Iowa Old Press

Clayton County Herald
Garnavillo, Clayton co., Iowa
June 8, 1855

On the 1st inst. in the 32nd year of his age, of consumption, Alexander Thompson, son of Mathew Thompson of Monona Township. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss.

Local and Personal
-The first number of the Elkader Tribune, has made its appearance, and from the appearance of the paper and the tone of the editorial, we think it will be found a valuable acquisition to the county at large, and to the town in which is is located particularly. Long may it wave.

-Clayton - Frank Smith is doing a tremendous business in the ferrying line. We made a trip across the "krick" on the new boat, and find that she is just what she ought to be. She was built at Clayton too!

-Clayton - the foundation for a foundry building has been commenced, and the building will be finished this fall. Messrs. George and Adam Keen are the proprietors, both enterprising and energetic men. Success attend them.

-McGregor - G.G. Border has taken the Iowa House, and changed th ename to "Upper House". He tells us that he is now ready to accommodate "man and beast".

-Guttenberg - The new steam ferry boat was blown to pieces on Friday last, killing one man and severely wounding two others. There were sixteen men on the boat at the time of the explosion, several of whom were considerably hurt; most of them have recovered, however. The engineer was one of the two severely wounded, and was tho't at the time to be beyond recovery, but he is doing very well and wil doubtless soon be well. The man who was killed leaves a wife and family to mourn his untimely death. Efforts are now being made to put on another boat as soon as possible.

-Littleport - Dennis Quigley will receive proposals for building a bridge across the Volga river, near the residence of Dennis Quigly, until Saturday, the 23d day of June next.

The will of Victor Westiner will be admitted to probate on the 1st Monday of July, 1855.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2015]


Clayton County Herald
Garnavillo, Clayton co., Iowa
June 15, 1855

On the 7th inst., by R.C. Drips, J.P., Mr. John Kossuth and Mrs. Mary Geisler.

In Farmersburg, Sunday morning on the 10th inst., Ellen T., daughter of C.B. and F.C. Abbott, aged one year, two months and eighteen days.

County History
We expect to commence the publication of the History of Clayton county, in our paper of the 29th inst. As the first part of the history will be a description of the county as it now is, it will be imprtant to those who desire to possess the work, to subscribe previous to the time mentioned.

Local and Personal
-Gutenberg* - Mr. Nicklaus informs us that the Ferry Boat has been replaced by the Eagle, of Dubuque, which has been engaged until the disabled boat has been repaired and put in running order. One of the men wounded by the late explosion, has died of the injuried received.

-Gutenberg - Daniel E. Meyer has opened a stock of goods in the Union Hotel, where he invites the people to call and see him, promising to sell as cheap as possible. See advertisement.

-Gutenberg - Our friend J.P. Kriebs has opened the Prairie House, a public house on Front stree, in Gutenberg, and we doubt not but the traveler who stops with him, will find everyting of the right kind, and plenty of it.

-We are gratified to hear that the Turkey river bridge at Judge Pearson's place has been let to a new contractor, who, we are informed, is pushing the work with an energy that would seem to command success.

-The sheriff arrived home on Saturday from a trip to Fort Madison, whither he had gone in charge of Harold, White and Wilson, sentenced at the last term of Court. He had no trouble with the convicts, except that the bejewelled gentlemen grumbled terribly at being confined over night in the jail at Davenport, which we are disposed to regard as an institution not to be boasted of.

Public Sale of Stock
I will offer for sale, at public Auction, on Friday, July 6th, 1855, at my residence on Turkey River, 20 cows and calves; 25 two and three year old heifers and steers and two colts.
Richard Pearson

Notices [abstracted from full text]
-Petition of Jacob Nicklaus, Executor of B.H. Goedke, late of Hamilton county, Iowa, deceased, for the appointment of referees to assign the dower of Adelaide Goedke, the widow of the deceased, in the following lands, to-wit: [list of lots followed].... the application of Jacob Nicklaus to sell the real estate to pay debts of the deceased will be heard at the July term of the county court of Clayton county.

-Michael Vogt has been appointed executor of Baptiste Vogt, late of Clayton county, deceased.

-The will of Victor Westiner will be admitted to probate on the 1st Monday of July, 1855.

-The last will and testament of Thomas McCraney, late of Clayton county, deceased was presented to the Probate Court of Clayton County at the June term of said court; that Mary Ann McCraney was appointed special executrix to settle the Estate as provided in said will; and the said will will be again publicly read and proved a the July term of Probate court.

-H.S. Granger has been appointed and qualified as executor of the Estate of Henry Fuel, dec'd.

[*transcription note: Guttenberg was spelled Gutenberg throughout this paper; transcribed by S.F., February 2015]


Clayton County Herald
Garnavillo, Clayton co., Iowa
June 29, 1855

At the residence of Mr. L. Weber, near Garnavillo, on Saturday 23d inst., Mary S., daughter of George W. and Maria H. Pearson, aged 3 years, 5 months and 13 days.
Little children come to me,
Jesus said: Forbid them not;
E'en on earth! 'tis Heaven to see
Jesus bless lambs of his flock,
But now past this vale of tears,
Mary fills a brighter place,
Saved a turn of sorrowing years,
Mary dwells in his embrace.

Volga City - Dr. Woodward informs us that the citizens of this enterprising town intend to celebrate the Glorious Fourth in true '76 style.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County