Iowa Old Press

Strawberry Point, Clayton co. Iowa
December 18, 1902

Christmas Weather
Happy all together,
Singing in the light;
It's always Christmas weather
When the

Old-Fashioned Christmas
Christmas like it used to be!
That's the kind would gladden me,
Kith and kin from far and near
Joining in the Christmas cheer.
Oh, the laughing girls and boys!
Oh, the feasting and the joys!
Wouldn't it be good to see
Christmas as it used to be?

Chrismas as it used to be -
Snow a-bending bush and tree,
Bells a-jingling down the lane,
Cousins John and Jim and Jane,
Sue and Kate and all the rest
Dressed up in their Sunday best,
Coming to the world of glee -
Christmas like it used to be.

Christmas like it used to be -
Been a long, long time since we
Wished (when Santa Claus would come)
You a doll and I a drum,
You a book and I a sled,
Strong and swift and painted red;
Oh, that day of jubilee!
Christmas like it used to be.

Christmas like it used to be!
It is still as glad and free
And as fair and full of truth
To the clearer eye of youth.
Could we gladly glimpse it through
Eyes our children's children do,
In their joy time we would see
Christmas like it used to be.
~Nixon Waterman, in Elliott's Magazine

-Jim Dunsmore spent Sunday at home.
-Clara Synider is on the sick list this week.
-Rieh Alderson spent Sunday with friends in Monticello.
-Sheriff Benton of Elkader visited in this place Sunday.
-Will Bake is at home for the holidays.
-L.J. Peterson visited in this place Wednesday.
-Mrs. Hiram Wheeler is quite ill at this writing.
-Chas Steinhelper went to Chicago Friday evening.
-Lester Hines' little boy is numbered among the sick.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Hughes, Saturday, a girl.
-Frank Wilder returned home from Minnesota Sunday.
-C.F. Stemmer and Miss Menges spent Sunday in Arlington.
-H. Hier, of Thorpe, was a business caller Saturday.
-Mr. Walters, of Manchester was a caller Wednesday.
-Mrs. Lebel, of Elkader, is the guest of Miss Ida Schmidt this week.
-Mrs. Telp, of Edgewood, visited friends in this city, Tuesday.
-A.M. Hughes was an Arlington and Edgewood visitor Monday.
-Miss Grace Little spent Sunday with her parents in Arlington.
-Mr. Kabelse's children are numbered among those on the sick list.
-Mr. and Mrs. Reece Davis are visiting relatives in Edgewood this week.
-Will Steel returned from a business trip to Chicago Wednesday.
-Mr. Durley, of Lamont, was the guest of friends in this city Wednesday.
-Mrs. Fortney returned to Oelwein Wednesday after a short stay in this place.
-Carl and Earnest Sandhagen, of Dundee, visited in this place Tuesday.
-G.W. Smith is assisting in E.H. Hoag's store during the holiday rush.
-Recent news from Lexington, Neb., state that Earl Emerson is much better.
-Art Schroder returned home from Wadena Monday where he has been visiting with his brother.
-Mrs. Troupe from the southern part of the state is a guest at the Boynton home until after the holidays.
-Clerance Nace is working in Chas. Roberts furniture store until after the holidays.
-Mr. C. Buttles visited at the Chas. Roberts home the latter part of last week.
-Attorney C.B. Hughes of Arlington was transacting business in this city Saturday.
-Carl Eaton, of Oxford Junction visited with his mother in this place a few days last week.
-Mrs. John Mikota returned home from Postville Monday evening after a short visit in that place with her brother.
-Orin Greenwood visited friends in Manchester Monday.
-The ladies of this place have organized a quartette. Those belonging are: Mrs. Dr. Billmeyer, Mrs. I.P. Howard, Miss May Dunlon and Mrs. Cora Steele.
-Miss Ted Peck visited with friends at Edgewood Saturday.
-Nick Lang came home from Chicago Friday morning.
-Miss Mae Hanson is among those on the sick list.
-Geo and Lucius Uhl visited Arlington friends Monday.
-Mrs. Fortney came over from Oelwein Friday evening.
-Miss Dunlop leaves Friday night for her home in Hopkinton to spend the holiday vacation.
-Burdie Cooley went out on a business trip for the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Wednesday.
-Glint Carrier and wife of Garnivillo visited the first of the week with relatives in this city.
-George Wheeler is heating his fine new house with a hot water heater. Williams did the work.
-E. Heyer of Earlville, spent Sunday with friends in this city.
