Old Press
Strawberry Point Press
Strawberry Point, Clayton co. Iowa
Wednesday, July 19, 1882
Home News.
-Mrs. Wachtell countinues very sick.
-Bert Kidder was in this vicinity a few days last week.
-Miss Mary Renwick is visiting a sister in Nebraska.
-The frame of F.R. Buckley's new residence is in position.
-A horse of a Mr. Lane, of Volga City, died in Strawberry Point
last Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Pense visited at Independence, Monday.
-The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. F. Schmidt is dangerously
P.S. - The child died this morning.
-A band of Gypsies camped several days last week near Giles
Ward's place east of town.
-Charlie and Nellie Blake returned from their visit to Humboldt,
last Monday evening.
-J.B. Morey has moved his family to Edgewood, where they will
make their future home.
-Tyler Gilchrist has built an extended addition to his house,
west of town.
-For Sale: the undersigned has a very fine thoroughbred Chester
White boar pig. M.O. Barnes.
-Mrs. Klonous, living in town, is a sprightly old lady of 99
years of age. Her next birthday will make her a centenarian. She
has numerous relatives who call her great-great-grandmother.
-Capt. J.W. Guinn, of Wright Co., but formerly of Strawberry
Point, was visiting friends here last week.
-The School Board of the Strawberry Point Dist. at a recent
meeting chose Miss Ida Baird for teacher in the first primary
-Little Gertie, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Mahry, formerly of this
place, died at West Union, last week.
-Miss Eva Buckley left last Thursday morning for Huron, Ohio, to
be present at the marriage of a cousin. She will visit a few
weeks with relatives there.
-A sample of as fine clover honey as we ever beheld was placed on
our table by mr. Fitz Farrington from the apiary of his father,
mr. Farrington. He has 110 hives of bees and has already
extracted this season over 2000 lbs. of honey, and will make as
much more before the season closes.
-On Friday last, James and John Farmer, of Cox Creek township,
were before his honor, W.C. Lewis, charged with committing an
assault and battery on the person of peter Nugent, of the same
township, but after trial were discharged, the evidence not being
strong enough to convict. S.K. Adams appeared for the defense. - Elkader
Volga City Items.
-Mrs. James Crain, Mrs. Myron Lamphler and Wallie Dye are on the
sick list.
-Mr. Charles Doty and wife have a new daughter.
-Mrs. Robert Leach has gone to Scotland, leaving her husband and
two children, the youngest not two years old, on this side of the
Ward's Corners.
-G.M. foster is visiting in Illinois.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, of Wyoming, have been visiting friends
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Dopp have been visiting friends at Monticello.
-O.S. Fowler, John Grey and Mr. Moore have improved their
residences by painting them.
-Lewis Widenburgh has his new house nearly enclosed. When
finished he will have a residence he may well be proud of. thie
upright is 18X26, with a wing on the south side 18X20, both 16
ft. posts. Asa Campfield is the builder, and it is needless to
say it will be well built.
-George Anderson has built an addition to his barn.
-Mrs. O.S. Fowler's sister and brother-in-law of York State, are
visiting friends here.
-Miss Bills, late of Wisconsin, has opened a millinery and
dress-making shop i a part of A. Bush's house. She is meeting
with good success.
-Mrs. Dopp entertained the M.E. Society last Wednesday.
-W.B. Smith sold 35 hogs the past week for $720.00. How is that
for farming?
-Friends from Illinois have been visiting at Mr. Emeret's.
Iowa State News.
-Hon. Platt Smith, a prominent lawyer of Dubuque, is dead. Mr.
Smith had done much toward advancing the railroad interests of
the State. As a lawyer he had few if any superiors in the State.
-This is Iowa's wild blackberry year. The bushes are weighted to
the ground with fruit.
-John Grumm, a saloon-keeper of Monticello, got so disheartened
at the success of Prohibitory Amendment that he wandered off to
Coucil Bluffs, and, through sheer carelessness to live any
longer, allowed a train of cars to run over him.
