Iowa Old Press

The Register
Elkader, Clayton co., Iowa
Thursday evening, July 20, 1899


Postmaster Gifford has got a kissing bug and got 'em bottled.

A kissing bug gave Bob Schmidt a kiss one day last week.

C. Morgan, of National, was looking over the county capital Monday.

Miss Anna Livingood left Tuesday for Eureka, Cal., to resume her teaching.

Miss Carrie Hilker, of Guttenburg, is the guest of Mrs. C.E. Grotewohl.

D. Wolf & Son, Undertakers.

Regan & Witt, Undertakers and Embalmers. A first-class hearse in attendance.

Mrs. Chas. Floete and children of Armour, S.D., are here visiting relatives and friends.

Chas. Russell became acquainted with the foresters of Mystic Camp M.W.A., last Saturday evening.

Miss Marie Ruegnitz, of North McGregor, has been visiting her young Elkader friends the past week.

Cyrus Corlett and wife, Julius Lang and Miss Belle Cleveland, of McGregor, were at Jas. E. Corlett's Sunday.

Robert Morse, of Waseca, Minn., and Clarence Bean, of North McGregor, were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. J.M. Morse, the past few days.

The stomach of Carl Hein, the farmer who died suddenly from poison in Grand Meadow, has been sent to Iowa City for analysis of its contents.

Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Sutphen and children, of Longmont, Col, are the guests of Senator Bayless' family. Mrs. Sutphen is a niece of Mrs. Bayless and was formerly Sadie Reed.

Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Carroll, of Minneapolis, were the guests of Dr. Taylor's family over Sunday. Mrs. Carroll is a cousin of Mrs. Taylor and has been here for a few weeks past. They returned home Monday.

Fred Rathman offers one of his cottages for sale or rent.

Miss Charlotte Koop has been the guest of Miss Clara Preston this week.

The dime society of the M.E. church meets with Mrs. Chas. Liebrock Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Munger and daughters Sundayed with G.E. Gates and wife at Edgewood.

Medary's "Democrat" says August Tangeman, the well known Volney miller, is very ill with erysipeias.

Painless Dentistry - J.F. Leigh, D.D.S. Office next to mill over First National Bank.

Dr. J.P. Donlon, Dentist, Office on the 2nd floor of the Kramer building. Tuesdays at the White Bros. Drug Store at Volga City.

Miss Anna Stemmer gave a reception last Monday evening in honor of Misses Flossie and Sidney Hall.

Mrs. R.C. Ehrlich and daughter, Joe, of Perham, Minn., are in town this week visiting relatives and friends.

We understand that Ab Cheeseman has sold the residence he bought of D.D. Murphy to Ren. Meisner.

Mrs. Otto Kleinpel returned home from a visit at Muscoda, Wis., last week, accompanied by her sister Miss Fayant.

Dr. J.D. Brownson, Physician and Surgeon. Office over Chas. Leibrock's store.

Misses Flossie Hall of Rock Rapids, Ill., and Sidney Hall, of McGregor, were the guests of J.C. Stemmer's family the past week.

A jolly crowd of young people were entertained at the pleasant home of Mrs. Ruth Downie, Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Maude Reynolds, of Wayne, Nebr.

James Boots came down from Elgin last Saturday for a visit with Elkader friends for the first time in five years. Jim said he hardly knew the old town.

There is a new boy at Tom Mathews' home.

Mort Bayless is here visiting friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Price and Mrs. V.T. Price and daughter were visitors at Monona Friday last.

Mrs. Chas. Jewell, of Arlington, with her two boys were visiting at J.E. Branch's the past week.

Mrs. Kate Mountfort, of Poynette, Wis., is a guest at the home of her brother, E.W. Stanton.

D.C. Hale will represent Elkader lodge No. 2, K. of P., at the grand lodge meeting at Davenport.

Mrs. John Layton and two children of Elkader, are visiting Mrs. M.J. Laton. - 'Fayette Co. Union'

The 'Guttenberg Press' says Supervisor Horace Jenkins is just getting out from the clutches of the measles.

The Carpenter brothers of Cox Creek were the guests of George Dexters, Saturday - Putnam correspondent, 'Lamont Leader'

Mrs. W.P. Hallett [or Ballett] and daughter Marion, of Sterling, Ill., are here visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John E. Corlett and friends.

Mrs. Nellie Thompson and daughter Lillian, of Arlington, returned home Saturday after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Stanton.

The Junior League picnic which was to have taken place at Mrs. Preston's this afternoon has been postponed until next week, on account of the funeral of Mrs. Skinner.

Ole Herbronson [sic - Herbranson], for many years a resident of Wagner twp., died on the 16th, at the age of 57 years. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Norwegian church near St. Olaf, Rev. F.I. Fisk, of Elkader officiating.

James A. Russell and daughter Julia were at McGregor Sunday and while there Mr. Russell visited the cemetery and found the grave of his mother, Mrs. J.W. Russell, nee Susan Dana, who died when James was only 7 years old, and, who with a brother and sister were left to the charity of the world, their father having left them. Mr. Russell expresses many thanks to the McGregor Cemetery Association and Mr. Sites the sexton, for the care that has been given that grave, marked by a pine slab and unvisited for so many years.

A daughter arrived on Monday of last week to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perry, of Boardman twp. Charley is pleased but says a boy would have been welcomed.

Last Thursday morning, Mrs. S.R. Munger received the sad intelligence announcing the death of her sister, Mrs. Ellen Hieber of 664 South Pearl street, Denver, Col. The particulars received later state that the family were awakened the night before supposing there were burglars in the house and while in search of them, Mr. Hieber mistook his wife for one and fired his revolver, the shot taking effect in her side, passing through the stomach and liver and just missed the apex of the heart; death ensuing in a few hours. Her ante-mortem statement agrees with that of her husband and exonerates him from any blame, the shooting being wholly unintentional. It is a very sad affair. She leaves besides her husband a little boy about 6 years old.

Obituary - Mrs. W.A. Skinner
After an illness of several months, Mrs. W.A. Skinner passed to rest about 10 o'clock, Tuesday evening, July 18th, 1899, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. V.H. Schroeder, in this place.

Mariette Hendrickson was born in Londonville Ashland county, Ohio, in 1828, and came to Iowa in 1846. She was united in marriage with W.A. Skinner in Linn county, Iowa, April 4th, 1847. They soon settled at Iowa City where Mr. Skinner was employed on the 'Territorial Record', published by the territorial printer, here also Mr. Skinner served as sergeant of arms of the last territorial legislature.

In 1866 they came to Elkader where she has since made her home. Mr. Skinner died Aug. 9th, 1885. Of their union nine children were born to them, seven of whom, two sons and five daughters, survive the loss of father and mother. Three of the children were enabled to be present at the last sad rites.

Mrs. Skinner gave herself to Christ's service when but 12 years old and at the age of sixteen united with the M.E. church, and has since lived and labored in the Master's service. She has now passed from pain and suffering to the heavenly rest on the brighter shores beyond the river, honored and respected by all who have known her during her long residence here. All sympathize with the bereaved family.

The funeral was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the late residence of the deceased, Rev. A.B. Fickle, pastor of the M.E. church, officiating. Her remains being laid beside those of her husband in the East Side cemetery.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2018]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County