Iowa Old Press

The Argus
Elkader, Clayton co. Iowa
February 27, 1913

Garnavillo News
-Fran Schute, of National, and Theo. Schulte, of New Hampton, were callers in town Wednesday.
-Geo. Staade was a Guttenberg visitor Tuesday.
-Julius Pahlas, Harvey Hamann and Heran Schlake, who are attending school in Madison, spent Saturday and Sunday at their respective homes.
-J.A. Hempeler transacted business at Elkader Thursday.
-Henry, Fran and Kate Egleseder were at Guttenberg Sunday.
-Fred Meder, Verni Kuehner and Hubert Matt spent Sunday with friends at Guttenberg.

Obituary - William Jahnke
William Jahnke died at his home Feb. 15th. He was born in the village of Wimmentin, near Auclam, Pomerania, on April 9th, 1824. Leaving Germany in 1869, he came direct to Clayton County, Iowa. In 1871 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Sophia Kregel. This union was blessed with three children.

Mr. Jahnke was engaged in farming until 1900, when the family moved to the home in Garnavillo, where the last years of his life were spent.

His death is mourned by his wife, three children: Ferdinand, Mrs. Clara Rademacher and Mrs. Louise Tangeman; three step-children: Wm. A. Kregel, C.F. Kregel and Mrs. Mary Rademacher; and seven grandchildren, all of Garnavillo.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. K. Wm.Braun at St. Paul's church last Wednesday afternoon.

Obituary - Friederick Fehlhafer
Friederick Fehlhafer was born in Medow, Auclam, Pomerania, on Sept. 18th, 1836. On Oct. 10th, 1962, he was married to Miss Sophia Groth. He came to America with his family in 1867, soon settling on a farm, in Clayton township, where he lived until the death of his wife, which occurred on March 25th, 1909. Since that time he has made his home with his children.

On Monday, Feb. 3rd, he was taken sick with pneumonia, while at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Taackman, and after one week of illness, died on Monday afternoon, Feb. 10th, leaving four sons, three daughters, twenty-two grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren to mourn his loss. The children are: Mrs. Wilhelmina Schuette, of Jefferson township; Mrs. Bertha Dahlstrom, of Clark County, S.D.; Fred and Chas. of Garnavillo; Edwin and Mrs. Carolina Taackman, of Garnavillo township, and Herman of Clayton township.

Funeral services were held at St. Paul's church Saturday afternoon, Rev. K. Wm. Braun officiating.

Monona News - from the Monona Leader
-P.A. McNeff and family visited the Frank Sherman family at Postville Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGoon, of St. Paul, are visiting relatives and friends in Monona and vicinity.
-Mrs. Hancock has returned from Spokane, Wash., and is making her home with her sister, Mrs. Martha Gregg.
-John Larnker, of Froelich, was a caller Wednesday.
-J.P. Broderick and wife, of Harpers Ferry, are visiting at the Geo. Peters home.
-M.S. Eddy departed Tuesday on an extended trip on the road.
-C.J. Orr and Geo. H. Otis were Postville visitors last Friday.
-Miss Almira Lenth and Miss Ruta Kling have returned from Cedar Rapids.
-Mrs. Wash. Carr, of Malcom, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. DeGraw.
-It is reported that Mrs. Koss has purchased the new residence of Frank Ambrose. J.H. Mueller, who occupied the place, is preparing to move his family back on the farm.
-H.C. Burnham was down from Hardin Saturday consulting Dr. Brownson in regard to a lame knee which has been bothering him for some time.

Obituary - Robert Randall
In the death of Robert William Randall, Monona loses another of its pioneer citizens. He was our oldest citizen in continuous residence in the corporation.

The deceased was born at Morgantown, West Virginia, March 4th, 1825, and died Feb. 14th, 1913, lacking 18 days of 88 years of age.

With his parents he emigrated from West Virginia to Goshen, Ind., with oxen. In 1833 when 8 years of age, his father took him to Chicago to a Presidential rally, when Andrew Jackson was elected. Chicago at that time consisted of about a dozen log houses and one store. He received his schooling and grew to manhood in Goshen, Ind.

He was married to Elizabeth Overley, in October, 1847. To this union four children were born, one dying in infancy. In 1851 he started with ox teams for the gold-fields of California, but after two years of hardships returned home. In 1854 he came to Monona, Iowa, and two years later moved his family here, where he has lived ever since. For 32 years he served as constable and was proprietor of the meat market for many years.

In August, 1875, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Mary Zimmerman. His two wives have preceeded him to the grave.

He joined Northern Light Lodge No. 156 I.O.O.F. Nov. 6, 1869, as one of the charter members. In 1862 he enlisted in Company K, 1st Iowa Cavalry, and at the time of his death was a member of Monona G.A.R. Post. For the last 19 years of his life he was a grower and dealer in small fruit.

Since the death of his wife he has made his home for the past five years with his daughter, Mrs. F.J. Haworth. He leaves to mourn his departure three daughters, Mrs. F.J. Haworth, of Monona, Iowa; Mrs. Alice Carpenter, of Tomah, Wis., and Mrs. Minnie Oliver, of North McGregor, Iowa; an adopted daughter, Mrs. Mattie Briggs, of Rockford, Ill.; thirteen grand-children and one great great grand-child.