-The Rev. and Mrs. S.Y. Harmer, of Clarence, recently celebrated
their golden wedding. All the twelve children, except one, were
present. the couple were presented with a purse of gold amounting
to $249 from the family and friends.
-Lot Worley, a boy fourteen years old, left Carver Mines on the
evening of the fifth, dressed in a brown check shirt, straw hat
and brown ducking pants. Information of him will be thankfully
received by his father, J.B. Worley, Kirkville, Wapello county.
Obituary - Death of Mrs. Lincoln
Springfield, Ill., July 17 - Mrs. Lincoln, widow of the late
President Lincoln, died in this city at 8:15 to-night. She had
been ill for a long time. A few days ago she grew worse. Saturday
evening she suffered a stroke of paralysis and from then lay in a
comatose state till she died. Robt. Lincoln left Washington
to-night and he will be here Tuesday morning. the funeral
announcement is to be made later.
The Funeral
Springfield, July 18 - The arrangements for Mrs. Lincoln's
funeral, suject to the approval of Secretary Lincoln on his
arrival, are that it will take place at ten A.M., Wednesday from
the First Presbyterian church, the remains to be deposited in a
vault under the Lincoln monument, with others of the family. The
arrangements for the funeral of the late Mary Todd Lincoln are
made for Wednesday at 10 o'clock A.M. Secretary Lincoln will not
arrive till to-morrow evening. It is stated that Mrs. Lincoln's
estate, not reckoning her apparel and personal effects, is worth
$74,000. This is all in United States bonds. Her wedding ring was
found to-day and will be placed on her finger. the arrangements
for the funeral are very elaborate and business in the city will
probably be entirely suspended during the hours of service.
-Boot and Shoe Making - Gustav Eppler. Custom Made Work a
-B. Bushee, with patterson Bros. & Co. Commission Dealers in
Live Stock. Union Stock Yards Chicago.
-Chas. Roberts, Furniture and Undertaking! kept constantly on
hand at the lowest market prices: furniture, picture frames,
mirrors, coffins, caskets, racket's, frnech lounges, etc., etc.
-A nice lot of laces and a full assortment of milinery goods at
Mrs. A.J. Pease's
-Mrs. S. Saxton, successor to Mrs. M.E. Griffin, Dealer in all
kinds of Millinery and Fancy Goods.
-Webb Bros. Manufacturers and Dealers in Wagons and Buggies. Shop
on Commercial Street, Strawberry Point.
-Cash Hardward House! H.G. Leichhardt & Co. at W.B. Field
& Son's Old Stand. Now open and ready for business.
-G.H. Scofield - a full stock of groceries, drugs and medicines.
-B.W. Newberry, Real Estate Ag't, Strawberry Point. Attorney at
Law. Notary Public and Loan Agent.
-E.B. Williams, Druggist and Bookseller. A large stock of Drugs,
-A.R. Cole, Attorney at Law. Office one door east of M.E. church.
-J.J. Stringer. Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Collections
Agent. Auctioneering made a specialty. Strawberry Point.
-Dr. H. Newell Sill, surgeon and physician.
-S.N. Bixby, M.D., physician and surgeon.
-Blake House, Alek Blake proprietor. Located on corner of Elkader
and Mission streets.
-City House. E.C. Hills, proprietor, Volga City, Iowa. Excellent
accommodations. Good Stabling, etc.
-L.K. Andrews, Auctioneer.
-Newberry & Son. Printers.
-Bernhard Fritze, Custume Tailor, Cutting and Repairing promptly
attended to. Clothing made to order.
-F.W. Moine, Queensware, Stoves and Glassware. Tinware.
-Alekander Massey. Draying.
-Barnes House P.W. Keith Proprietor.
-A.D. Eaton, Dentist.
[transcribed by S.F., July 2009]