Iowa Old Press

North Iowa Times
McGregor, Clayton co. Iowa
July 17, 1867

Died. At Hardin, on Tuesday, July 9th, Maria Pearson, wife of Geo. W. Pearson. Her illness was very brief; her age 36. The deceased was one of the most estimable of women. A lady friend who gave us information as to her death, was very eulogistic in her praise. Mrs. Pearson was a member of the Congregational Church at Carnavillo, and a model in all the relations of life -- wife, mother and neighbor. She leaves three children to bear the storms of life without the tender care of that best of all persons -- a mother.

Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given that at the June term, 1867, of the Board of Supervisors of Clayton County, Iowa - a petition was prepared asking a re-location of the County Seat from Elkader to Garnavillo, in said county. And it was ordered by the said Board that at the next General Election holden in said county, a vote shall be taken between the points designated in the petition, to-wit: Elkader and Garnavillo. And the following named Constables are required to post notices of the order as above, for said County Seat election , in three public places in of their respective townships, at least fifty days before said election, viz:
John Herdman, for Buena Vista
J.B. Ross, for Boardman
Thomas Sargent, for Clayton
Volney Wheeler, for Cass
H.J. Scovel, for Cox Creek
A.J. Smith, for Elk
Samuel Benjamin, for Farmersburg
E.B. Lyon, for Grand Meadow
C. L. Angier, for Giard
S.J. Bevins, for Highland
Edward Wimmer, for Jefferson
M.R. Tough, for Lodomillo
Syver Johnson, for Marion
Philip Hansel, for Mallory
F.W. Richardson, for Millville
James Davis, for Mendon
Geo. W. Oathout, for Monona
Valentine Herman, for Read
John F. Jersey, for Sperry
Joseph Watt, for Volga
Charles R. Anderson, for Wagner
The ballot at said election shall designate that it was cast for the County Seat, and name the place voted for.

- John S. Clow - Paints Portraits on Canvass, front Photographs. He also colors photographs of all sizes, in oil or in water - at L. Peavy's Gallery.
- Scott & Gould - Duty to ourselves and Customers requires us to say to our friends and the public that we can no loner LOAN or HIRE OUT Crockery and Glassware for any purpose whatever. McGregor, July 4th, 1867
- McGregor Planing Mill, on Upper Market Square. Sash, Door & Blind Machinery for sale! One power mortising machine, Tenanter, Sticker, and other Machinery for the manufacture of Sash, Doors & Blinds; all in good condition and may be seen running for the next two weeks, or until sold. The above machinery will be sold at a bargain! and those wishing to purchase anything of the kind would do well to remember that delays are dangerous. Davis, Shores, & Co.
-Worthington, Warner & Parish's Business College and Telegraphic Institute. A.S. Parish, Principal, McGregor, Iowa.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County