Old Press
The Elkader Register
Elkader, Clayton co. Iowa
September 10, 1925
- A klonlave of the Ku Klux Klan was held at the Elkader Fair
grounds Saturday afternoon and evening. Klansmen were here from
Mason City, Oelwein, Waterloo, Dubuque and other points. It is
stated that there were 2900 paid admissions to the grounds.
- Miss Gladys Glesne left Monday for Northfield, Minnesota, to
resume her studies at St. Olaf college.
- William Quigley, the first white child born in Clayton County
died at his home at McGregor, Tuesday. He was eighty-five years
old and the father of Robert Quigley, former Clayton County
member of the Iowa house of representative.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Smith and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Gueter of Morris, Minnesota, also Mrs. McDonald of
Minneapolis, visited at the home of Mrs. Anna Cunningham at Volga
City Friday until Wednesday of last week. Mr. Smith is a brother
of Mrs. Cunningham, while Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McDonald will be
remembered as the Misses Alice and Mattie Carney respectively.
- Leon Brown, for many years state editor of the Des Moines
Register called on several of his long time friends here
Labor Day; Mrs. Lillian Schulte, who was a classmate, and J.G.
Hempel, a friend of many years. Dean Peisen of Eldora, an
attorney and son of J.W. Peisen of tax ferret fame accompanied
him. The two visitors are on their way home from the lakes and
Dells in Wisconsin. Mr. Brown is no longer connected with the Des
Moines Register, but is assisting Hon. E.L. Hogue, state
budget director.
- Miss June Jack goes to Iowa City Tuesday to resume her work at
the State University.
- Peory Price left yesterday for Los Angeles, California, where
he will join a law firm.
- C.C. Little, who is in the employ of the Northwestern Bell
Telephone Co., at Elkader, left Sunday for Ames to take a two
weeks vacation.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Meyer returned yesterday forenoon from a two
week's visit with friends and relatives in western Iowa and South
Dakota. Mr. Meyer informed us that the west looked pretty dry.
- V.T. Price Jr. left Tuesday evening for Monona, from which
place he went to Chicago for a short stay. From there V.T. will
go to Phoenix, Arizona, to spend the winter. His mother, Mrs.
V.T. Price accompanied him as far as Chicago.
- District No. 5, Monona is the second district to send donations
toward the Gold Star Memoial Highway Fund. Mrs. Roy Koth and Mrs.
Henry Jarms are the ladies who acted as chairwomen. Monona
township will soon be 100%.
- Arno Gossman went out to the Henry Cords farm Monday afternoon
and brought back a carload of apples from the Cords orchard. We
measured one of the apples and found it was 14 inches in
circumference, 4 and 1/2 inches in diameter and weighed 18
ounces. Mr. Cords says he raises the biggest apples in Clayton
- Lores W. Bomberger of St. Olaf has accepted a position as
stenographer in the law office of V.T. Price.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taake, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Taake returned Tuesday from a ten day trip to South Dakota and
the Iowa State Fair at Des Moines. The covered a distance of over
200 miles (sic).
- Larry Geraghty of St. Paul came Wednesday to spend about a week
with relatives and old friends in Elkader and vicinity. Larry
still has the same grin and enjoys talking over the old times of
fifty years ago. He says that Elkader is still "home"
to him.
Marriage Licenses issued:
Carl T. Radloff - Alice A. Buckman
George Wilson - Elsie Adney
Lloyd Welch - Caroline Papacek
Lloyd C. Ferguson - Irma E. Drahn
Manfred Louis Amdahl - Lila Mary Vila Olson
Louis A. Quade - Vera Chrisman
In Memeoriam
In loving memory of our dear son, Milo Clark, who died
one year ago September 6th.
September brings back memories
Of a loved one gone to rest
Milo will always be remembered
By us who loved him best.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Clark and sisters, Mae and Rose.
Last Sunday at the Evangelical church, Rev. Franke
baptized John Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Wahls of
Farmersburg township. The sponsors were the grand-dada, Fred H.
