Iowa Old Press

Guttenberg Press
Guttenberg, Clayton Co. Iowa
Thursday, March 17, 1927

Wilhelmina Caroline Biedermann, was the child of Wm. Thiese and Magdalene nee Nicolai and was born Oct. 1, 1870 in this vicinity: she was a child of Jefferson township all her life. Since she was the child of Christian parents, she was baptized April 23, 1871 by the Rev. Johann Thurner. In the year 1881 she was confirmed by the Rev. Besel.  On the 14th day of Feb. 1890, she entered intothe holy estate of marriage with Mr. John Biedermann, the Rev. Janig officiating.  There were born to this union 7 children, of these one, Elizabeth, was called to the eternal beyond in 1916 at the age of 23, six children arae surviving.

Mrs. Biedermann was a faithful follower of her Master, trying to meet the Christian obligations with candor and whole-heartedness.  As an active christian she attended her services regularly: joined the Ladies Aid and Missionary Society in order that she might be still more useful to her Master and use the God-given gifts for larger services with the wise realization that some say she would be called upon to give an account of her
time and talents and means and opportunites, knowing full well: "That as a man soweth so shall he reap.”  Her Christian   spirit was also manifested when she was ready to offer a home to two boys, who thru the demise of their parents had no more home, James and Chas. Devlin, now of Woodman, Wis., of these two, James enjoyed the home of our deceased sister for more than six years; she, who was much encumbered with the care of her own large family, was ready in this emergency to extend her hand where great need arose, as it as her uniform custom to help where she was needed.  More of this kind in this world of selfishness—what a better world this globe would be.

God had given her a strong constitution: she was never sick until two years ago when she became vehemently ill.  Slowly the days and weeks dragged by and her condition became more aggravated as time moved on. On Feb. 7th, she went to La Crosse, underwent what was considered a successful operation, and
was preparing to come home with what she thought was a new lease  on life. The home was prepared by children and husband for a happy reception when the sad intelligence was flashed over the wire that Mrs. Biedermann was no more. That her soul had fled the body at 5:30 o’clock and so suddenly that the
doctor was not able to reach the bedside in time.  Once more proving how insecure is the foundation of this world upon which we are walking and that while we are planning for the future, the door to the future is being closed and we are commanded to step out of this world into the presence of the great God.  What a warning to all of us.  She passed away in her best years at the age of 56 years, 5 months and 8 days, being deeply mourned by her husband, her six children:  Mrs. Louis Rohwedder, John and William of Garnavillo, Mrs. Don Risk of Independence, Iowa, Mrs. R. Werges of McGregor and Harold also by her eleven grandchildren, of whom Edward will miss her, knowing her only as a dear mother, also five brothers, Ferdindand Thiese,
Herman Thiese, Fred Thiese, Otto Thiese and Goerge Thiese: two sisters, Mrs. Fred Miller of Guttenberg and Mrs. Ed Bergman of Rockwell, Iowa: two half-brothers, Gus and Wm. Thiese and many other relatives and friends.

Her soul, purified with the blood of Christ, is triumphant in the realm of bliss and her body in due time will be called forth from slumber and raised a glorious body. Until then we say Rest in Peace!

[submitted by K.D., June 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County