The funeral services were held in the Methodist church on Monday morning. The members of the G.A.R. Post and the members of the I.O.O.F. lodge acted as pall bearers and accompanied the remains to the grave

Hardin News
-Several from town attended Sebastian Walabe's sale Monday.
-Jess Vaughan and Ed Jones sawed wood for Susie Batchelder Monday.
-Mrs. Jess Vaughan entertained the ladies of town Tuesday at a quilting and carpet-rag bee.
-Geo. Zeigler bought a horse from Vick Pearson last week for $200.
-Mrs. Wm. Smith visited her daughter, Mrs. Henry McShane Monday.
-Frank Coon and wife of Waukon, are visiting at the Vick Pearson home.
-About thirty friends and neighbors came in Saturday evening and helped Jess Vaughan to celebrate his thirty-sixth birthday.
-Herman Gruel and wife helped August Stachlin butcher this week.

St. Olaf News
-Mrs. Henry Embretson is suffering from a bad cold.
-Mrs. Arthur Schmidt has been suffering from an attack of la grippe.
-The little daughter of L.O. Nosby, who has been suffering with pneumonia, is improving.
-Elmer Ronquist called on friends at Elkader Tuesday.
-F.K. Orvis went to Waupeton, S.D. Friday and returned Monday.
-Miss Geneva Embretson, who has been spending the winter at Dickenson, S.D., returned home Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. Havens, of McGregor, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. H. Stone.
-Herbert Olson was hired buttermaker at a meeting of the Creamery officials last Friday. Jack Frisbie, who has been in charge of the creamery for the past ten years, has resigned.
-The Albert Olson family departed Tuesday for their new home near Forest City.

Obituary - Keziah Stone
Mrs. H. Stone was born May 26th, 1834, in the state of Ohio In 1838 she, with her parents, moved to Wisconsin, where she was reared to womanhood and on Nov. 17th, 1858, Keziah McBride was united in marriage to Hubbard A. Stone. In 1862 they moved to Iowa, residing on a farm near St. Olaf, until 1892, when they retired from farm life, moving to St. Olaf, where they have since resided.

To this union was born one child, Mrs. H. Barnum, who, with her husband and family, are also residents of St. Olaf.

Mrs. Stone had never been known to be ill and the first reports of her illness was a surprise to her many relatives and friends. She suffered from pneumonia for nearly two weeks and on February 21st, 1913, she passed from this earth to life eternal. During her illness she was very patient and in the last hours of life we know that her thoughts were "Because Thou has been my help, therefore in the shadow of Thy wings will I rejoice."

Funeral services were held February 24th at 2 p.m. from the H. Stone home and interment was made at the Farmersburg cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss an aged husband; one daughter; two grandchildren, Ralph and Veredine Barnum; two brothers, Chas. McBride, of Alden, Ill. and Curtis McBride, of Tripp, S.D.; besides othere distant relatives. The friends of St. Olaf and vicinity extend sincerest sympathy to the bereaved husband, daughter and other relatives.

Guttenberg News - from the Guttenberg Press
-Miss Matt returned to her home at St. Olaf Friday, after a pleasant visit with relatives in this city.
-Burt Horsch returned to his home at Hamilton, Mont., Monday, after a pleasant visit at the home of his parents in this city, J.H. Horsch and family.
-John F. Duncker ad wife have been on the sick list.
-Mrs. Herman Mohrman is on the sick list this week, suffering with lagrippe.
-Mrs. John Petsche and daughter Clara returned Tuesday from a visit at Postville.
-Mrs. Kate Randall came down from Clayton Monday for a visit with relatives in this city.
-Mrs. Nick Ley and children of Banston, were guests at the Peter Ley home in this city this week.
-A number of relatives and friends of J.H. Horsch surprised him at his home in this city on Saturday evening to remind him of his 55th birthday anniversary.
-The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hinzman Tuesday morning and left a baby boy.
-Mrs. Emil Ihm and baby left Wednesday for a visit at Postville.
-The Misses Margaret and Katherine Lorang were visitors at McGregor Saturday and Sunday.
-Miss Katherine Stoecker left Saturday for a visit with her brother and family at Marcus, Iowa.
-Geo. M. Jacobs is able to be up and around again, after suffering with an attack of rheumatism.
-H.W. Schoper, who has been suffering withan attack of rheumatism for several weeks, is able to be up and around again.
-Victor Walz and wife moved their household goods from Dubuque to Guttenberg this week. They are now residents of this city again.

National News
-Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Matt and children, Florence and Jason, spent Sunday evening at the John Lenth home.
-The Homer Knight home was gladdened by a nice baby boy February 22nd.
-Henry Hampton and wife sold their farm to Joe Berns last week for $24,200. Mr. Hampton and wife intend to make their future home in Minnesota.
-Laurence Brackner delivered his hogs at Farmersburg Monday.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County