Schmidt and Henry Wahls. A splendid dinner was served at the F.H.
Schmidt home. Those present were: Grandmother Dettman, Grandpa
Henry Wahls, Mrs. E.C. Wirkler and son Walter, Miss Helen
Dettman, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Wahls, Mrs. Hans Holm and the Misses
Jean and Elizabeth Jeffers. It also being the 14th birthday
anniversary of Lois Schmidt, a white cake containing 14 pink
candles and other pink and white decorations were part of the
Harvest Home Picnic
A number of the buiness men of Elkader met at the Town
Hall Tuesday evening, for the purpose of discussing plans for a
Harvest Home Picnic to be held here some time in October. Hall
Swenson was chosen chairman of the meeting and in well spoken
words outlined the idea of such an event. The dates selected are
October 8th and 9th. The farmers are to be interviewed to bring
in exhibits of farm produce and premiums are to be paid for these
exhibits. It is planned to have sports for the children and
grown-ups, free movie on the evening of October 8th, and a big
free dance at the Opera House on the evening of October 9th. A
committee consisting of E.A. Burlingame, Wm. J. Witt, B.E. Abel,
Walter Bink and Jack Maley was appointed to interview all the
businessmen of the town and outline th eprogram and expense.
Another meeting is to be held Friday evening at the Town Hall and
all business men and other interested are urged to attend.
El Kader Chapter of D.A.R. Meets
On Monday afternoon the El Kader chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolutionary met at the home of Mrs.
Emma Hempel, seven members were present and as this constituted a
quorum, some important business was transacted. The members
present voted to accept the Constitution and By Laws presented,
by the Vice Regent, Mrs. Marie Carpenter. The report of the
program committee was also accepted, and the program will be
given out at the next meeting. It was decided that the Society
should hold regular meetings on the first Thursday of every
month. The first regular meeting will be held October 1, at 2:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Nellie Cranford.
by Kathleen M. Hempel, Registrar
Service Star Legion Meeting
The regular meeting of the Service Star Legion will be
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Davidson on Friday evening,
September 11th. Hostesses will be Zelma Davidson, Ella Maley,
Margaret Hyde, Louise Cassutt and Mary Uriell.
Obituary - Sketch of Emmer M. Cook
The following brief sketch of the late Miss Emmer M.
Cook is taken from the Evening Huronite, of Huron, S.D.:
Emmer M. Cook was born April 2, 1847, at Spencer, Medina county,
Ohio, and died at her home in Huron, Aug. 25th. When a young girl
she moved with her parents to Elkader, Iowa, living there until
1885 when she came to Huron with her mother. She attended the
Upper Iowa University at Fayette, and spent several years
teaching at various points in Iowa.
Miss Cook was a member of the investigating committee of the
state board of charities and corrections of South Dakota, and had
been for a number of years. She was a clerk in the office of the
register of deeds for Beadle county and in the county auditors
office from 1889 to 1893.
She was an active member of the Methodist church having been an
active member for over forty years, also being active in
suffrage, temperance and patriotic work. In 1901 Miss Cook was
elected department president of Women's Relief Corps of South
Dakota and was also president of the local corps.
Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist church. Burial
was made in Riverside cemetery.
Notice of Proof of Will
Estate of Aaron Bowman, deceased. State of Iowa, Clayton
To Whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that on the 7th
day of September A.D., 1925, in vacation of District Court of
Clayton County, Iowa, the Clerk opened and read an instrument in
writing purporting to the the last will and testament of Aaron
Bowman late of said county, deceased, and you are further
notified that the first day of the next term of said Court,
commencing on the 5th day of October A.D. 1925, has been set by
the Clerk as the day for the final hearing and proof of said
will, at which time all persons interested may appear and show
cause why the same should not be admitted to probate.
Dated September 7th, 1925.
H.L. Meyer, Clerk
D.D. Murphy & Son, Attorney
[transcribed by S.F., November 2017]