-Van Porter visited with his grandfather at Marion over Sunday.
-E. Axtell visited relatives in Edgewood the first of the week.
-Miss Kate Westfall assisted in J.M. Henry's pharmacy Saturday.
-John Seeley of Manchester spent Sunday with friends in this place.
-Mrs. Minnie Martin who has been quite ill for some time is, we are glad to report, gaining rapidly.
-Miss Jane Hughes spent Sunday in Arlington with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Hughes.
-Ben Gaylord left for Stanley, Iowa, Wednesday, where he will visit his daughter, Mrs. R.C. Barnes.
-Earl Tabor, of Manchester, was the guest of friends Sunday.
-James and Myrtle Foille, of Lamont visited in this place Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moser were guests of relatives in Dundee Sunday.
-W. Little of Arlington was the guest of relatives in this place Saturday.
-Miss Carrie Jordan is assisting in Will Jessen Store until after the holiday.
-Mrs. Mame Smith and little boy leave for Santa Anna, California Friday where they will spend the winter.
-Louis Schultz and Earnest Schlichter from Illiniois visited with relatives here the latter part of last week.
-Miss Jennie McCarron, of Manchester, was a guest in the James Newberry home the latter part of last week.
-Mr. A.J. Toney, of Manchester, spent Saturday with friends in this city.
-Mrs. John Mathews, of Greeley, visited at the Appleby home over Sunday.
-Miss Tillie Rebaschus is assisting in the Fisher store until after the holidays.
-Mark Treadwell, who has been a guest of his parents in this city, returned to his home in Chicago Friday evening.
-Miss Mae Boyington returned home from Walnut, Iowa, Monday morning coming by the way of Manchester.
-Herman and Chas. Baumgartner and Fred and Lizzle Kramer and mother spent Sunday with relatives in Lamont.
-E. Axtell arrived here Saturday from South Dakota for a visit with relatives.
-Mrs. Drake left for Center Junction Thursday evening to visit a few days with relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roe of Arlington spent Sunday with relatives in this place.
-James Kairns of Monticello was a visitor at the parental home in this city Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Graf returned from Milwaukee Saturday night where Mr. Graf has been receiving medical treatment.
-Mrs. Amos Sanders arrived here Friday evening for a three weeks visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Hoag.
-A.J. Pease, of Manchester, was a business caller in this city the last of the week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glass of Dundee were the guests of relatives in this city Sunday.
-Mrs. Hi Harrington returned from a visit with relatives at Edgewood Saturday morning.
-Miss Kate Montiet of Minnesota, is visiting with friends here and at Lamont this week.
-Miss Stella Balluff of Edgewood, spent Sunday with her mother in this place, she was accompanied by her sister Nettie.
-Emil Rebaschus celebrated his 13th birthday Sunday. A number of his friends were present and a very pleasant time is reported.
-Dr. Howard, of the Point, was in Arlington last Friday in consulation with Dr. Bower in the little Cecil Conboy case. - Arlington News.
-Mrs. Duscheng and daughter, Miss Emma of Edgewood, were shopping in this city Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Strelow and daughter Gertrude of Arlington visited in this place Saturday.
-Mrs. Moreland who has been visiting in this city returned to her home at Olin Saturday.
-Mrs. C.B. Madison and Mrs. C. Robinson, of Edgewood, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eaton the latter part of last week.
-Dr. Thos. Haxby returned home from Cloude Croft, New Mexico, Tuesday morning for a two weeks visit with his mother and other relatives.
-Miss Tena Smith came down from West Union Saturday night to remain in this city with her parents.
-Misses Clara and Elizabeth Marshall, of Manchester, were over Sunday visitors at the Sam Gratke home.
-Jim Hughes who had his ankle broken in the last football game of the season at Lamont has been brought home from that place and is getting along nicely.
-News was received of the death of Mrs. Struckman which occurred Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. She resided about three miles from this place and was well known by all.

