Iowa Old Press

Clayton County Register, Thursday, July 20, 1944


Postville:  Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bloxham of Forest Mills, northeast of Postville, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lawson, north of Postville, both received news in telegrams stating that their sons, Sgt. Charles Bloxham and Donald Lawson, had been killed in action against the Japanese in New Guinea on June 23. 

Sergeant Bloxham, 24, and his brother James, a corporal, volunteered for service before Pearl Harbor and had been together throughout their training periods and in New Guinea. 

Sgt. Charles, who was born on the home farm east of Postville, has a wife and daughter living in Jefferson City, Mo.  He had never seen his daughter. 

Donald Lawson was 23 years old and was born northeast of Postville in Post township, Oct. 2, 1920 and enlisted in the army in February, 1941. He is survived by his parents, a brother Roland at home and two sisters, Mrs. Hollis Moose and Mrs. Hartley Enyart, both living in the Waukon community.

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2021]

Iowa Old Press