Old Press
Strawberry Point Mail Press
Strawberry Point, Clayton co. Iowa
March 26, 1903
We were absent last week.
Arthur Breed called on Manchester friends last Saturday.
R.J. Bixby and F.D. Joseph made a business trip to Manchester
last Saturday.
Wesley Crete and Albert Boyer are home from Cornell College for a
week's vacation.
John Hall and wife returned from a visit with relatives at
Hawkeye, Monday morning.
Anna and Minnie Sherman of Strawberry Point came Monday to work
at Hotel Richards.
Miss Lucy Appleby of Strawberry Point was a guest of her friend,
Mrs. Madison, over Sunday.
Fred Sherman returned home from his school duties at Hopkinton
for a visit with his parents.
Ray Minkler and Charley Hammond went to Independence last
Wednesday to work in the Hospital.
Robert Cole returned to his home in Fayette Saturday morning
after a weeks visit with friends.
Miss Mamie DeLong, who has been attending school at Fayette, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Donaldson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ortman came from their home near Elkport last week
for a few days visit with Ed Noble and wife.
Mrs. John Wandell and little daughters were over night visitors
at the Al McGarvey home in Strawberry Point last Wednesday.
Worthy Robinson and Frank Fisher, who have been working at the
Insane Hospital at Independence this winter came home Saturday
Last Thursday evening Wesley Boyer, one of our Edgewood boys who
is attending Cornell College at Mt. Vernon, was sandbagged on the
streets of that city while returning to his rooms. The highway
robbers were successful in securing twenty-five dollars but
luckily they left his watch which was a very valuable one.
John McDonald has moved onto L. Huntingtonıs farm.
Clyde True begins the spring term of school in district No. 6,
next Monday.
H. M. Eder has moved onto the farm he purchased of John Wandell,
last fall.
Frank Kellogg has been on the sick list the past week, but is
again able to be about.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Helgreman now occupy the place known as the Dell
Cooper farm.
Dave McDowell and family have moved onto Geo. Hesnerıs farm,
known as the Helgerman place.
Hi Millett and family have moved onto the John Farmer place,
which they will work this year.
Edna Fisher begun work for L. D. Zahrndt Monday morning, and will
assist him during the season.
This is a hard, hard world. One is hardly done shoveling snow
before it is time to sharpen up the lawn mower.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Joys have been quite sick the past week. Their
many friends will be glad to learn that both are considerably
Mrs. Lester Richards has been tussling with the Dutch measles for
several days. Her many friends will be glad to know that she is
getting along nicely.
For downright, unadulterated cheek, more cheek than a government
mule, Jas. Cross stands at the head. Itıs all on account of one
of Job's pets, on his cheek.
Mrs. A. J. Cross returned home Saturday morning, from near
Thorpe, where she has been assisting in caring for her sister,
Mrs. Geo. Wandell, who has been very sick. We are glad to report,
Mrs. Wandell much better.
We have heart it said that a farmer not far off owns cows that
laugh. Of course they are the laughing stock of the neighborhood.
There are cattle in school district No. 7 that do not laugh that
are the laughing stock of the neighborhood.
Phin Wandell returned home from Chicago, where he had been with a
car of cattle and one of hogs. He reports a good sale.
John Farmer, who was compelled on account of poor health, to give
a sale and dispense of his stock and farm machinery and rent his
farm, is we are pleased to report, much better. He is at the home
of his brother, Henry.
Assessor L. S. Fisher was over in this neck-o-the-woods finishing
up assessing, the latter part of last week. If you want to beat
his eagle eye next year, we suggest that if you have lots of
money on hand you must get rid of it before the first of January
or he will make you pay for the privilege of owning it. If you
buy property with it, you will not be any better off so the only
thing to do to escape taxation is to give it away, conceal it, or
loan it to someone and let them pay for the pleasure of handling
Ella Hines spent last week at this place.
John Heiberger returned to Dakota, Monday.
Elsie Adams visited in this place recently.
Elsie Stalnaker spent last week at Mederville.
Sydney Phelps has rented Mr. Newberry's farm.
George Sauerbry was seen on our streets, Sunday.
John Knight was an over Sunday visitor in West Union.
J. E. Stalnaker and son, Earl, were at Littleport, Wednesday.
John McDonald and family now occupy Mr. King's house.
Dave Whetstone and wife have moved into John Schmidt's house.
Mrs. Burroghs visited relatives in this neighborhood last week.
Katie Heiberger is expected home from Dakota in a short time.
Lucy Hines was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Kidner last week.
Geo. Cunningham closed his school in the Alderson district
M. E. Knight and wife are recovering from an attack of the
Will Knight will work at the carpenterıs trade in Minnesota this
Phin Wandell shipped a carload of hogs and one of cattle to
Chicago last week.
Mable Porter assisted Mrs. Knight with her household duties
during the past week.
Mrs. Jane McKinnis of Mederville visited at the Corners several
days last week.
Alice Heiberger returned home Sunday after spending several weeks
at Cox Creek.
[transcribed by L.Z., January 2012]