Iowa Old Press

Elkader Weekley Register
Elkader, Clayton co. Iowa
June 3, 1886


Strawberry Pointers - Strawberry Point, June 2nd
- Everything passed off very pleasantly here on Monday, Decoration Day. We had an immense crowd, and the oration of W.A. Pratt, of Cedar Rapids, was a splendid effort. The play at the Operal House in the evening by the Breyer Comedy Company, was a success. The hall was crowded and the play of Fanchon the Cricket, was well rendered. The net proceeds were $82.40, which speaks pretty well for the entpriae of townspeople.
- John Kleinhein is putting new machines in his flouring mill, and wil hereafter use the roller process, and give us just as good flour as can be purchased any place. He expects to have the mill refitted, and to start up about July 1st.
- Mrs. J.M. Boardman is to leave us this week, for Minnesota, where she will reside with her brother for the present.

Littleport Chunks
- T. McGuire visited Dubuque this week.
- H. Pust is doing a rushing business in lumber at this point.
- Picnic Sunday afternoon on Dough creek. Don't forget and bring your basket full of goodies.

Wood Centerings
- Highest price paid for ginseng at K. Rulon's.
- The wife of R.G. Ash is again able to be about, after a long sickness.
- Mrs. Kelly Rulon has gone to Monmouth, Ill., on a visit. She is expected home next week.
- Our Sabbath school commenceed on the 16th with a large attendance. Isaac Bridell, superintendent.

Marriage - Isaac Gates of this place, and Ella Bristol, of Delaware county, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. McNamee, of Colesburg, tying the matrimonial knot. After the ceremony a bounteous dinner was served, and then the company adjourned to the residence of E. Gates, father of the groom, where another reception was given. At seven o'clock the company, accompanied by the bride and groom, went to their house, which had been handsomely furnished for them. Mr. Gates is one of our most hightly respected young men, and has a nice farm. Miss Bristol is a well known school teacher and has a host of friends.

Colesburg news
- G.G. Gore makes weekly trips down to Morgan's, he says he likes the place.
- Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Clark went to Guttenberg Saturday and stayed over Sunday, and report a fine time.
- There is preaching every Sunday at the white school house in No. 6. Rev. Bates and McGower taking alternate Sundays.
- The dances are running again in town. One every week. Grant Hook will start a bowery next Friday night and proposes to run it all summer.

Volga Views - Volga, Iowa, May 31, 1886
- The various improvements about town are progressing rapidly. George Arnold is building a nice carpenter shop on the N.E. corner of his lot on Washington street.
- Dr. Sargent and family made Volga City a visit on Thursday of last week. While here the doctor treated a number of patients in the dental line, ye local being one of them, and we can certify that he is the best hand to pull teeth we are acquainted with. The doctor visits Volga every alternate Thursday.
- Joseph March of County Line visited our town on Friday, and made us a call. Mr. March has been suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism, and is now just able to get around. We hope soon to see him as hale and hearty as he used to be. Old age is after him, and he now looks quite feeble.
- Miss Laura Goodwin is visiting friends at Elkader.
- Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Davidson, of Elkader, were in town last Thursday, calling on their numerous friends, who are always glad to see them.

Memorial Services
There was a large turn-out here on Monday, to attend the memorial service. The day was fine, and the ceremonies were nicely conducted. Music by the band was good, while the singing by the choir was excellent. Many an eye was moistened by the recollections of the sufferings of the brave soldiers in that terrible war. Rev. Ballou's oration, at the M.E. church after the exercises at the cemetery had been completed was splendid. The services closed by singing the hymn, "America."

The following are the names of the soldiers buried in the Volga City cemetery: Norman Chesley, Martin Stearns, Justus King, Richard M. Cunningham, Otto Blaul and Robert Pimley.

Elkport news
- Mike Jaster is making hay.
- Jim Corlett and wife were here this week attending the reunion.
- C. Schnepf is painting his house and making other improvements.

