Iowa Old Press

McGregor, Clayton co. Iowa
December 1925

Local News:
-Miss Marinette Jacobs, of Elkader is here visiting relatives and friends.
-Marvin Kalnz, of Elkader ha an operation at McGregor Hospital Tuesday.
-Miss Elizabeth Sparks returned last week from a visit with friends in Chicago.
-Miss Elizabeth Gallagher of Marquette is at the McGregor Hospital for a short stay.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank O' Brien spent a few days with relatives and friends in Kenosha, Wis.

Start the New Year right with a few shares of Savings Loan Stock
J. Kramer, Secretary.

- Mrs. L. L. Haight left Monday afternoon for a few days visit with with friends in Chicago.
- Jim Broderick of Cedar Falls and Joe Broderick of Cedar Falls and Joe Broderick of Ames, Iowa are home for the holidays with their sisters.
-- Mrs. Paul Kossack and little daughter Kathlean are both at the McGregor Hospital for a few days.
- Charles Turner came out from Chicago last week to spend Christmas with his mother, brothers and sisters.
- We regret that Mr. C. Ca. Luce is in poor health, his condition being not at all as good as his friends would wish.
- Mr. and Mrs. Niell Richards, of Dubuque, spent Christmas at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Richards.
- Mr. and Mrs. Morse and two sons of Monona were down to spend Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Leo Schrody.
- A happy reunion at the Fred G. Bell home brought Farnum from Des Moines, Colin from Iowa City and Lyman from Anapolis.
- Miss Pearl Cords is at home from her studies at Cedar Falls to spend the Holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cords.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jake LoRang came up from Guttenberg last Thursday to spend Christmas, with their daughter, Mrs. Victor Mills and family.
- Bluff City Chanter, 268, Attention! Regular Meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 5th. Installation of Officers. DELLA GRAYT, Secy
- Miss Dorothy Neimeyter, arrived from Des Moines last Thurday morning to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. M. Niemeyer and family.
- John Reynolds and Walter Hogan departed Friday night for Chicago, where the former will visit his sister, Mrs. Lyle Miller and family and brother Hubert.
- H. H. Clark, of Dubuque, was at home for Christmas.
-Vicotr Prescott cam down from Mabel, Minn., for the Holidays at home.
-Dr. E. C. Meggers was called to Elgin one day last week for an operating case.
-Miss Augusta Heilman is at home, having a vacation from school teaching in Elkader.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl spent Christmas and the week-end with her people in Dubuque.
-Harley Moore, of Luana, is at the McGregor Hospital. He is a patient of Dr. Everall, of Monona.
- George Trygg, who is employed in the Intersate Power Co.'s office in Dubuque, was at home for Christmas.
-Our merchants report a very good Holiday trade. They all Certainly deserved the patronage of their community.
-Miss Beatrice Davies came over from Prairie du Chien, and served as one of the extra clerks in Horning's store.
-Donald Hart, of Dubuque, is visiting at home.
-Frederick Edgar is visiting relatives in Minneapolis.
-Fred W. Edgar and wife returned to LaCrosse Monday.
-Jim Woods had the Holidays at home, coming from the East.
-Mrs. Garrison is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Fred Widman.
-Clifton Oleson is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oleson.
-Joe Ellsworth is visiting his mother and sister, Mrs. Wm. Leibrand.
-Malcom Proudfoot of the Chicago University, is vacationing on Ridgewood.
-Email Gerich, of Milwaukee, arrived Monday, called by the illness of his mother.
-Miss Ceceli Haltmeyer visited the first of the week with friends in La Crosse.
-Miss Gertrude Webb, of Chicago, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Albert Clemens.
-The plumbers have been busy the past few days thawing out frozen water pipes
-Mrs. Nick Ryan, of Harpers Ferry, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Kean.
-HAPPY NEW YEAR to our friends and patrons. OLSON SMOKE SHOP
-Mrs. Ella Jacobs came up from Dubuque Tuesday to visit a few days with friends.
-Miss Margaret Davies, who teaches at Cantril is visiting her people here and at Prairle du Chien.
- Dr. Ben Everall, of Monona, was in town Tuesday, looking after his patients at McGregor Hospital.
-Miss Leona Fette, who teaches Physical Training at Cicero, (near Chicago) is at home for the vacation.
-Cairn Bros. Orchestra will play for a New Year's Dance in the McGregor Opera House Friday, Jan. 1st 1926.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carroll were down from LaCrosse to spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Anna Carroll.
-Miss Julia Riley is at the McGregor Hospital for a few days, having submitted to a tonsil operation Tuesday.

The community was shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Jos. Gerich, which occurred at noon Monday. The funeral will be held at the house Friday morning at 10:30. We will have the Obituary next week.
-Mr. T. E. Hartwick and family went to Sherrils to spend Christmas with her people.
-Prof. C. M. Hewett and family went to Waukon to spend the vacation with her parents.
-Miss Mildred McGhee and her sister, Mrs. Wm. Horn, of Canton, Mo., are visiting at home.
- Junior Herron, of Marquette, underwent a tonsil operation at the McGregor Hospital Tuesday.
-Miss Beatrice Proundfoot, a teacher in Chicago, is spending a week with her parents on Ridgewood.
-The W. F. M.S. meets with Mrs. W. A. Myers next Wednesday (Jan. 6th) at 2:30 P.M. Please note change of hour.
-Catholic Ladies Card Party Tuesday evening January 5th at 8 O'clock at the Forester Hall. Everyone cordially invited.
-Marcelling done at my home. MRS. ED. ORTMAN
-Earl Scrogum of Chicago enjoyed Christmas Day with relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Trout of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rischmueller of Sauk City, Wis, enjoyed Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Carroll.

Ten Years Ago December 30, 1915
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Knowles went to Monona Saturday to spend Christmas with relatives in that city.
-Mrs. Bullia returned to her home in Decorah Tuesday, after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Reeves.
-Wm. Pearsall of Gilbert, Minn., arrived here last week to spend Christmas with relatives and friends in this place.

[transcribed by L.L., July 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County