Iowa Old Press

Strawberry Point Press
Strawberry Point, Clayton co. Iowa
December 4, 1884

Local Gleanings
-John Hardman went to Burlington with stock last week.
-Diphtheria is said to be prevailing to a considerable extent west of town.
-G.H. Scofield is still confined to his house by sickness.
-Alex Blake has again embarked in the stock business and is receiving hogs and cattle at a lively rate.
-Ira Smith is hauling lumber from this place to erect hiimself a house out on Garden Prairie.
-The case of John Kleinlein charged with selling beer illegally will come on before Justice Keith tomorrow.
-Miss Nellie Blake returned from Humboldt last Saturday evening and on Monday morning commenced the winter term of school in the Rankin District east of town.
-We learn that Mrs. B.F. Gaylord is confined to her house by sickness.
-Mrs. E.L. Westfall starts for southern California to rejoin her husband next week.
-E.B. Williams went to Chicago last week to purchase goods for the holiday trade.

Mr. H.C. Davis living between this place and Volga City, will sell at auction on Saturday Dec 6th, a number of horses and cattle, a quantity of grain, etc. J.J. Striner will do the crying.

In the death of Mr. Alonzo Haskins a few days since, this place loses one of its oldest and most respected citizens and the Press unites its sympathy with that of the bereaved family.

Clem Keenan received from Charlie Baird, who is stationed with Uncle Sam's troops down in Arizona, a cap of novel shape and dimensions, a specimen of the head covering worn down there.

While coming home from the Democratic ratification meeting at Elkader last Thursday night, the buggy containing Tom Barton, Frank Stroud and Albert Schmidt was in some manner overturned spilling the boys out, and scratching them up somewhat. The horses then took a little jaunt of their own, making pretty fine kindling wood of the buggy.

The undersigned wishes to inform the people of Strawberry Point and vicinity that she is now prepared to give lessons in L.B. Hale's Scientific System for Dress Cutting, a new and perfect tailor system for dress cutting, and designing ladies, Misses and children's garments. For further information call on or address Annie Henderson, Strawberry Point, Iowa.

Married at the residence of the bride's parents in Lodomillo township, on the 23rd day of Nov. 1884, by S.M. Stalnaker, J.P., Mr. Thaddeus Maxon to Miss Esther Vantuyl, both of Lodomillo.

A former resident of this place, who in days of yore was known as Miss Alta Barnister, but now married and living in Dakota, accompanied by her sister, has been visiting in this place for several days past.

We noticed W.W. Goodwin and several others from Volga, in town to attend the Masonic banquet last evening. The banquet followed a special meeting at the Barnes House. Quite a number of visitors from neighboring towns were present.

Rev. M.H. Perry has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Baptist Church of this place; the resignation to take effect Jan. 1st. The many friends of the Elder will regret to see him leave our midst.

Webbs's Photographic Studio - two doors north of the Blake House. J.F. Webb.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2013]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County