning. Her remains were buried in the Catholic cemetery Wednesday.
- J.M. Wulf is the father of a son born on Sunday.
- While the Lowery brothers were wrestling on Monday afternoon, one of them was thrown, striking his head on the floor so hard as to cause a concussion of the brain. He was taken to the hotel, where he remained in a semi-conscious condition till morning, when he revived and was taken home.
- Wm. Tumpane's many friends here sympathize with him in the loss of his son.

- Wm. Kindig is the proudest man in Welton. Why? Because a son arrived at his home on Tuesday. He set up the cigars.
- The following teachers will teach in this township this summer: Dist. No. 2, Carrie Goudie; No. 3, Clara Herritage; No. 4, Mary Murphy; No. 5, Annie Rymer; No. 6, Bessie Beele; No. 7, Mary McDevitt; No. 8, Ida Jordan.
- By mistake we forgot to mention that M. Duffy and wife, Jas Duffy and sister moved to Crawford county last week.

[transcribed by C.J.L., February 2007]


Iowa Old Press
Clinton County