Iowa Old Press

Guttenberg Press
Guttenberg, Clayton co., Iowa
Wednesday, March 17, 1897


The funeral of Anton Witte occured Monday from the Catholic church. The old gentleman was in the neighborhood of 74 years of age.

Hon. T.J. Sullivan sends to The Press several volumes of Iowa documents.

Mrs. John Kreusler is very sick with pneumonia. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery.

Mrs. Wm. Nolte has again been very sick during the past week, but is much better at the present time.

Anton Dorweiler has sold his residence to Frank Kieper. The indications are that Guttenberg will have a building boom this year.

John Eckart and Ed Chase took a sail down to Buena Vista and return, Friday, on the ice boat. Distance, thirty-six miles. Time, two hours.

Mike Gilbertz has purchased a 2-horse power water motor for use in his meat market. It is made at Dubuque and similar to that which runs in The Press office.

At the annual meeting of the board of directors of the Independent Dist. of Guttenberg, held Monday, March 15th, Emil Frey and H.J. Overbeck took the oath of office for school directors. The new board organized and elected John Ruthop, president, and Wm. Nolte, secretary for the ensuing school year

We are informed of the death of H.W. Studebaker, of Mallory township, which occurred March 11, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. U.W. Oldham. He was past 85 years. Moved to Clayton county in 1855. Funeral was held from U.B. church near residence, Saturday March 13 He was the father of T.H. Studebaker, of McGregor, and of Mrs. John Gammon of West Union.

People from Far and Near
- J.E. Corlett was in town last Thursday.

- F. Baltes made a trip to Colesburg last week.

- Miss Ida Eppens is visiting friends in Dubuque.

- Mr. Henry White of Volga, was in town Thursday.

- Geo. Gilbert, deputy revenue collector was in town yesterday.

- Frank and Max Liers of Clayton, were in town one day last week.

- Will Reinecke of Elkader, spent Sunday with Guttenberg folks.

- John Hamman of Garnavillo, was in town on business one day last week.

- Mrs. S.J. Randall of Clayton, has returned to her home after a visit with her mother.

- Dentist Litchfield Sundayed with his family. He will remove to Clayton in a few days.

- Ed. Prior of monument fame, spread his broad hand upon our palm one day last week, while in the city.

- Fred. Millard and Chas Flagg, two jolly railroad boys from the Volga branch spent Sunday with friends in this city.

- Devillo White of Postville, is recuperating at the home of Sumner Miller, "Toots" has had a hard tussel with 'ol reumatiz.

- Chris. Maker of Clayton, called at these quarters while in town yesterday. He also visited Geo. Smart, who is confined to his home with the grippe.

- Hon. Henry Dayton, of Waukon, spent Sunday with his son Harry.

- Hon. Henry Alwes, of Hartford, S.D. is in the city called here by the illness of Fred. Alwes, Sr. Mr. Alwes represents the silver democrats of Minnehana county, being elected to the legislature last fall

Special Meeting
Prairie la Porte lodge, A.F. & A.M., will hold a special meeting Thursday, March 18. Work in the F.C. degree and Friday, 19th, in the M.M. degree. Visitors are cordially invited to be present. Wm. Niehaus, Sec'y

A Card
To our friends and neighbors who so kindly tendered their sympathy and assistance during the sickness, death and burial of our daughter we desire to express our most sincere thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lake.


- E.R. Barron of LaCrosse, spent Sunday with his brother Charles.

- W.C. Austin has received from South Bend, Ind., a first class two horse sprinkling wagon.

- D.G. Wells of North McGregor, is still confined to his home thro a broken rib he got at the fire.

- There is a rumor that new buildings will be immediately erected to replace those burned down by the last fire.

- A bouncing young lady arrived at the residence of Walter Weston Monday morning. Mother and child doing well.

- D.G. Benjamin, our enterprising boot and shoe merchant, got through with the adjustment of his damaged stock with the insurance men Saturday night and will soon be ready for business.

- Mrs. Clarence F. Spaulding gave a six hand euchre party Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Patrick of Des Moines.

- Geo. Wood is slowly recovering from the injuries he received at the recent fire.

