Iowa Old Press

Clayton County Herald
Garnavillo, Clayton co., Iowa
February 23, 1855

Garnavillo Lodge, No. 29, I.O.O.F.
Hall on Main st. Meets every Friday night.
A.W. Drips, N.G.
E.P. Atkins, V.G.
Ezra Hurd, R.S.
W.L. Behlman, T.

County Officers
Elias H. Williams, County Judge
Sanford L. Peck, Recorder and Treasurer
Robert R. Read, Clerk of District Court
H.S. Granger, School Fund Commissioner
Gilbert Douglass, Coroner
Ezra Hurd, County Surveyor
Thomas G. Drips, Sheriff
O.F. Stevens, Prosecuting Attorney

Died, at Littleport, in this county, on the 9th instant, Margaret Nading, aged 4 years, 11 months.

Notices [abstracted by the transcriber]
-Feb. 2d, 1855. Maria Hunter was appointed Executrix of John Hunter, late of Clayton county, deceased.

-Feb. 23, 1855. Jacob Horsch, Executor of Herman Gruenwald, has filed his bond, and qualified as said executor, according to law.

-Feb. 9th, 1955. Flavilla H. Freeman was appointed Executrix of Thomas L. Freeman, late of Clayton county, deceased.

-Taken up by John Smallfield at his residence in Farmersburg, on the 12th of January, 1855, six head of neat cattle [description of each animal followed]; appraised before Isaac A. Stoddard, JP by William C. Randel, Daniel Brownson and James Palmer.

-Taken up by Wm. Schulte, a red and white heiffer. The owner is requested to pay charges and take her away.

-Taken up by Richard McBride, at his residence in Farmersburg, on the 31st day of Dec. 1854, a red and white cow; appraised before Isaac A. Stoddard, JP by David Smith and David Bachtell.

-Taken up by Charles Kelly, at his residence in Farmersburg, on the 28th of Jan. 1855, a sorrel horse colt. appraised before Isaac A. Stoddard, Justice of the Peace for Farmersburg township, by Silas T. Woodward and Alonzo Ballou.

-Strayed from Jesse Robinson, about the first of October, 1854, a yearling sorrel colt. Whoever will give information of its whereabouts at George Teeter's or Mrs. McAndrew's in Clydesdale, shall be liberally rewarded.

-Taken up by Plattoon Lapointe, at his residence at French Town, on the Mississippi River, in Clayton county, on the 4th day of December, 1854, a bay horse, supposed to be 8 or 9 years old.

Information Wanted
Of Ellison Tottingham, who resided in Massena, St. Lawrence county, N.Y., about the year 1835 or 1836, shortly after which time he went to Canada and has not since been heard of by his brother, who is anxious to obtain intelligence of his whereabouts. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by Elias Tottingham, at Garnavillo, Clayton county, Iowa. New York and Canada papers, please copy.

New Ferry Boat
Frank Smith has commenced the building of a Steam Ferry Boat at Clayton which is designed for use on his ferry at that place. Success attend the enterprise.

School News
Mr. Killam's school will close on Wednesday next. Miss Rickards has taken charge of the school for smaller children. The term commenced on Monday of this week.

Yankee Settlement Cash and Barter Store - Extensive stock of Fall & Winter goods, crockery, hardware, groceries, patent medicines, &c. Lodomillo Township. J.S. Belknap, proprietor.

Miler & Bass: Dealers in stoves, stove pipe, tin and copper ware. McGregor's Landing.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County