Iowa Old Press

North Iowa Times
McGregor, Clayton co. Iowa
March 27, 1857

In Grand Meadow, Iowa, March 22d, by Linus Edson Esq., at his residence, Mr. Slomon M. Whitford of Monona, to Miss Mariam Barclay of Grand Meadow.

At Monona, of Consumption, at the residence of Mrs. B. Megonigle, March 13th, Mrs. J.E. Winters, daughter of Mr. B. and Mrs. C. Megonigle, and relict of S.S. Winters, late deceased, aged 22 years. Once and again has death entered that home and claimed another as its own. It had been evident for some time, the disease being such that the casket would soon be too weak to retain the jewel. Yet amid all her suffering of body, and the loss of a dear companion -- the Oak around which the vine clung so tenaciously -- she was enabled to lean upon that arm which is Mighty to save, and bless the rod of affliction. No murmuring escaped her lips, not a complaining word over the loss of health did she utter, but with an unwavering faith in the promises of God, she desired to lay aside this mortal drapery and gaze upon the glories of Paradise without a veil between. Thus has passed away a consistent Christian leaving an example worthy of imitation, and though her body may rest beneath the clods of the Valley, we look forward to a glorious meeting place.

"Where the faded flowers shall freshen,
Freshen never more to fade;
Where the shaded sky shall brighten
Brighten never more to shade;
Where the Sun blaze never scorches,
Where the Star beams cease to chill,
Where no tempest stirs the echoes
Of the wood or wave or hill;
Where the morn shall wake in gladness
And the Moon the joy prolong;
Where the day light dies in fragrance
'Mid the burst of holy song;
Loved one we shall meet and rest
'Mid the holy and the blest!
Where the hidden wound is healed,
Where the blighted life reblooms,
Where the smitten heart the freshness
Of its bouyant youth resumes;
Where the love that here we lavish
On the withering leaves of time,
Shall have fadeless flowers to fix on,
In an ever Spring brightclime;
Where we find the joy of loving
As we never loved before --
Loving on unchilled unhindered,
Loving once and evermore;
Loved one we shall meet and rest
'Mid the holy and the blest."

[transcribed by S.F., June 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County