Iowa Old Press

North Iowa Times
McGregor, Clayton co. Iowa
Feb 7, 1918, page 4

GUTTENBERG (From the Press)
- Miss Anna BODER went to Omaha, Neb., Monday for a visit with relatives
- Mrs. Henry FASSBINDER and daughter Marie went to Dubuque for a visit Friday.
- Mathias JUNK, Sr. returned home Saturday from a visit with relatives in McGregor.
- O. H. LAKE returned home Friday from Waterloo, where he attended the canner’s convention.
- Sergeant Ben ROBINSON of Camp Doge, Iowa, visited friends in Guttenberg Friday and Saturday.
- Mrs. TIMMERMAN who has been here on a visit with relatives, returned to her home in Dubuque Tuesday.
- Harvey KIMBALL and wife of Lansing attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Ann FREDLEIN in this city, Saturday.
- Mars. A. L. PIERCE and two children of Olds, Alberta, Canada, have been visiting at the B.W. JAMES home in this city.
A. O. HAMANN, Arthur STAACK, Theordore REINITZ and Elmer GORBY went to Chicago Monday to attend the automobile show.
- F.J. BUENING of Osage who has been here visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ed RODEMAKER and husband, went to Milwaukee Saturday for a visit with relatives.
- George KIRCH returned home, Friday from several weeks visit with his brother Ed and family at Mitchell, S. Dak. George says the weather has been mild with very little snow in South Dakota.
- John BROWN has sold his barber business in this city to Ed. PINK who will continue same at the old stand in the Sieg building on, First street. John BROWN left for Deming, N.M. where he will serve in the U.S. army.
- J.M. KAINZ and John KRUSE of Garber were in the city on business the first of the week. Mr. KAINZ also brought us a ten pound jack rabbit which he shot on this farm near Garber for which we are thankful. Jack rabbits are seldom found in this section of the country, but Joe is a good hunter and knows where to find them.

GARNAVILLO (from Register and Argus)
- Ed HERCHERT of Postville is visiting home folks this week.
- May MEDER of Clayton was a weekend guest of Vina UECKER.
- J.A. RIES of Clayton was a business caller in town Thursday
- Hallie BROWNSON left for Chicago for a visit with relatives and friends.
- The trustees of Giard township will meet Monday, February 11th, for the purpose of electing road superintendents. Gilbert N. MEYER, Twp Clerk

[transcribed by J.H., December 2007]


Monona Leader
Monona, Clayton co. Iowa
February 21, 1918

James H. Barnes was born Aug. 1, 1840 at New Carlisle, Indiana, and died at his home at Mason City, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1918, aged 77 years, 6 months and 16 days. Mr. Barnes came with his parents to Monona in 1860, and at the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in Hackett's Brigade, U.S. Cavalry and
served about one year in the western army; being discharged at Fort Snelling on account of disability, the fall of 1864. In June 1867 he was married to Miss Harriet Hunt of Monona, and to them six children were born, Florence, Dudley, Lucille, Charles, Genevieve and Maude. Florence and Lucille prededed their father in death. In the early days Mr. Barnes followed farming, later engaging in the real estate business, buying and selling much property in Monona. He also built several residences here, and was identified with much
of the activities of Monona in its growing days. He moved from Monona to McGregor about 1898, where he formed a partnership with Hoyt and McNeal in the hardware business, and after a few years he moved to Spencer, Iowa and later to Mason City, where he resided until the time of his death, being for years a traveling salesman for a large coal firm, where he was unusually successful. He was of a genial, happy disposition and made friends with all whom he associated with, and was especially devoted to his family, with whom he spent and enjoyed the happiest part of his life. His health failed him about two years ago, and his death was caused from a stroke of apoplexy. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, two sons, Dudley of Mason City and Charles of Ottumwa, Mrs. Jack Meyer and Mrs. Bert Conway of Mason City; also 5 grandchildren besides many other relatives and friends. The funeral services were held at the home in Mason City, and the remains brought to Monona Tuesday afternoon for burial in the family lot in Monona cemetery.

A Unique Idea.
W.P. Olmsted of La Moure Co., N.D. recently succeeded in getting pledges from fifty of the farmers of his home township, to give (each) one acre of the crop of 1918 to the Red Cross. Will was born and raised in Monona. Says he wants his son to know in future years that Black Loam was a patriotic township during this war.


City Meat Market - fresh and salt meats, pure home rendered lard, highest market price paid for hides. Ulish & Wagner

A.L. Currie, resident dentist; office over Monona State Bank

Delbert W. Meier, Attorney at Law; office in the Monona State Bank Bldg. Prompt attention given to collections and settlement of estates. Monona, Ia.

B.B. Everall, M.D.; Physician and Surgeon; night calls double the regular fees. Office over Citizen's State Bank, Monona, Iowa

G.W. Tapper, M.D.; Physician and Surgeon; night calls double the regular fees. Office over Citizen's State Bank, Monona, Iowa

C.W. Walker; General Insurance Agent, telephone call: office 25-2, residence 25; McGregor, Iowa

Church notes.

[name of church cut off] Prayer meeting and Bible Study Wednesdays at 7:30. The mid-week prayer meeting will be held at private homes during the winter months. Union meeting at M.E. church Sunday evening 7:30. H. Briscoe Hall, pastor.

Evangelical Association. Services next Sunday Feb. 24th: Watson 10:30 & 7:45, Prairie 2:30. Services Sunday Mar 3rd: Roberts Creek 7:15, Prairie 10:30 (German) and Watson 2:30 (German). P.F. Walter.

[transcribed by S.F., Feb. 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County