Iowa Old Press

North Iowa Times
McGregor, Clayton co. Iowa
January 1927

-Regular meeting C. W. A. Monday, January 10th
-Get Kodaks and Films at KEAN BROS. DRUG STORE.
-Ken Maynard in good western at Strand Friday and Saturday, also good Comedy.
-Mr. Clarence Latham, of Chicago was a Holiday visitor at the John McLaughlin home.
-Mr. And Mrs. J. H. Robbins returned Tuesday night from their Holiday visit in Chicago.
-Let all women and girls interested in the Community Welfare Association attend the regular meeting next Monday evening.
-Mr. H. Luce, of Yellow River, has been here visiting his nephews, W. G. and Floyd, and is now a patient at the McGregor Hospital.
-Miss Lorraine Breitsbach, of the Scenic Dining Room, went to her home in Balltown for the first few days of 1927, returning yesterday.
-Who said Blondes don’t last! Here’s one you’ll remember for years to come! Dorothy Machalill in “Just Another Blonde.” At Strand Tuesday and Wednesday, January 11 and 12.
-We have just received a new shipment of primrose and Cyclamen plants. We also always keep fresh cut flowers on hand. A. A. HORNING & CO.
- Miss Ethel Kersten came up from Dubuque Saturday to spend New Years Day and Sunday with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Fred Kersten.
-Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Lorang of Guttenberg cam Wednesday for a visit with their daughter. Mrs. Victor Mills and son, John LoRang and family.
-Sam Gween returned Tuesday night from a visit with his daughter at Cedar Rapids. Mrs. G. was with him there, but has gone on to Chicago for a visit.
-W. R. C. Attention! Installation of officers will be Wednesday evening, January 12th, over Olson’s Smoke Shop. Let every member be present. Secretary.
-Miss Mertie Overbeck, of Guttenberg. Passed away there Sunday, aged 29, after years of suffering T. B. of the bones. She had friends her who were interested in her welfare.
-The warm weather the past few days has weakened the ice, making the crossing at the levee unsafe, and a danger sign has been put up. Farther from shore the ice seems solid.
-Mr. And Mrs. A. A. Horning , sons Lloyd and Ralph motored to Cedar Rapids Sunday, where they were met by Dr. Marguerite Horning, of Oakdale, and the family enjoyed the day there.
-The Misses Adele and Cecillia Haltmeyer returned Monday evening to resume their studies, the former at the I. C. Acadmy in Dubuque, and the latter at the State Teachers College in Cedar Falls.
-Gene Stratton Porter’s greatest novel--the largest selling book of its age--overflowing with broad understanding and deep sympathy--with the rich vein of humanity that made her America’s finest woman author “Laddie” at Strand Sunday and Monday.
-A shipment of 100,00 chocolate iodine tablets has been received at Prairie du Chien, for distribution throughout the County for school children as a preventative of goitre. 50 percent of their school children were found to be afflicted with goitre in various stages.
- Miss Catherin Bird spent New Year’s Day with Miss Cecillia Haltmeyer.
-John Scrogum, of Marguette, called Monday to renew THE TIMES subscription.
-J. A. Norgaard, of Flaxville, Mont., is here visiting Eric Johnson on Swede Ridge.
-Judge Elchendorf and Reporter Woodrow took Monday morning’s train for New Hampton.
-Mrs. R. F. Neff and daughter Virginia left for Luana Sunday after visiting at B. A. Kinsley’s
-Robert Kinsley and M. J. Moody have gone to Ames to take the Short Course at the State Agricultural College.
-Miss Carrie M. Buck was recovered sufficiently to leave the Hospital last Saturday and is now with Mrs. Oleta Green.
-Mr. O. A. Adams of Minnespolis was an over night visitor last Friday of his uncle and aunt, Mr. And Mrs. Elmer March.
-Dr. E. E. Meggers motored to Rowley Sunday to spend a short time with his mother. Wm. George accompanied him.
-Mrs. A. J. Durr went to Iowa City by Hupp last Thursday, for goitre treatment or operation at the University Hospital.
