Iowa Old Press

The Clayton County Register
Elkader, Clayton co. Iowa
Wednesday, December 24, 1941

Former Resident Married
Miss Norma Bergemeyer, daughter of E.E. Bergemeyer of Dubuque and formerly of Elkader, became the bride of Jack VanMeter, son of J.T. VanMeter of Cleveland, Ohio, Tuesday, December 16 at 6:30 p.m. in Glendale, Calif. The ceremony took place in the Presbyterian church with the Rev. H.R. Shaffer officiating.

The bride wore a honey velvet gown with accessories of antelope. The matron of honor, her sister, Marjorie Bergemeyer, wore an English blue velvet costume with black accessories. The best man was A. Anderson.

The couple will live at 511 S. Rampart Blvd., Los Angeles where Mr. VanMeter is associated with the Lyon Metal Products, Inc.

Stroschein-Matt Wedding This Week
Announcement has been made of the engagement and approaching wedding of Miss Odelia Stroschein and Harold Matt. The wedding ceremony will take place at 7 a.m. in St. Joseph's Catholic church, Garnavillo, Dec. 30.

Geneva Shaw Becomes Bride of John Glawe
On Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the Evangelical and Reformed church, the Rev. P. Kitterer united in marriage Miss Geneva Mae Shaw of Guttenberg and John C. Glawe of Edgewood.

Mrs. John Whittle
Funeral services were held last Friday for Mrs. John Whittle of Strawberry Point who had died at Independence. Rev. Father Olinger officiated at St. Mary's church in Strawberry Point and burial was made in St. Joseph's cemetery here. The seven sons were casket-bearers.

The deceased was born July 9th, 1857 in Read township, this county, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham. March 27th, 1883, she was united in marriage with John Whittle here in Elkader.

The greater part of her life was spent here in Clayton county, 14 years as a resident of Strawberry Point. The last four years she was in Independence. The couple celebrated its golden wedding anniversary in 1933.

She is survived by the following sons and daughters: John Whittle, Strawberry Point; Emmet Whittle, Elkader; Leo Whittle, Minneapolis; Hattie Matt, Strawberry Point; Clem Whittle, Elkport; A.L. Whittle, Clayton; Sylvanus Whittle, Strawberry Point and Ambrose Whittle, Elkader. One son, Joe, died Dec. 31, 1907 and two children died in infancy.

Other survivors include, two sisters, Mrs. W.R. Davis and Mrs. A.E. Hoffman and one brother, L.A. Cunningham of Cedar Rapids, as well as 23 grandchildren.

Jacob Swenson Killed by Train Last Week
Postville: Jacob Swenson, 50 year old farm laborer of Postville was instantly killed Friday morning at 7:55 when he was struck by a Rock Island freight train while walking along the tracks about a quarter mile west of the Rock Island depot.

Swenson, who lived in Postville, had been employed the past year and a half on the Laurence Dresser farm west of here and he was walking to the farm when it was believed he became confused and stepped directly into the path of the approaching train.

Engineer George McCleef of Cedar Rapids told county officials who investigated that he sounded the whistle three times and the last time Swenson jumped directly into the path of the train. McCleef said the train was traveling about 20 miles per hour when Swenson was struck. The body was carried 35 feet and badly mutiliated. Sheriff L. Bulman and Coroner Charles Boyden said no inquest would be held.

Swenson was married less than two years ago. A son, Vernon, by an earlier marriage was among the victims of this vicinity who lost their lived earlier this year when their car plunged through the ice in the Mississippi river at Prairie du Chien, Wis.

Funeral services were held here Saturday afternoon at the Schutte funeral home. The Reverend Frederick R. Ludwig, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church officiated and burial was in the Elon cemetery near Waterville. Pallbearers were Lee Bowers, Pete Meland, Paul Burrows, Joe Harnack, Edward Nelson and Laurence Dresser.

Mr. Swenson was born February 20, 1891 near Waterville where he spent most of his life. He came to Postville two years ago when he married Mrs. Eliza Jones, his second wife on October 22, 1940.