- John Helberg, proprietor of the Railroad hotel, was clearing the snow off the roof Sunday morning. Not thinking where he was at, back-stepped over the south end, fell a distance of two stories and a basement to the ground below, breaking one leg in three or four places, besides injuring the other and also his back. He now lies in a precarious condition with the prospect of having one leg amputated.

- Henry Schmidt left Saturday for a visit at Lincoln, Neb.

- Mike Farrell sold out his livery stock at auction last Saturday.

- J. Stringer was a visitor at Strawberry Point on Tuesday last.

- Hattie Munger has rturned from her visit to Forestville and Manchester.

- G.L. Gifford, of Littleport was a county seat visitor last Wednesday.

- Leonard Weebs, of Waukon, is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. John Palmer.

- The contract for the building of T.M. Davidson's new house has been let to John Schneider.

- Peter McDermott, of Osborne, died last Wednesday morning and the funeral was held on Friday last at Communia.

- Funeral services over the body of Ross Richardson's baby were held on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson have the heartfelt sympathy of this community.

- At a meeting of the Christian Endeavor last Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected: Ella Wilke president; Mollie Schmidt, vice president; Art Carpenter, secretery; Caroline Becker, treasurer.

- Rev. R.M. Dungan is visiting at Des Moines.

- W.A. Lee is visiting at his home in Osterdock.

- Ida Horton, of Sumner, visited at John Horton's last week.

- Arthur Smith and Ruth Sanborn have returned from Lime Springs.

- Will Glennon returned home last week after a year's stay at Depew.

- Wm. Morse is the proud father of a baby girl, dating from March 11.

- Mrs. A.W. Purman has moved to Wisconsin.

- Miss Martha Peick has returned home from McGregor.

- George Kriebs was in Millville Thursday on insurance business.

- Dr. Kriebs reports Chas. Zittergreen out of danger and on the road to recovery.

- Louis Troester, whose barn was struck by lightning and burnt last week, has the material on the ground for a new one.

- Carson W. White's barn at Osterdock was struck by lightning last Sunday. Insured in the Farmer's Insurance Co., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

- We are sorry to hear of Maurice Carran's severe loss in the McGregor fire, and his many friends here hope he had sufficient insurance to cover his loss.

- C. Schrupf has taken the contract to furnishe the timbers for the new steamboat that is being built at Dubuque for parties at Memphis, Tenn.

- Wm. Redmann purchased the Kriebs house at East Elkport and will make that his future home.

Turkey River
- Miss Jennie Latta is sewing for Mrs. Funk.

- Miss Ida Eppens visited at Hotel Funk last Sunday.

- Tom Kalker is busy these days running his new wood saw.

- J.D. Wentworth and the Carter boys have telephones now.

- Arthur Latta and Warren Scott, of Millville, visited friends at Turkey River last Sunday.

- Miss Nellie Moore departed for Dubuque where she will visit her sister, Mrs. J.D. Welsh.

- Al Bucknam sold off his stock and farm implements and will move to Wisconsin. John Anderegg, of Guttenberg was the auctioneer.

- There was a shadow sociable at J.W. Brown's last Saturday evening, and the sum of $19.95 was realized for the benefit of the retiring minister the Rev Mr. Emerson, of the Goshen Church.

- Mr. Luth and family spent Sunday in the country.

- F. Schrunk made a flying business trip to Osterdock last week.

- Henry Pesch has been working at Bagley for several days.

- John Kahrs was re-elected school director by a large majority.

- Wm. Duwe and C. Maker were in Dubuque several days last week.

- H. Bothmer shipped a load of hogs Monday for which he paid $3.40.

- Annie Blake is very sick and but little hope is entertained for her recovery.

- Holmes Crosby talks of moving to town.

- Dr. Litchfield has rented rooms in the Clayton House and will move his family here in a few days.

- Mrs. Murphy is not improving as fast as her friends would wish. She has been quite sick all winter.

- Many friends of Father Chas. Carroll will be pained to learn of his death at Dubuque last Friday.

- Lee Knempel spent a day home last week. Lee is assistant ticket agent for the Milwaukee road at Dubuque.

- Mrs. Randall, wife of our esteemed doctor, has been quite sick and is spending a few days at the home of her mother in Guttenberg

- J.H. Wiegand, wife and son, John; Mr. Geo. Wiegand and wife; and Mrs. Andrew Graham, of Dubuque, attended the funeral of Anton Krause last Thursday.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County