Iowa Old Press

Clayton Co. Journal
Elkader, Clayton Co. Iowa
July 26, 1871

On Monday Mr. Joseph Kramer, of this place, was out in the neighborhood of Volga City buying cattle and had repaired to the farm of Mr. Stacy, father-in-law of Mr. Livingood, of Elkader. They had tied a rope around the cow's horns and endeavored to lead her up to the house, but as she saw Mr. Kramer, a stranger, stretched out on a buffalo robe, she reared up and broke away frightened and furious. Mrs. Stacy ran after her into the brush when the cow turned upon her with her horns threw her down and with her hoofs tramped upon her, and before the infuriated cow could be driven away Mrs. Stacy had her collar bone and three ribs broken and a severe gash cut in the upper part of her thigh. The cow had been a pet with Mrs. Stacy; she had raised her from a calf and many a time fed her from a dish in her hands, and she had no earthly reason to expect injury from her. Mrs. Stacy was carried into the house and Mr. Kramer hastened to Volga City after Dr. J. W. McLean, who seeing the serious wounds she had received, immediately sent for Dr. D. W. Chase, with whose assisstance the wounds were dressed, and yesterday the patient was doing as well as could be expected, but of course the wounds are serious and will take some time to heal.

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County