Survivors include his widow, his father, Hav Swenson of Minneapolis, two brothers Arthur of Minneapolis and Kenneth of Albert Lea, Minn., three children by his first wife, Arlen, Alice May and Mrs. Reuben Erickson, all of Waterville.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Dahlstrom and Dorothy entertained Mr. and Mrs. William Reardon and daughters Shirley and Sandry and son Bill at their home Wednesday.

Misses Lillian Thompson of Washington, D.C., and Blanche Thompson of Red Wing, Minn., came home Saturday to spend the Christmas vacation with their sister, Mrs. Floyd Moser, and other relatives.

Ada Mae Little, teacher at Coggon, came home Saturday to spend her vacation.

The following teachers left for their homes: Miss Densmore at Edgewood, Miss Schluetter at Waverly, Miss Watson at Greene, Miss Larson at Allison, Mr. Johnson at Hendrick, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Dickey will spend most of their vacation here in Farmersburg.

Miss Verna Dieckman, teacher at Clear Lake, came home Saturday to spend her vacation with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Dieckman.

Harding Dahlstrom of Winnipeg, Canada came home Saturday on a ten day furlough.

Walter Kjosa of New Albin came home Friday evening to spend his vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Oelke and son, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Oelke and son of LaCrosse, Wis., and Harold Oelke of Camp Livingston, La., came to spend the week end at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reardon.

Paul Hafke, teacher at Wyoming, Ia., came home Saturday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hafke.

Foster Henkes returned home Sunday evening, from Lincoln, Nebr., where he has been attending school.


Ray Schrunk and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Egleseder, of Greeley were a callers in the parental Fred Schrunk home Thursday.

Trace Radabaugh of Graham was a caller in town Friday afternoon.

Herman Kickbush, Sr., and son, Herman, and John Stabler attended a sale west of Luxemberg Monday.

Herbert and Francis Behrend, and William Kickbush attended a sale near Strawberry Point Monday.

Miss Mayme Minger of Guttenberg spent Thursday and Friday in Millville

Glen Brockman and Arthur Graybill helped cut wood Monday afternoon for the church at the John Becker farm.

Otto Pencil of Skip Level was a caller at the John Becker home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cicil Hansel of Osterdock were visitors at the Ivan Torrey home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Torrey, Mrs. Fred Torrey and son Cecil were business callers in Elkader Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Seeman spent Wednesday evening at the Forest Mcinney home.

Mr. and Mrs. Forest McKinney were supper guests at the Walter Kinyon home Tuesday evening.


Miss Viola Miller was honored at a miscellaneous shower last Tuesday afternoon in the John Patterson home near Arlington, where she has been employed for some time. Miss Miller became the bride of Arthur Everitt, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Everitt, Saturday, Dec. 20.

Miss Marvel Wenger arrived home Sunday night from Chicago to spend her Christmas vacation in the parental W.W. Wenger home.

Mrs. Erma Smith came home on Friday from the Joe Chappell home where she had been caring for Mrs. Elwin Sargent and infant daughter for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Thyne were entertained Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oberfell home at Elkport.

Mrs. Gus Kuhse and daughter Mary of Elkader were over Sunday visitors in the parental Mrs. Georgia Radloff home.

Mr. and Mrs. L.N. Hungerford and Emily Alice were callers in Cedar Rapids Saturday. Their son, Louis, Jr., a student at Iowa City, returned home with them for the holiday vacation.

Miss Celia Blake arrived here on Saturday from Pennsylvania to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. C.C. Blake, and other relatives.

Sidney Page of Detroit, Mich., arrived here Saturday to spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Jessie Page and brothers, LeRoy and Warren Page.

William Moore and family left Tuesday for Nevada to spend the holidays in the parental Sol Peterman home.

Harry Pierce and family of Osterdock visited Sunday in the Radloff home. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Georgia Radloff, who returned to her home after an extended visit in the Pierce home.

A.D. Whittle and J.D. Conboy returned home Friday evening from Milwaukee, where the former attended a shoe convention.

Rev. Russell Neson officiated Thursday afternoon at funeral service for Marjorie Marie Crandall, six-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Crandall at Wadena. The little child died on Tuesday after a long illness. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church with burial at Wadena.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County