Clayton Catches
Decoration Day was well spent by the people of Clayton, and in fact several days previous. During the past week several of our citizens have labored industrously in the cemetery, grubbing, cutting brush, and doing other things to beautify the last resting place of their loved ones, and all who were engaged in the work of love deserve the esteem of their friends and neighbors.

On Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m. the people assembled at the graveyard and listened to speeches by H.C. Bishop, T.H. Studebaker, J.H. Buhlman and F.L. Hodges, interspersed by music. Flowers of every kind, emblems of love and fidelity, were strewn o'er the tombs by the hands of affection and each one present seemed to realize the solemnity of the occasion and conduct himself accordingly.

School Report
Report of the Clayton school for the month ending May 28th, 1886:
Grammar Department - boys enrolled, 11; girls enrolled, 21; average daily attendance, 28
Teacher: H.C. Bishop
Names of those perfect in attendance: Sarah Hodges, Roy Hodges, Willie Buhlman, Lee Kuempel, Maggie Buhlman, Emma Buhlman, Fannie Heiller, Mamie Eger & Belle Beacom.

Primary Department - Nellie Murphy, teacher

Guttenberg Notes
- Hugo Jacobs, who was hurt in the sawmill lately, is now out on crutches.
- Aug. Hoffbauer, for a long time with Fleck, Bliedung & Co., has retired from the firm.
- We see nothing done yet toward the celebration of July 4th. It is now 110 years since the declaration of Independence and this year it should be celebrated we think. Let something at least be done in this respect.
- Jos. Zimmermann is building the embankment for a sidetrack from his lumber yard to the railroad. This is a very valuable addition to Mr. Zimmermann's improvements, as it will save him time and money for the transportation of the lumber, which he was before obliged to bring to the depot first by lumber wagons.

Garnavillo news
- Miss Dulu Fruechenicht is now duly installed as deputy postmaster.
- Paul Soltow, formerly of this place, visited his many friends at this place sunday.
- Helmuth Brandt will build a large barn on his new farm. L.H. Schroeder has the contract.
- Mrs. Bertha Brumm has rented rooms in J. Brigg's house, and will remove into them this week.
- L.H. Schulte of Postville, was in town on Sunday. Lou is salesman in a large hardward firm in that town.
- Hon. B.F. Schroeder, who has been visiting his son George at Emmetsburg, has returned. He reports Geo. much improved in health.
- When Miss Rose Beckler, the plucky teacher of Buck Creek Ind. Dist. arrived at her school one morning last week, she found the door guarded by a large rattle snake. Instead of fainting away, as ninety-nine out of a hundred would have done, she procured a club, and killed his snakeship. It was a large rattler, having 11 rattles.
- Estrayed, 2 cows, one 2 year old, red, marked C.B; the other 3 year old, red and white spotted, marked C.B., heavy with calf. The finder of these animals will be liberally rewarded by retuning them or giving information of their whereabouts - Henry Schumacher.

Garnavillo Horse-thief Detective Association
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Garnavillo Horse-thief Detective Association will meet at Turner hall on Monday, June 14, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing officers, and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting.
J.H. Kuenzel, President
Helmuth Brandt, Sect.

Decoration Services
The decoration services at the cemetery on Sunday were largely attended. The graves of the following soldiers were decorated:
Eugene T. Barnes, private, Co. C. 13th U.S. infantry
Peter S. Cooley, corporal, Co. E, 27th Iowa Vol.
Patrick Hamilton, private, Co. E., 27th Iowa Vol.
Jacob Bitter, private, Missouri Cavalry
Wm. Heiller, private, Co. D., 27th Iowa
F. Roggman, private, Co. D., 27th Iowa
Dr. Read, A.A.S.
James Hamilton, veteran of Mexican war
Torrey, veteran War of 1812
As many of these graves are not supplied with suitable head stones, the relatives and friends of the deceased, should make application for them. The graves ought at least to be so marked, that they may readily be found.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County