Iowa Old Press

Daily Herald
Clinton, Clinton County, Iowa
June 24, 1887

District Court will close in Jackson County tonight, owing to the fact that Judge Brannan must go to his home in Muscatine. The term there has been a fruitful one, especially in the light of the findings against the liquor law breakers. In three appeal cases a verdict of guilty has been given, and Thursday the Grand Jury returned four indictments against saloon keepers. There is also action to reinstate liquor cases stricken from the docket by Judge Hayes. A prominent court official says with a month more of District Court in Maquoketa, that every saloon in Jackson County would be closed. Law lovers don’t expect especial favors from Judge Brannan, but they are usually satisfied with his rulings.

[transcribed by K.W., July 2009]


Iowa Old Press
Clinton County