-The Ladies Aid of the Norwegian church meets with Mr. And Mrs. Erick Halverson Wednesday, January 12th. Everybody welcome.
-Mrs. A. C. Heck, of Ossian, and Mrs. Eugenia Ellsworth of McGregor were guest of Mrs. Lansing, at the Alfagold farm Sunday.
-Acquilla Cords drove his sister, Miss Pearl back to school work at Independence Sunday. Miss Edna Wieland accompanied them.
-Miss Anne M. Bird, R. N. returned to Dubuque today, after several weeks at home caring for her mother, who is getting along very nicely.
-Miss Marjorie Flanders returned Sunday to her School teaching at Walnut, Iowa, after spending the Holidays vacation with home folks.
-Ken Maynard was the star. Broncho Buster with Ringling Bros. Circus. See him at Strand Friday and Saturday in The Unknown Cavalier.
-Mr. And Mrs. Milo Moody, of Traer, Iowa, motored here to spend Christmas with Mrs. Moody’s parents. Mr. And Mrs. Elmer Marsh and family.
-Mr. And Mrs. A. L. Hodson, of Winona, Minn., came to McGregor by car to spend the holidays with Mrs. Hodson’s parents, Mr. And Mrs. Elmer Marsh.
-Ken Maynard at Strand Friday and Saturday in the “Unknown Cavolier,” is one of Ringling’s Bros. Circus famous stars. See him ride four horses abreast.
- Miss Helen Gerndt and Miss Wini (Cut off)
- Walter Drumb cam down from St. Paul to spend the Holidays with his parents, returning Sunday evening to resume work.
-Mrs. Wm. V. Mahowald of Clayton and Mrs. O. C. Esslinger of Guttenberg spent New Years with their sister, Mrs. V. G. Drumb.
- Mr. And Mrs. R. B. Lee returned to Belle Plaine Friday, having enjoyed their Christmas vacation with Mrs. And Mrs. Chas, Serogum.
-Miss Gertrude Webb has returned to Joliet, Ill., after spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Albert Clemens and brother, Dr. J. E. Webb.
-Mr. James Robertson left Monday morning for Quincy, Ill., having spent the holidays with his family at the home of Mr. And Mrs. D. G. Benjamin.
-The late Gene Stratton P- -ter’s (Porter’s) greatest novel “Laddie” is one of the most notable love stories in the English language. At Strand Sunday and Monday.
-Sister Adelund from Des Moines, Sister M. Idnatire from Wathdua, Kansas, spent New Year’s day with their mother Mrs. Lansing on the Limbeck farm.
-Mr. And Mrs. Albert Theviot entertained a number of friends at their home New Year’s Eve, 500 and the usual good time was enjoyed by all their guests.
-Mr. And Mrs. Carl Mehlhop and children Sara and Carl Jr., left Sunday evening for Dubuque. Having spent New Years Eve and Day with Mrs. Fred Geske.
-Regular meeting of the Mendon Township Community Club will be held at the Community Rooms Thursday, January 20, 1927. Initiation of new members. Everybody come.
-For the first time in many years vehicles crossing the Mississippi take off at the levee at the foot of Main street. River men say the water is at such a high level the springs do not thaw the ice near the shore as usually
-Oliver Mehsling, nine year old son of Mr. And Mrs. George Mehsling was run over by an auto yesterday noon. He had “caught on” to a bob sled, going to dinner, and when the sled reached his home at West Main street, Oliver dropped off and ran toward the house, not looking to see what cars might be coming, and he ran right in front of a moving car which slowed to avoid hitting the boy and would have missed him had not another car behind pushed into the first car, and Oliver was knocked down and run over. He was taken to the McGregor Hospital where no bones were found broken, but he was left there for rest from the shock and bruises. It was an accident which could not have been prevented by the motorists, the little fellow being to careless in crossing the street. It is hoped that if he has any injuries they will prove slight, (remainder cut off)

[transcribed by L.L., July 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County