-H.F. Moser, The Restaurant Man, Moser's Restaurant has the finest stock of candies in the city.
-Millinery shop, Anna M. Hiner, prop., Edith R. Young, Trimmer. Just now being late in the season we are offering our entire stock at reduced prices.
-P.A. Williams the stove man is telling the merits of the monarch range this week.
-Will Jessen has a new holiday ad this week.
-Little's Studio has a new ad this week. Free! From Dec 20th to Jan 20th, I will give a beautiful porcelain picture with each $2.50 worth of photos purchased at my studio. Miss Grace Little guarantees her work to give satisfaction.
-W.O. Appelby mentions sensible presents and calls attention to their line of groceries for Christmas.
-Louis Bush takes a half page to tell of the Christmas merchandise at his store.
-There is only a few more days in which to take advantage of these holiday bargains at Chas. Roberts Furniture Store. A Beautiful rocker in Mahogany or Golden Oak, $2.80; Fine couches at $6.40, $7.60, $8.80 and $10.50.
-E.H. Hoag is too busy this week to write much of an ad.
-Morning Star Herd of Registered Short Horn Cattle, R.J. Bixby, prop. Edgewood, Iowa
-Horse Goods - Every Convenience. Plush or Fur Robes, Horse blankets, Harnesses, Trunks, Telescopes and Traveling Bags. P.E. Peck, prop.
-Leslie Chase, Fashionable Barber. First class Bath Rooms in connection.
-Louis Busch, Clothier and Shoer. The store where holiday shoppers will find useful gifts for Christmas for men and boys.
-Bargains! We have decided to make great reductions in prices on all framed pictures until after the holidays. Fine Photos, Brooches and Buttons, Easels large and small at the Roe Studio.
-Geo W. Roe wishes to call your attention to the fact that he has on hand some of the class pictures of 1900, '01 and '02 finished and framed. These would make the nicest of Christmas presents.
-C.F. Stemmer Co. For the holidays we have PING PONG, that very popular new game, per set $1.25 & $.1.50; BOOKS, GAME BOARDS, FOUNTAIN PENS, ALBUMS, PERFUMES, BIBLES, CHRISTMAS TREE CANDLES & TRIMMINGS, CIGARS - if you can't reform him see too it, at least, that he smokes good cigars -$1.00
-J.M. Henry has a complete stock of holiday goods for old and young.
-W. Pollard this week calls your attention to the many useful things in their stock suitable for gifts.
-G.H. Scofield & Son. Bargins in Clothing and Shoes.
-The Strawberry Point State Bank. Paid up Capital, $50,000. A general banking business transacted in all its branches. B.W. Newberry, President; T. Dunning, Vice-President; L.F. Carrier, Cashier. Directors: T. Dunning, F.H. Howard, L.F. Carrier, H.N. Wood, W. Pollard, B.W. Newberry & Park Buckley.
-Thos. Hogan, Tailor. Fall and winter samples are now ready for your inspection. Your clothes tailored by us, are sure of being correct.

Masonic Election.
At the regular communication of Strawberry Point Lodge No. 130 the following officers were elected:
Nathan Scofield, W.M.
L.W. Preston, S.W.
Alex. Porter, J.W.
A. Wilder, Treas.
H.W. Scofield, Sec.
H.A. Axtel, S.D.
J.P. Desmore, J.D.
J.E. Baird, Tyler
J.F. Hestwood, Chap.
F. Wood, T.S.
G. Grewsmeyer, J.S.

Daughters of Rebecca.
The following were elected at the last meeting of the Rebeccas as officers for the ensuing year:
Mrs. W. Tracy, N.G.
Mrs. W. Barker, V.G.
Herb. Allen, Rec. Sec.
W.W. Hoag, Fin. Sec.
Will Tracy, Treas.

I.O.O.F. Election
At the last regular meeting of the York Lodge No. 75, I.O.O.F. the following officers were elected:
John Jewel, N.G.
W. Barker, V.G.
W.W. Hoag, Rec. Sec.
Herb Allen, Fin Sec.
Albert Smith, Treas.

A.O.U.W. Election
The annual election of officers in the A.O.U.W. was held at their last regular meeting. The following officers were elected:
G.F. Wheeler, M.W.
Geo. Deyo, Foreman
W.W. Hoag, Recorder
C.F. Chapman, Treas.
E.H. Hoag, Receiver
John Hardman, Guide
A. Gleason, I.W.
John Jewel, O.W.
O.K. Whitlock, Trustee
Dr. Billmeyer, Med. Examiner

Woodman Election
The annual election of the officers of Whitewood Camp No. 156, M.W.A. occurred at the regular meeting last Thursday night. The following officers were elected:
H. Allen, V.C.
J.L. Holbert, W.A.
J.A. Wilder, E.B.
L.C. Gardner, Clerk
T.F. Baldridge, Escort
A. Bowers, Watchman
F. Wood, Sentry
Geo. Dexter, Manager
F.H. Howard & I.P. Howard, Physicians

