Iowa Old Press

Clayton County Journal
Garnavillo, Clayton co. Iowa
August 25, 1859

Married. On the 20th of August, at Garnavillo, Iowa, by Rev. L.P. Mathews, Mr. George W. Olmstead, to Miss A. Eliza Allen.

In this village, on the 16th inst., of the Dysentery, Gertrude, second daughter of Mr. Geo. W. Pearson, aged 2 years, 9 months.
"So fades the lovely, blooming flower,
Frail smiling solace of an hour!
So soon our transient comforts fly,
And pleasure only blooms to die."

It's hereby given the Monday, the 3d day of October, 1859, is fixed by the County Court of Clayton County for the appointment of referees to assign Dower to the widow of William Mead, late of said County, deceased.
Deborah Mead, Executrix of the Estate of Wm. Mead. Adted Aug 23, 1859.

William Thoma, Grocer, Main Street, Garnavillo, Iowa, keeps constantly on hand all kinds of family groceries, such as Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Milasses, ice, &c. The best of Brandy and excellent Beer is also always to be found at this establishment.

F. Andros, M.D., Practitioner of Medicine and Sugery, to which [illegible], especial attention is given. Office on Main Street, Garnavillo, Iowa.

J.M. Hagensick, Gun Smith, Garnavillo, Iowa, respectfully informs the people of Garnavillo and vicinity, that he is now prepared to execute all work in iron, steel, brass or copper. Physicians' implements, such as Trusses and the like are done to order; also all kinds of Tools for mechanics. Rifles and Pistols are manufactured by him. Reapers and Mowers are repaired and infact everything appertaining to a Smith ship. Razors, knives and tools of all descriptions will be sharpened by Mr. H, and all work done by him will be Warranted and the terms found as low as at any Smith shop in the North West. Besides his shop, Mr. Hagensick keeps a good saloon, where refreshing drinks, such as Beer, Wine, &c can always be found.

Saddles for the Millions. The Saddle & Harness Shop by J.S. Engler, Garnavillo, Iowa, has just opened in this place, where any quantity of ready made saddles, harnesses, &c, are kept on hand. Orders will be promptly and neatly executed and satisfaction given, and the charges are as moderate as can be found West of Chicago.

To John B. Brotherhood & Sarah A. Brotherhood. You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Clayton County, Iowa, a petition of James Hughart claiming of you two hundred dollars as money due and interest on the same from the 13th day of September 1858, on a breach of Warrantee Deed made from you to said James Hughart on the 13th day of September 1858 and that unless you appear and answer thereto on or before the morning of the second day of the next term of said District Court, to be holden in said County on the 19th day of September A.D. 1859, judgment will be rendered against you thereon.
Murdock & Scott, Attys for Plaintiff.
Let this notice be published for four consecutive weeks in the Clayton County Journal.
T. Updegraff, Clerk.

Original Notice.
To Eliza Thomson, Madam: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Clayton County, Iowa, a petition of James Thomson claiming of you a divorce from the bonds of matrimony - For cause of willful dissertion for the space of two years and unless you appear and answer thereto on or before the morning of the second day of the next term of said Distraict Court, to be holden in said County on the 19th day of September A.D. 1859, judgment will be rendered against you thereon.
Murdock & Scott, Attys for Plaintiff.
Let this notice be published for four consecutive weeks in the Clayton County Journal.
T. Updegraff, Clerk.

Original Notice.
To D.G. Weisz, Sarah C. Weisz, C.O. Skamp, Applegate & Co., Kaufman & Brother. Sirs: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Clayton County, Iowa, a petition of Hyman Brothers & Co., claiming of you the foreclosure of a mortgage made by D.G. Weisz, & Sarah C. Weiz, to Hyman Brothers & Co., C.O. Skamp, Applegate & Co., & Kaufman & Brother and that unless you appear and answer thereto on or before the morning of the second day of the next term of said Distraict Court, to be holden in said County on the 19th day of September A.D. 1859, judgment will be rendered against you thereon.
Murdock & Scott, Attys for Plaintiff.
Let this notice be published for four consecutive weeks in the Clayton County Journal.
T. Updegraff, Clerk.

Is hereby given that my books and accounts have been placed in the hands of R.S.S. Andros, Esq., for collection. Thoses indebted to me are requested to pay immediately, or their accounts will be collected by law without respect to persons. Alpheus Scott, Esq., is no longer [remainder cut off my copy]

[transcribed by S.F., January 2009]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County