Iowa Old Press

Guttenberg Press
Guttenberg, Clayton co., Iowa
Wednesday, August 25, 1897

- Tobias Moser, an old settler of this county and for many years a resident of Millville Crossing, died at his home near that place yesterday morning.

- Monday morning a change took place in the firm of Jenkins & Scholz, furniture dealers and undertakers, whereby Chas Scholz assumed entire control, having purchased the interest of his partner, Chas Jenkins. The new proprietor is a careful, conservative business man, an up-to-date workman and a practical undertaker, having taken regular courses of instruction under Prof. Sullivan of Dubuque, and is a member of the Undertaker's association, of which he is a regular attendant.

- Rev. J.H. Brinkman spent Thursday in Dubuque.

- John L. Cassutt is visiting friends at Dubuque.

- Miss Alma Dubbles is visiting friends in Dubuque.

- W.J. Ovens spent Sunday with his family in this city.

- Geo Pesch, of Clayton, was a Guttenberg visitor Wednesday.

- Geo Danner, of Millville, was a caller at this office and placed his subscription a year ahead.

- Sheriff Benton was in Guttenberg Friday. Elmer is always on the go, as he attends to his own work.

- Chas Johnson returned to Elkader Monday morning to again take up his duties as cashier of the State Bank there.

- Wm Sullivan went to McGregor Friday to assist in making arrangements for the burial of his old friend, John Brock.

- Mr. and Mrs Wm Beinecke, of Elkader, spent Sunday with Mrs. Reinecke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Scholz of this city.

- Henry Vlotho, son-in-law of Gus Dittmer, and Henry Dittmer, son of Martin Dittmer, left Monday for their homes in Ireton after visiting the Dittmers near this city. Mr. Vlotho has been to Chicago with stock and stopped off on his way home.

- Charles Falkenhainer formerly with Jas Hervey, the druggist has just returned from the east after finishing his first year at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. He has two more years to complete his course, when he will be turned out as the first doctor of pharmacy in the state of Iowa - Dubuque Times. Charlie is a Guttenberg boy, being a graduate of our schools He is now renewing acquaintancies at Dubuque.

John Brock Dead
Word was received here Friday morning by telephone, from McGregor, announcing the death of John Brock, Sr., who resided near North McGregor. Deceased was past 74 years of age and an old settler of this county, coming here some thirty years, and purchasing a farm on Buck Creek, where he lived until an little over two years ago when he sold his farm and purchased another at Pleasant Ridge, about two and a half miles north-west of North McGregor, where he resided at the time of his demise. Mr. Brock was a man of sterling character, stead, sober and honest. He was a member of the Prairie la Port lodge, A.F. & A.M. of this city, who took charge of the remains and interred them in Garnavillo. He was the father of eight children, John, Hirma, William, Lizzie, Isabell, ,Edith, Delia and Laura, some of which with his wife, are left to mourn his loss.

Peter Felder Obituary
Died - Monday, Aug. 16, at 12:00 o'clock, in this city, Peter Felder, aged 77 years. Peter Felder was born at Happershoss, Germany, November 2, 1820. At the age of 24 he was married, and lived happily with his wife for twelve years, when death took his companion. At the age of 37 he was again united in marriage, and his wife with twelve children are left to mourn his loss.

He was the father of fifteen children, two by his first wife, Mary and William, the latter deceased, and thirteen by his second union, Elizabeth, August, Christina, Wilhelmine, Rosalia, Henry, Louis, Julia, Otto, Hubert, Jacob, Augusta and Anna; two of whom, Julia and Jacob are dead.

In the year 1882 Mr. Felder came to this country and after having visited many places in this state and Wisconsin he settled in Guttenberg where he has resided for the past seven years. After many troubles and sickness during his last few years he departed from this life full of resignation to the will of Him who reigns all. Many of his friends were present at the funeral, especially his relatives and nearly all his children.

Opening of School
The schools of Guttenberg will commence Monday morning, August 30th. The following are the names of the teachers: Prin. C.J. Adams; Asst Prin. F.C. Froelich; 1st Intermediate, Paulina Bellersheim; 2nd Kate Bellersheim; 2nd Primary Clementina Jacobs; 1st Primary Agusta Ruthop.