-C.H. York and wife were Aurora visitors, Wednesday.
-Mr. Von Oven's mother returned home to Maquoketa, Monday.
-Mrs. Anna Blackburn is visiting her brother near Forestville.
-Floyd Pest and wife, of Edgewood Journal, visited his parental home last week.
-Orin Messenger has returned home from Argo, Dak., where he has been several months.
-Lou Taylor arrived home from Winnebago, Wis. Monday. She will remain at home this winter.
-Mrs. Esther Dodge is visiting her niece in Delhi, Mrs. Blanchard, while Mr. Blanchard is taking a trip to Mexico for his health.
-Willie Taylor and Frank Hilton took passage for California Sunday. The will stop off at Salt Lake City to visit the latters brother, Charles Hilton and family.
-Married at Cherokee, Dec 9, Miss Vernie Smith of Cherokee, and Burnette Hummel, of Lamont, Rev. Geo. Long officiating. They [went] to Lamont to visit in his home. May happiness and prosperity be their lot.

Hall Corners.
-Dolly Wandall is recovering from her sickness.
-John Baldridge had the misfortune to lose a horse Sunday morning.
-Fred Schmidt is again numbered among the sick.
-Calista Henry is staying at the Point.
-Frank Tarbox is making arrangements to move to Strawberry Point.
-Laura Brandenberg is teaching in the Parch district.
-Albert Davis and the Misses Edna, Inez, and Chapman attended Literary, Saturday morning.
-Will Peters and lady were in attendance at the dance at Edgewood, Friday evening.
-Jennie Tyne was an over Sunday visitor at Mike Henry's.
-Ethel McCarron of Mederville visited at this place several days last week.
-Mrs. L.D. Knight has recovered from her recent illness.
-Clyde True visited the Rankin's Corner school one day during the past week.
-C.H. Sauerbry and wife were Sunday visitors at this place.
-Harvey and Leon Carpenter entertained their cousins form Cox Creek, Saturday.
-Mr. Wentzel, of Osborne, was seen on our streets, Wednesday.
-Roy Hines is building a kitchen and otherwise improving his house.
-Bolva Randall was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Smith, Saturday.
-Mesdames Stalenker and Sauerbry visitied at Mederville Friday.
-Mrs. Elmer Bartlett entertained her brother the past week.
-Everett McKinnis has moved to the Fisher farm.
-G.W. Smith assisted in E.H. Houg's drug store Saturday.
-Walter Jewell was at the Corners, Thursday working on the interests of a grocery house of Chicago.
-Arthur Schroeder was the guest of his brother Fred at Wadena last week.
-Aggie O'Brien was the guest of Mrs. Chas. Sauerbry, Saturday and Sunday.
-James Brandenburg has been staying with his sister, Mrs. Pilgrim.
-Ada Brandenburg visited in this neighborhood recently.
-Mr. Eikins of Pleasant Valley, was a business visitor at this place Saturday.

Iowa News.
The national guard regiments of Iowa have received new designations by an order issued by the governor the past week. They become the Fifty-third, Fifty-fourth, Fifty-fifth and Fifty-sixth regiments instead of the Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty-first and Fifty-second. The last numbers were those under which the regiments went into the Spanish-American war. After they returned the reorganization was effected as national guard companies and regiments instead of as volunteer soldiers of the government. The veterans asked that the names be changed. The matter hung fire for a year, but it has been reached finally. This permits the Spanish-American war veterans to retain their regimental identity separate from the similar organizations which are members of the local guards.

Henry F. Smith, a young farmer, was instantly killed, and Henry Hennis seriously injured by the Northwestern fast train at State Center.

Clermont is the home of ex-Gov. Larrabee, and he has had erected a statue of Abraham Lincoln, which he has presented to the corporation. The cost was about $5,000. The statue was executed by the noted sculptor Bissel, and is in the pretty public park and will not only be a monument to the martyr president but to the donor.

Deep mystery still surrounds the death of William Gilliam, of Sioux Falls, at Rock Rapids a few days ago. The suicide theory has been entirely abandoned. The coroner's jury has returned a verdict that Gilliam was murdered, but was unable to find any clew as to the murderers. The theory is that robbery was the motive for the crime.

A $20,000 damage suit is on trial at Vinton. A young married woman named Tan is sueing her husband's parents for that amount for alleged alternation of her husband's affections.

Mrs. Edward McCool, of Masonville shot herself just below the heart with a shotgun, Saturday, Dec 6th while temorarily insane, death resulting in a short time. She leaves a husband and three sons.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County