- Ed Jerome's daughters from Mapleton are making their aunt, Lucy Beddow, a visit.

- S.J. Beddow and Lou Zearly, our popular school teachers are at home from institute.

- Mrs. Ed. Simmons started Monday for Pennsylvania for an extended visit with relatives and friends.

- Clay Smith is rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter at their place. Mother and child doing nicely and Clay as well as could be expected.

- A banquet was held near town last Saturday evening, in honor of W.E. Beddow. Dan McDonald acted as caterer, W.W. Franks, in his usual happy manner, waited on the guests, T.A. Beddow, speech maker. Henry Hunt and Chas Brown performed feats of slight of hand and ligedermain while John Beddow and Bill Atcheson slept. The menu consisted of fried beef ribs, brown potatoes, coffee and beer. Everybody seemed to have a good time.

- Geo. Wood has gone East to buy stock for his drug store.

- John Moss, of LaCrosse, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Chas Buck.

- Mrs. H.J. Goddart, Misses Bertha and Minnie Werder and Ed Bergman departed Saturday for New York.

- R.F. Turner started for Pukwana, Saturday, to take charge of the grain warehouse of the Huntting El. Co. for the season.

- Archie Burdick, who has been the guest of his aunt, Mrs. W.F. Huntting, returned to his home in Chicago Saturday evening.

- John Brock, of Pleasant Ridge, after a protracted illness of many years, died Thursday and was buried Sunday at Garnavillo under the auspices of the Masonic Fraternity, of which order he had always been a devoted member.

- Nora Becker spent a few days at Dubuque last week.

- R. Bretz attended the fair at Strawberry Point last week.

- John McKinley and family, of Turkey River, spent Sunday with relatives here.

- Chas White and wife, of Osterdock, visited over Sunday with their son, Frank.

- J.W. Brown and J.C. Marshall attended lodge at Guttenberg Saturday.

- Naomi Graybill resumed her duties as school marm in Cherry Valley, after spending two weeks at Institute.

- Ed Torrey, of this place and Mary Mosier, of Graham, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Wednesday at Guttenberg. These young people have many friends in this place who wish them a happy voyage through life.

- Miss Zetta Crist returned Friday from Elkader.

- Miss Lena Arendt, of McGregor, spent Sunday at home.

- Henry Howe will attend school at Fayette this year.

- Miss Helen Harvey is visiting relatives at Glen Haven this week.

- Vic Drumb is at home again after an extended visit at North McGregor.

- Fred Carrier has moved into the Geo Kuempel house vacated by Loomis.

- Chas Beckett and family, of Glen Haven, are visiting his parents here.

- School began Monday with Henry Squire and Miss Dettman as teachers.

- The many friends of D.B. Clair will be glad to learn that he has secured a back pension.

- C.W. Bothmer has sent his resignation as postmaster to the Department at Washington.

- Dick Otley, Dave Moran and Frank Timmisch took a fishing trip last Friday and they had good luck.

- Mr. Simpson, an aged gentleman and father of Ole Simpson, died Sunday, at Sny MaGill. We are without further particulars.

- Albert Crawford left last Thursday for Fargo, N.D., where he has accepted a good position with a harness firm. "Pete" is a good fellow and we know he will succeed.

- Hattie Goodwin is visiting relatives at Oelwein.

- Mr. and Mrs. Henry White returned from their eastern trip Friday.

- Ed Bissell has moved back to town and is living in the Askew house.

- John Feiler is the new apprentice in Keeling & Copeland's hardware store.

- Mrs. Aug Lamp and daughter, of Elkader, visited at Aug Adam's last Wednesday.

Notice of Proof of Will
Estate of Antoinie Witte, deceased - To Lillie Witte, Emma Witte, John Witte, Anne Petzel, John Henry Witte, known heirs at law of Antoinie Witte, late of said county, deceased, and to all others concerned:
[notice abstracted] ...on the fifth day of April, A.D., 1897, in District Court of Clayton county, the Clerk opened and read the last will and testament of Antoinie Witte ... you are notified of final hearing and proof of will at first day of next term of Court on sixth day of September, 1897.
Dated April 5, 1897, Dan. Costigan, Clerk

[transcribed by S.F., February 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County